
Movie: Charlie's Angels. 霹靂嬌娃

I think my mother is important. That a very strange guy, my father?! 
Anyway, I think....as a girl me. 1) The money/ the career  2) Stay home with my mother + every floors and the door knobs, and my own bathroom washing everything + the hairs.  3) The water, or the food, or the carrying daily necessity.  4) She knows that is the same schedule every week day and the weekend. Its a very fix daily nap schedule for her and for me.

oh mine ! 

不管如何,我覺得...一個女孩子我  1) 金錢跟執業  2) 待在家裡跟我媽 + 每一個地板,手把、我自己廁所洗潔所有東西+頭髮   3) 這水、食物、扛著這些生活需品  4) 她知道每一天的行程,每一週跟每一個周末,這是一個很固定的,睡午覺時刻表,她跟我 !

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