
Good morning, Kate.

You back well? Anyone coming with you, will be coming together with you. Your kid age can flight, or the emergency place would be in Japan?  Or you and Hugh listens to the commander, getting ready the winter shopping to go to Japan? Anyone taken you to shop, or the shopping mall, other than I wrote that on Hugh's tag words, and everyone sometimes they do walking and trying. I never say that much anymore. Does Hugh get the police to talk to him, his mother talks to him, the problems is being resolved, and whom is this Meghan, or Olivia stays in her room. Everyday I am not staring at each of you, on the mapping points.

So the commander and his next by is a female, they are all taller of course.

You get enough those big cases of the water? Those are the plastic bottle, or Hugh and Olivia has their own stocks, they get used to there is a taxi cargo the 1 week water refill. They weren't at the easy first I can be sure to say that, but they get used to. He doesn't really know you guys, right? To buy you all ladies a common share anything new found, like whom else near by to that Ikea. The other girls, beside the wifes. Any maid or the personal assistant? IKea is not a store for the food shopping.

Anyone comes together with you, your luggage, how to get to Japan, set the date, set the schedule book. Anything the commander didn't say much or all around the environment is a school there.....some shopping store and Pizza Hut. Its for the hockey team, so the entire unit people can arrive there for any emergency reason for all of you.

Your back end exit is not us in Asia, right? You go to Japan, and you find out, and you decide for the rest of your life, raise the kids like I was told, or the planning, or settle your mind, it was talked about 25 years ago, and all that? No, I won't ask you, I just meant your life has to drastically change, you no longer live in the palace, you know what you gonna do, you seeing that future, or anyone put some words inside your brain, where you ought to look at your life, to survive, to social, to build the networks.

You arrive here to build the networks?

Taipei? This time....how do you talk William to let him allows you to leave both of them?

You don't have a stationary to write or draft some of thoughts or feeling how to running back and forth, Korea, Japan or Taipei in your planning psychi wise you calm down your mind, your next road plan. He goes back, has his glory plan? He likes his home.

When you grew up, you get to venture before the palace life at all? This is the first time so many years, you raise the kids, you been to so many venue, your staffs are together with you, right?

And you buying the food for those unit of whom, where they about...they settles, your staffs settle and you settle all that parts, without your schedule book, or planning for you, and then planning for your kids, and William? This is the first time you shop for a stationary by yourself?  No, I mean by how ....?! Not cage to where they assign you a smaller room that time at a ranch or somewhere we don't know where in Japan. You feel more breathing you can see the people walking in the city? We are the city, correct. This one staffs or any staffs coming with you, I cannot see where the people are.....today its the 3rd or 2nd days you got back? No one asking you, or I am occupied. Your water bottle, the fruits, or your own room is smaller in Taipei, all that you can stock up for some biscuit or the cracker, your stomach, or in case those 2, knowing you are their mom? Meghan too?

I cannot see anymore image on......other than Hugh. What did he do all this time by himself.

He got the eye glasses on, he wants to get a new pair, washed, wipe....check it the sun glasses, or wipe, or someone adjust his nose bridge that on the eye glasses. 

No, I ask some general question every few days. I don't actually run any plan for they take care of you all correctly, or the England public, or Ireland's public....someone ensure your transition. You have anyone to talk to, feeling to venture again outside more limited life, and you come to this stage to raise up your 3 kids like the Panda told me Korea and Japan 2 different basket, for anyone but George. This is a very strange thing the Panda makes me understand about a month ago. That is how long you been in Asia, that long?

You get used to the rain? Not the movie word.

The typhoon trajectory and you bookmark these app, to open and close easily? You can do that nicely? So you have use the app or the mobile app, you cannot read the Chinese but you seeing the typhoon trajectory, and we get the wind and the splash at my window, not at the hotel any of you, of course not.

You ever had a hand bag before you get to Japan, set in?

Your staffs pays the money right? Your schedule book, your stationary, your planning write-out, for your kids to grow up, your movie some notes for William, every 2 seconds, his heads needs to straight up, and the chin down? Like you far away reminds him just every 2 days. All that, and your baby wiper, or the alcohol wipe, or just the kitchen napkin, or the tissue box.....not your room is your room that is giant room you had all the stationary?

Your eye glasses case, your eye glasses for them to adjust, and wipe, and spray on it, check it, your nose bridge, the comfort, or you asking them the price? For you and your kids, all these small tiny things before you go?

