
Sailor Moon (Ola)

You really writing them ?! Since 2014 or ...Aria is Tina's kid.

Your plots would be Chinese make Hank and Tina signs and...American says no, so they promises to kill Tina with those kids. You done this kinds of the plot very very very much in almost everything, everywhere, any tiny things that is on the movie or the TV all the time, all the time. You thinking Taiwan and Chinese is the same? This looks like Taiwan security, but it should be label as a Chinese?! 

Charlie and Director has to sit on my father that side of all table. I used to go to a Go Game worlds, so ....there is a map and the road how he used to drive. I won't know, of course not. Arc Light, Tesla's first funding company in the water ditch where he met Johnson and Katherine those days in America, he was from Lica. 

Those house ladies I think something is not right.....I realize. All of them have some issues. But it might be England, I think. 1st and 2nd should never mix, one of those ending results, I am guessing. When you grew up, you never thought about it. Finally its the family all together to re-settle in the California. England King's name happened to Charlie, too. 

I am deciding how many these past tables .....yeah. Not sure. From Taiwan if I knew BTX it was ....any part added it up.  I think I got way too too too many new System Lawyers those, so if its a lot more in-court room, that is a close door, me somewhere in this 200 countries anywhere on the map with that one close-door room. 1 person getting an interface or remains these communication, files wireless.

You go and confess to any guy yesterday or these few days? That is the changing wind means? Too much pride, that is the AI telling me or Thor telling me, I cannot tell them apart. 

I cannot put my photo on ....

The Washington DC table. I only say standing there in front of this one door close no one sees worlds. The table those are the spot light, and the table cloth with the dining and the guests or the speakers and they meet someone all together, because they are all Asian. 

I am waiting ....to think what you should be imaging how you plan these table with?? Any plan other than the comic book the inside plots or the inside content, what if you are free will to will any magic tricks? I assuming everyone can go and vent to someone, including me.

When I am done. 

Just by myself? Yes.

They are not there? No! They are not done yet. How can they be there? 

Because, when too many Earthquake happened, and all these typhoon, my brain....also have some other imagination if I looking at the sky or someone will literally tell me, 6 months will end and this is not continue like this youtube prophecy sent to me say in 2025? They predict. 

No, I don't feel to go anywhere, but I had those sensation for some strangest reason....I am in one of the 200 small tiny room, I don't imagine those things, but the sensation looks like I stand there in it.  If I am at those session, I will never reach to where you all gather, or you gone with your parents, and they go with their graduate school, they each finished the medical school. Their new environment, or they collect the friends they know. 

There is a purpose, but I won't be there !!!

I am not 100% sure, because no one literally explains to me, its just me telling everyone what I think it should be, but I never done that in my life. I knew something, not I know the details...so if they collect you all, we are in the calamity, that is the correct situation, I will not know where should be assigned to where. So if those session at that time to take off, I will never make it back to the US, or anything near you all finish your banquet and left, and I am still not finished yet. 

I just have those sensation, I cannot....tell you where that comes from.

Tamang transfers back from SABA, that will be the USMLE 1, and you finish your MCAT to get in the 1 year after that time, right? Dean got back and graduate and gone to FL. I was 2006, he should be in 2008. 

Tamang would be 2005 he left to SABA finish should be 2007 back to the US. The first USMLE.

You should be in 2007 graduate, and 2008 Kodak, and 2009 you got in where and then Louisiana that was last time I read. 

They tell me from the facebook, so I read it back to them. They know they drop the school in lies, or those years were shape up fine?

No, I had a Flower Thousand Bone. I remembered...something.

There is a guy to that disciple, coming in and out of that mountain, that would be Mat?

Another would be 11th, between the brother and the sister, trespassing the mountain.

2 people.

You never seen a guy that time dating Mat? 1 guy in UB classroom?

Mark like Karen's brother, your own brother I guess. 

You staying in the dorm, you remembered. No one else in this UB scholarship program, you got no table in the seating together all there? You have to literally calling someone and that person agrees you meet up, I don't think its Dean and all that. 

No, some shorter girls didn't talk to anyone in the midst of all that, yeah, she or them might just all sitting alone, could. I am guessing in my mind. But they got a phone number to tell one of them, she is going in?! That decency, someone knew someone ?

You got one phone number, you hiding, or you waiting to trumpet alone?! 1 sticking out, the thorny, right?  You cannot get a plan the last time, why my head hurting, the psychi sense so badly, you and Fatima?

Jonas with that pharmacy girl + Fatima, is Knock Knock

No more you imagination? That time we knew they were ....together? That is the silly reason, I could get so much hurts that time, screaming out loud? 

(Slam the door) or Dean's any profile.....

When I can rest my head like now.....at least lesson all these pains, I would think back, where you all ending up everywhere on the map, and we used to. You are the first time knowing this 2 days ago ? Everyone is the early assurance program? Not that sky photo? Not the Hermione the skyscraper those songs, or something from Adele, those?

Jonas you knew whom he is? 

Its Eric he sits on your side, you all know each other from the program? 

I think many might just go there alone, those girls, they didn't glue on the classmate one of those, because this is side by to the Big Hero 6, when they get invited. 

When the nation we get these Japan the same.....all around here something never happened before, I am sure that evaluation is constant the next 5 years at least. I used to see something alike, you all are the witness program. That is why I am saying this I end up one of the 200 line zone, one walking-in room.

I saw it, right. 

The Day You Found Out, you knew what are those sandwich shop means? That is the witness table. Later to separate all out.

In those zones, everything is mild, when I am back to my brain and my environment, I need to be home or America is home, one of those looking clear to me. Just strange....I got somewhere else to go? 

When you finishing confess to the guys or the man, you know...they are the competition, you know Mat's bank account will never tell you what he is in, other than that Flower Thousands Bones looking to anyone else.  That check book all your life since the high school, were true to that one guy every day 9 oclock in the dorm, to meet up together. Inside, hanging on the phone. It will not disclose the next 5-10 years, it will never disclose til he die. So all the UB, its 1 that guy, and 1....that is riding on the Pheonix guy what does that mean.....

The things you cannot control, maybe its in the TV itself, tell you all why. 

You doing all these its to control him .....but that left so long long long long time, not one UB guy knowing what's going on these whole groups ending that banquet table. At least someone got informed.....why you hanging on that gone gone gone things.

Square's TV. That is a strange looking whom that is, and what that plot would be in front of my uncle, and all that. I never say a word. No idea.

I have to go to sleep.

Hope my brain feeling better soon....

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