
Ella Enchanted 魔辣公主

I am so sure being a parents its to die on the jobs. Any of this movie in combine. You know how they used to define the generation like X Y Z? Its a terminology, I forget that was 25 years ago in Chinese or in English, can anyone check that?

What is Lucinda's last name? Perry Weather?

So that is not Harry, right?

The Jack and the Beans story was about a small tiny boy climbs up a bean to the top of the sky, where passing through the clouds, to end up in a giant's home. That giant is sleeping, a man. That giant is a man. He sneaks into, not the snake...he sneaks into the home of that sleeping giant.

This is.........      not meeting the parents. This is to meet each other?

You have another series of movies: Meet the Parents. (Simplified Chinese and Tradition Chinese movie name: Meeting the Father-in-Law;  The Door Across The Father is not Right. )

I used to reading a lot of this old literacy. When I was a kid's real age, not my current photo.

1. A Little Princess, the 19th century England upper girl's story.

By Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett

2. Danish: Den Lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne

Next movie: Charlie's Angel.

我非常確定做家長的,就是死在工作上 ! 這所有電影的總和,你們知道,這他們定義這 generation 像說 X generation 然後 Y 跟 Z? 一種講法冠用,大約在 25 年前,中文還是英文,你們有誰可以查一下 ?

那個黑仙女姓氏 聽起來是 Perriweather.

所以那不是哈利? 是吧 ?

Jack and the Beans 故事是說關於一個小男孩爬豆子的數值到天空,那經過白雲,直到巨人的家,這巨人是在睡覺,這是一個男的,他 "偷偷進去" 不是 "蛇"...他偷偷進去這家裏,這巨人在睡覺。

這其實 .......... 不是遇見家長,這是遇見彼此 ?!

你還有其他順序的電影: 遇見家長  (英文我翻,你們有中國: 拜見岳父大人 ;   台灣: 門當父不對 )


1.小公主》(英語:A Little Princess) , 十九世界一個女孩千金的故事

作者: Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett


2. 丹麥的作品: 賣火柴的女孩

下一個電影: 霹靂嬌娃

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