Your water bottle, your kid's bottle. The alcohol wipe, the pen, the hair band, the make-up. Your staff is surely on site? Your doctor?! I cannot see anything....Where you gonna get all these before you arrive to a new barren land or the water land (they flooded badly this time, too).....WHERE, indoor you have anything to shop at? Your hand bag, your backpack, your running shoes 1 or 2 pair normal, or your kid? You are not planning to be Hugh in Japan north west next by Tokyo to do that otter every did? With a blue tube? That is not the music thing you will be listening and mind blank like you might be very young you used to grow up? That is never they really do that to you, right?

They, England?! Your staffs where are they....and you ending up by yourself on the plane, or they understood you didn't shop here yet.....but I assume you coming it back to get ready like Hugh, all his backpack and every 3C, his world. You would be raise the kids world and the education all stationary supply, or the thermal bottle, all that?

No, I know the commander. Not personally. What he says to you.

I live here, I know, too. 

Are you used to a city feeling like? No one really too many people like China, or Time Square on the New Year Eve their known ball will drop and be on the news?

Like you have to dress or walk like your royal channel to all big event to go. You live like that the first time you enter the palace life, someone told you, you will be leaving that 25 years ago, how they settle your everyday life? Are you using the sneakers for your kids to walk correctly? Not using the metro in Tokyo, I mean. Not this Hugh. He got detained, questioned, left yet?

You coming back here.....to the commander's says, and? You told William with the kid there. 

I suppose to be here, only because I live at my own home. I assume there is nothing else other than lock it my door. But here Taipei is not the blonde race, or Japanese girls will be a lot more fashion, but correct, the race reason, they are a lot mild here, not Japanese idea, and all that. But there is no fashion in this city like England all those event venue. You need to watch yourself with the local, and what if the America for any reason its to flight, I live there, or Ireland, in case? Not Mably there?

You see all the photo of ME, so looks like 1 blonde here speaking in English.

I take down the photo so long, you feeling its all the black hair Asian talking in Chinese. No, they speak the correct Mandarin. Not those parrots. You guys will NEVER ending up those back seat of the Adam Hailey Motorcycle back seat. Not those....scooter.

The higher end, would be their Japanese Royal, or the VIP some Corperate world in Japan, you ready to do that. You talk to your staffs some future plan, raising the kids, input the education, so their manner knowing its to talk to this "one phone number, one phone."

"MY phone", its their future plan?

You put that in your mind, draft, write, draw, the big piece of the Art paper in the stationary. 

No, once or twice a year, you meeting YOUR kid grew up to one of them in Japan, but you can have 5 of them in 1 year, the rest of the days you sleep, you home, you rest, and cook, or your kids study, and you wait home, a very fix 9-5 then sleep, home, wash up. No more running about, how is your stomach. You nourish yourself, and text message William or forward some of the video to your What's Up App, or Chat room box (Facebook), and you first text 2 people, William and your kids 123, that is the family chat room boxes, and your staffs.

Then Japanese these 365 days, you only seeing 5 or 10 family, not social a lot. Dress up to meet?

The rest years are the 2 semester the school, or they are going to America university or Oxford? How they planning to brain their IQ, right now, you teach them per word, per writing, per English listening or the Japanese words?

The city school, the city principle, the city competition?

1 in England, 2 in Korea and Japan, how does the Panda told me that in 2 different basket?

Or King is the One, you 5 here in Asia? The American school? We always called them the American school, here in Asia. The exact name including the map searching.

You knew that by heart, memorize like your staffs told you, settle your front scene, you know how you flight back here THIS time?

You got scared what the commander told you? 

The current location

You 2 gonna fight over HERE the marriage court, that kind? Hugh goes to Japan then Vancouver where his friends allows him to do this drug things, I think. Its a needle he hides below his bedding, or his luggage. To his left arm.

Shane and Mark is in the Philippine?

You planning to enter their university in America Ivy League those standing?

So if you settle this Taipei American School, its a very fix schedule, so they can make it the SAT or ACT and then GRE. You put their mind earlier they must attain their school, they will focus a lot better this very fix location to location by car, and speak to the English, and the teacher's lesson, and not venturing all around Taipei, but they get to walk with the sneakers.

If they grow up like that, they are free to walk anywhere with their head watching their bags. Or just by car all the time? They still be on the newspaper, but "they walk"?

No, if ...they are younger, and cram the school to America, both are not their flag land, its the convenience and the purchase power, they just keep walking or transit here in Taipei, when you are not looking at them. You still go with their 4 years university at them living all together in America?

Or they live here? 3?

They ...here?

Sleeper, floppy sandal, shorts, my dresses to maid, running their hardware store or call to get the air-con in? So they will like the American better, and their age is so different, every 4 years? + the Night market?

The shorts?

Today is another day, you all go chatting.... I have the things to do here.

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