
No, I don't need those UB classmate, but you have to educate them. I said that facebook social media they use mine, I post things were 20 years ago they used to me - talking to them, typing on that comment box.

The Social Media or the Web 2.0. You type inside any other youtube channel, comment box? That enter key? Having an interaction with the author?  So right now, the Youtube they have this concept Web3 and that has an explaination and the history how far we coming in the technology.

I told UB, I taught myself? They didn't need to get on any of those, they went to this....copy Frozen and paste to their own movie scheme, God knows what's the real file-ing behind and what they tell their parents at all.

I wish Peyton will do that with his friends, don't care how many those junks thing, just be happy. But I tell him the student clubs other than....right.

When people growing up, they grew apart, and so are me and UB them. Maybe me and Westlife will grow apart too at this given points of the diverging things. 

Some people cared about the money things. I do care about it. 

I am learning my methods, that doesn't mean I agree or don't agree with Westlife, we are 2 different worlds and sometimes the reality will clash. I don't need to be with a guy, I have my own money issue, they have their own Kian's property all those stuffs.

But each when we grew up, we stand, we talk, we negotiate, we go approach, we file the paper works, independently, and rely on each other. Wishing each other well, if they go where?????

I don't need to keep staring at them, they all SA going to the DC all by themselves? 

You know what is rely on you yourself? 

It doesn't need to be a leadership, the file-ing of the tax building, the court room judge discussion, or whichever they go on their worlds they were train when they were younger.

I got trained in a different brain, I do math or the science, or the technical procedure? 

Shane stands next by me, correct me per math? You know that is not at our age....right now. I stare at the camera, or my head, until these per saying per writing, per calculation was perfect in front of the people or the chalk board, or on my paper, and re-draft that on the blogger?

So this is the age, you do that for your parents, your in-law and your kids. You educate them, to polish them, and make them independent alone. 

So pretending me and Shane in the Washington D.C, Shane cannot go to the Wal-mart, its Brian and Nicky.

"You 2, here, are the 2 carts, American Wal-mart design like here is the walkway....sorry for the snow, this carpet, now....you see this isle all the way from left to right, this is how they design the Wal-mart, on the top, you seeing the label with your eye contact lens. We starting at the bread, or the flower area?! Nicky ~~~"

"Here is the freezer, here is the women's me need the pajamas. Here are the.....you all pushing the carts, today we only do the food shopping, I come back by myself or you all come back here at this one isle, we check out from here."

"If you two just want to push the carts, then I put the identical things on your both carts, and mine stuffs. "

"MY stuffs."

No, Mably don't think you all ladies this or that.

They all lied. He is a gay. But saying the driving, you without his world, its a freedom and a responsible drive - the dollar store, the wal-mart, the restaurant, and the DMV office how you land, to rent, to GPS, to talk, to hold the car key, or the pursue exactly like the Youtuber.

What if?

What if? 

Right now, any of this is no no no no no. But, when the American airplane arrives I need to get the passport and the driving license immediately they hand it to me, I start on my own? You all ladies never thought about that? 

The NYC, or California? I have only 2 documents, the passport and the driving license, I am the Buddhism Top, what I am capable to do with that 2 piece of the documents? 

The dollar Tree (Canada)

The Best Buy

The Canadian Tier

The Home Depot, The Wal-mart, the Lowe's, the Office Depot, the Grocery store, the Japanese restaurant, the Chinese or Asian store, the spice, the culinary, the jar, or the bottle, or the Amazon?

Right, its on my money !!! That is one thing they don't think about it anymore. 

The Game of Throne, the geographic location, the seeing, the movie, or the PC games?

Something becoming real, you have not trained anyone else !!!

I am saying it out very clear and loud, they reading those.....whatever the novel makes them happy, that is fine. How can they becoming like that?! I scream ~~~~~ The 90s all boybands, all right....I am on my own ~~~~!!!

What if this entire situation IS REAL, and VERY VERY real, to even you all inept ladies get a call to get up?

Meaning cooking for 10 people on a table, starting at your very near, not Mably?

I personally didn't think very real, but this Mably where is he, he does that for fun, or that is just a rehearsal? 

