
The movie that we grew up with.... (my photo next by illustrated)

How dedicate I am in it?

The morning where you all hotel entering that Washington D.C, is the suite or the 2 people share, that you buddy with whom you imagine, you care about the look, or your shape to be on the same table to talk. I used to live in that Silicon Valley those bigger American all hotel personal suite, a lot a lot spacious to be on the phone, or the hotel chef to serve the dining set with the breakfast or the lunch. Mission Impossible 1 ending has a Drake Hotel, i think that is $1500 a day near Hollywood, the last time I leave.....exit there to Silicon Valley I went, my mother behind me. I just left her there. 

The song about the inner voice of all that.

I got told she got killed. Prince of Persia (Sand of Time). Something landed....

You imagine there is a real prince, to put the brain a hole in it, to say that Harry Potter Ph.D English literacy.....with the understanding, or with the patience, or with the correct manner, or with the better stare as a prince, all that. It doesn't exist anymore, and it will get worse going outside to that galaxy we go. SMCH is a religion just ilke the prince idea. Its a very very small tiny thing. Probably we all gonna die so that part of the High Corporates world isn't the instant manifestation...but I already told many people in advance.

Another day of the D.C North East, you told your parents you and your friends will stay there, so that morning you pack up a bag, to commute 1 hour to reach the center part of Washington D.C.

I shouldn't be there, but pretend I am in the personal suite there, its my morning breakfast I settle myself with all the things put on those counter taxi from Wal-mart. The real scene.

"Good morning my website, you all marching from the East timezone, its vertical line cut down the Earth 3D, exactly like that Taiwan you purchase I am the center map. I am where, guess? You buy your American map, how to slice the Earth or the America in 8 times you stop with your clock in the morning. When the sunrise, not Shrek 4."

The Ella Enchanted sound track: Like it ? 

The first time you watch this movie, or the first time I remember this movie, in my room with that rusty Google yet debut Netscape 4, to where no one knows IBM, to find a Kryon and the Hebrew Jewish Bible Code. You heard about? The Bible Code in itself is inside that book. 

"I told Lee when we were cross each other table, he doesn't come by the lab that much, I usually settle there later as the organic tutor. The colleague isn't the classmate saying, how we buddy together to eat a meal. The colleague means we talk about the students we both had in CADS, and another colleague I met that girl for Lee? He would meet her or know and find out what that is. But Lee has so many other buddy friends in his own class.  "

This music sounds right, in the description of these posts written words? 

"The solar calendar is other than the Chinese seasonal agriculture to follow the moon cycle, so that is the lunar calendar that brings the water from the Earth sphere. So if you just only remember 365 days a year, that is fine. We have 24 hours a day, and 7 days working day 5. You going after to your undergraduate to pick a major like my UB Bill side? He is the 20 years down of you all? You all gonna watch that movie and keep yourself inside the X Man Future and the Past? How nice ~~~ Where you all come from? Not this Westlife songs?"

"Those physics sheets I drew, don't need to be inside your going-back to college those years, other than here, you step on those sheets your morning clock when you wake up.....you gonna forget all of this, and open that one door close is another door opens like that otter says in the steam shower place, remember? Its when you focus better and real inside your future career after the undergraduate. "

"No, we are not the magic forest .....Shane is not magical !!! "

"The diagram how you waking up......Here. So many sheets on some website. "

"The latitude will define your every temperature how your skin feel the summer and the winter. America is cold, all that is the North America climate weather system with the weather module you looking at the news weather forecast. If you imagine NASA a little bit or the outside space, its very very cold in those imagine to land on any planet, because Earth is regulate with the ocean and the atmosphere. No, no one will land their ship on our news, other than your weather channel reporting you that day every morning you wake up, not the X Man you close which door to go to the classroom. You getting the new friends, the new students clubs, the new associate, and the working partner, to meet some other Lee, wish he will not end up in that Interstellar, how he drives, or what is that?  " 

"Good morning, you getting your textbook from your university bookstore and the chemistry tool kits? "

"No all these sheets will stay on the website with the Google behind, I am still using these interface. That is not for the medical school, I think. The medical school is on the 3d that website. When you click the sunrise, its not going to be the sunrise dramatic, next next by is the 3d. "

"I don't need these singer or the movies stars, but they are all the celebrity other than your university professors are your next immediate destination, your recommendation will not be another Dr. T or his wife, why don't you ask me how he proposes to his wife, ending up that Mission Impossible 2? 20 years ago, would be your current time in the next 2 or 3 years, and you gonna pop the question to ask? Where that story to gets, from Dr. Ester, not Dr. T's last name?  You sit in his office hours every Friday 3-5, and no night life to sleep til the weekend. Lee works in his lab on his weekend !!! He lives with his gf. He engaged you guess? How we talk about this Ella Enchanted ends? "

"If you stare at your university every flyer on the wall.... that is when I met Jonathon on the way in the Cooke Hall where Dr. T above us 4 floor up?! He was posting his Chess Club flyers. You don't pay attention to where you walk, or rush outside to the parking lot, you drive the car, or live on campus, it is the school shuttle bus? Its your facebook adding more friends, I have no more friends ~~ not just this Ella Enchanted to doubt the best friend position, that will be Laura?! When the EF year ends, Adam was a friend, but he was very young like that Jason with Vicky, and now they are ways too old than my brother 7 years age, or saying Hugh is 3 years younger? These age people growing up fast. You make up your mind, which future you have to sail you yourself in, not the movie schemes how you imagine the future?  "

"That is not what you think?" 

"You are going to Ph.D, then you join those painting idea to the future that comes, similar to Lee. The educator, Dr. T and Dr. Ester T both are. But....most of them are not going to get there, the female professor in the university at the science complex in NSC, that roof was Dean plays the Saiya in Sailor Moon. But these places where when Dr. Nikolas were alive, they got that MIT professor, was the faulty position is...these entire NSC complex, its all these professor lab and their office. Meaning their staffs meeting and the chemistry club meeting. Its every other clubs on the TV, so....they....their mail box doesn't exist. "

"You using their mail box?"

"That time? ...Yes. The key".

" ... ... you get the John Hopkin those look, those white man taller guy's world as the eloquent goes, or if you pass by to see Dr. T ? Dr. Bing is mute in English I guess. You imagine that technology spins, but you have join yourself in the science museum."

"Truman, the otters, the birds, the clouds....the technology or the weather path way, the American map drew, or the painting I drew them, the X Man professors, all of these don't feel like Ella Enchanted, you mean the faulty is not wearing the Shakespears cloth mopping the floor. Its Bii's those military uniform, here goes the Star Trek Pine Chris, again. The material science, all those scene?! You mean you print out all my short writing in these subjects line? It doesn't feel like Ella Enchanted?"

"You mean if you are Ella, and.....you are my look? The voice, the youth face or the face line, or the feature? The singing? ! "

"If Truman's Indian general is dancing with the law librarian....."

"Those law arguments bothering you? "

"The law librarian is the real bar exam lawyer, and the MLS librarian academic degree. These things bother you ?! "

I go to sleep. Its their night market time in this city, or I imagine everyone gone to sleep.  Yeah, I know what's inside the night market, if they are near or they use the taxi service. Probably they give a try in Hugh's posts I did it for him 1 month ago. I don't know. A lot of the people like the night market, they go on a date ! To eat, to play, to talk, to seeing things. Going on a date ! Probably better in Japan !

Finding the shop, finding the road, finding the food, finding the things to buy ..etc. What the military people do, eating and walking !

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