Cooking a pizza dough, not in frying, in making a real pizza?  The Target visiting the kitchen iron plate, or the bigger flat steel how to bake those bread? FOR 10-20 guys, if this Westlife means to me that much?

What if?

My mother + nick + 3-5 Tina, Pang near stuffs? Leo and Austin, the youth with their luggages, they run in this city they all knowing where? To packages? 

Shane needs to be that cat ~~~~~

The Panda's brother, or where is that Meghan?


Hugh? His kid? + his other best friends to raise the kids all together?


Some other things?

When someone needs to die, you just tell them, be dead, right.

That's fine.

But at least open your mouth and say it. 

It can be something or it can be nothing !!!!

Whatever this Mably puts up to do, you all decide to live in Japan forever? 

This is your son's news.


You two preparing him !! 

I never trust any Panda or the animal worlds in anything to be honest.... You remembered or something got told to any of you, or anything in life, its all filled up regrets from every mouth, not just the dog's mouth - Catching Fires means.

Your UK news were the movement in England is heighten, so you all need to move out?

Well, you have your microphone, if....or + some other people put up to where....I cannot see the faces or the locations.

You all get very nervous at speaking per words out and looking at the table with the youth faces. The first second to the last min.

This is the most urgent things?

You looking it down, and look forward, its where you raise up your head, and your back spine, sometimes, you straight up your back, you are, but...you consciously take 2 second break, not......I imagine it wrong.  How long you holding that wire to the microphone distance? You cannot get a tall stool to sit on it?  Are you guys / the girls' in contest of this? 

A normal girl like you to get fired up to do something, you at least finding out your own worth? 

Just once, already pass? Last week when Hugh finally finds a housing, they all settling in and settling down to wait for the furniture? 

Movies: you, Ola, Dean, Lee, Wing's those secrets, prince all those things?

The conversation to gear to Life and DC.

Here (9:11)

Maybe just the last 3 min. The real talk when you are all dead in 40 years. 

Your kids dying out, your parents dying out. Those debates to the highest literacy its the judge, the lowest is that Harry the hole inside the brain, all around near you. A cup those William and Ashley, red face, red bold head, tilted, DRUNK, with you all buddy 8 billions people, except, 10 dogs lay down on the room the orderly order we see on the animal channels.

Zawanna says he needs tea.

Other than the Sailor moon transformation.

2 giant corns what are those on the buttom of the foot.

chinese ancient PC games. (we don't believe those stuffs in the modern snail pace time)



98 Degree

7 Earth, and the sutra is not about the Earth (I wonder why....)

The kid on the roller blades.

Square's uncle.

Westlife song, lyrics Shane memorize...  "I Wanna know...who told you...."

Tell me, in your life, what you wish to be? A doctor, a lawyer, a dream, a magician, a street belly dancer, a street begger can scam a lot of the money if you try, a prostituter, a human traffic business, a Star War, or be a military....an officer desk jobs, a police, a fireman.

The dream in your life, be more sexually provocative, or poise, or graceful, or people begging you girls, or the taller girls, or the plastic, or the hair, all that in combination.

Why you change your course of that life, something stopping you?

You are not good enough to be in that profession? Its the faith issue, or its the dignity, no time issue to choose the school major, too many student activities like me? 

You don't drop your kids, or your father/ mother, or in-laws near by when you shape up a certain life to go and joining in and bet on any life. You can talk about it, analyze about it, saying the evidence, and finding it out the particular things in those shapes or the forms.

The public some older women like about you, they, or she is calling you through your all guards, to get rid of me, so they all coming near. I wish you are not in my peripheral including this Mably. -------- That will be your main or solely the real jobs as the England royal presentation coming forward, not splitting so many pieces in front of the publics, and what is that I am seeing it here? There is something worse than that? its real or its not real.

You suppose to utter these words to your kids one day when they grew up !!! I pretend that King to be my bf - the first love?! He will be dead when you repeated this words to your husband's kids 1 and 2 and 3. You ready to say all that to them? Or saying that to the King no matter how many location you have to change? 

Whenever you reading this, you ready to talk to one of them pretending you talk to a wall?

Inside your chest, you can do this jobs? And why I am on this jobs never stop?

You don't talk to your kids, I talk to nick's grand kids, they grew up.

"Your nono used to say....."

Nono in Westlife song: Italian grandpa.

I think my face never changed, when my mood is bad ~!!! People make their life choice decision just in a split of the moment.

"Your nono, when he was the kid 5 years old, one day you gonna born kids to make your father bloods in his mouth all over....its when they grew up like your size, but he didn't grow tall. I think he die for his own good cause to say, we separate far apart, he should be dead. Seriously, and this is what you gonna say that to your father or your mother....whatever this is you going on with another....whom?" 

"One of those things your nono cannot shut up, it was I don't talk, my mother was a mute when she was in her high school photo. Nono has a lot of those photo collection, he has a memory what he used to be, that will not be in this land, and he talked about it, correct."

"Not in this land means, he is the only family capable to....land somewhere to imagine he was coming here with his entire family, not him along to go through with it. I mean the hell fire. You are not leaving home. I left, remember?"

No, not the planet-to-planet sueing the classify materials

If I reborn, its a lot better family supports to go to the better school, the system file? The Earth is not developed to use the system file until pending 500 years later it might be delaying longer too.

You mean the same age groups of the friends, you will be 10x happier, but those are not the correct friends, those? I don't like the mental retarded people to facilitate my English language, but it might be so true over this EF issue, so ...I take it.

You can talk to the catholic priest about that one decision, no, no turn back time. No.

There is something done on the background, Dean or Adam or whom....they flying it back to their different nations or flying Mon-Wedn-Fri....including nick relocated his entire family to Italy, whatever that stories sound like when I am not in Canada, and he comes in every 6 months, one of those tales. I am not sure what I hear.

He is the real nick, or they were all dead in the 80s, there is a difference. The Full House. 

Including breaking the people's bones in half one of those.....American supposed to be the most cruel race so I exist, they knowing that, or they will know the future, every junction of their evolution.

No, I wait.

Wing might be living in the airport terminal. I happened to see him, on the road in CA, and here I talk to the vendor, someone from Hong Kong, those Lords of Rings. It may not be those girls like the Chinese Drama romantic, but...I don't know why or anyone could possibly lives inside the airport terminal. It would be him = Mon-Wedn-Fri keep flying in, and know what truth. That time, you know the movie already.

No one will care for him, to solve his legal cases, or whatever something. People from the jail over 20-30 years, and hot iron, cold iron, and this classroom, one doctor they want to find, and its none of those pre-med, they think if he comes forwards, this classroom activity, he decides their death sentence, how to cold or hot iron with the cold shower.

So...next year, for a length of the years time they were in prison. Again,...they are the brand new him, finding the real doctor in that classroom. Its not Dr. T to blame in any excuse. Its to find a correct MD, to help, to literally shape up to help.

These are 20 years gone, I cannot possibly find them, know them, or....all these delays my bed suffering, all of this were the results of the classroom activities. 

They had a lot of those plans for the honor class or in their education implementation to train the correct doctor. The America supposes to have a real doctor. Correct, all of this is the classroom activities, and you drop all that to be with one person.

They....probably think you prefer that life without the classmate, a girl sound like you, dress like you will never get near in your one lifetime chance to look back those glamorous life, and you rather to stay in that life, no matter that pride is a lot more not hurting you, than those mediocre of the average girls shuffle penny for a coffee to say 5 times in your life has the coffee shop friends, and the suitcase to travel to another worlds for a job, you got let go.

SMCH those 2 garbage things? Its the System data files

Someone does these gazillion times know how to at 0.7 civilization the human brain nerve cells only contain 60% IQ, one of those on average.

You want to know whom is "Someone" does that gazillion times to what kinds of the civilization, or you want to know if that is targeting just one you.....remaining all those 1000 civilization Earth sphere, its 1000 you beautiful on target like hanging on the top of the cross?


Probably its a man

Too lazy to explain 1000 times how they done that and always won the case.

My lunch, my news, sorry.....

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