
Is Korea still hot, or Middleton is in Taiwan? Not outside too long. (Fall season in Korea is not us Taipei)

No, I am not sure you flying back and forth? You are fine. You finding those Supermarket, to cargo the whole cases water bottle for you all 3? Or just 1 of you flying back here?

The Fall Tiger, its how they say in the ancient Chinese since long ago, not a slang. Its one of those everyone knows. You are near the water vapor like your movie imply to you, and I used to say those, so here Taipei its a lot lower lattitude than Korea. If you are ready to enter Japan or staying a little bit longer, this is Sep.

21th, 22th, 23th, 22th.

March 21th, June 22th, Sep 23th, and Dec 22th. You know what that is? 

Its when you start to get near the sun that fluctuate the temperature line on the Earth surface heat. You enter the spring, you entering the summer, the autumn and the winter. You cannot change this dates, and you need to be very aware of your throat. Here the short clip saying you dehydrated, where you got dehydrated? Those are fine. You get near the cold air (air-conditioning) also need to be very very careful. Your outfit and cover your throat and your mouth sometimes.

The transaction of the season is very brutal. Wet, these are damp, and wet the oceanoic weather.

If you feeling your throat, you realize its the hands you wash, or the cold air-con? If the one breath cold air its at your throat, its very very scary those sun very very red. You never seen that in England? Like the comic book. I seen it here in Taipei.

Your staff will watch you not to be dehydrated, right? You are not running or with the kid, too.

I meant the very cold air you breath, and about 1 second if that outdoor air gets to you. Its the Fall Tiger.

No, you live longer

IF YOU STARTING 20 years ago, you live on the boat.

Yes, you keep breathing on the water vapor.

The immune system, not just live longer. Less allergy. England is near the sea !!

So we do live longer?

You had more West Belt Wind blessing, these will NOT BE the case at Korea or Japan, all of those girls imagining to move in Japan. Not knowing any of you, those. TOO cold for even your country. 

Japan has a lot more fried food.

What we had those Japanese fried food, you can visiblely see. Its an isle left to right, those you pick up the fried food by per dish, to the registry to check out.

If you all in the Breeze commander's table, its the same noodle soup, a lot more expensive, like 3 times more than the local can afford, you know that, right? Olivia cannot afford that kinds of everyday eating. I don't think you all getting along, so someone is in Korea, or Mably is still where about...and the rest is near the commander.

80x3=240 NT   about  / 32 in currency to US dollar = 7.8 US dollar for 250 NT you read from the menu. 

One tea leaf egg is 12 NT, and some small rice seaweed will not get to 80 NT, so you know your per day expense. (per person is not getting to 80 NT )

I guess they all have to be there, he does, or Hugh goes back, Olivia stays in the hotel. If this is not a rehearsal that day, YOU ALL need to be at Haytt or W Hotel with more expensive hotel near by the King, its the same horizontal line. (No more taxi back and forth for Hugh, he can still reserved to keep every room his with his family, but all of them need to be moving at North on the REAL correct day, not today)

You cannot find your own food? That would be in Korea?

I never use their 7-11, or that is the window glasses. That is the restaurant.

You eating the fruits or the 7-11 some of those microwave, or just Mc Donald, everything fried !!!

In ASIA !!!

You all been here 5 weeks, like you ever been here before?

Its 5 of you ....And 2 with the staffs they can handle your meals. So the rest eating where the commander eats, those food court. You all getting a thing around, or on the 1st, that is where the Bagel you can eat the normal bagel, right? He is around, or you all waiting at him, he has one more female near by ranking, or more of them required to accompany him, now...

Did you all change your shoes to walk....these everywhere between Korea, Japan or Taipei, needs to keep walking, you can see how the otter does it !!

No, you stay courtesy next by him better. Not going next by IKea, or anywhere else Family Mart in Taipei, no. You all best friends to go anywhere together, Olivia ....She can buy some of that for everyone there. Hugh and Kate can talk to the commander's near by personel?

No, not Prince. Someone is fat and bold and too giant....its those IKea stair. Me the citizen or Olivia can go, I won't be there....but, I think Prince William is at South Korea, like our news here say. Whomever that is ...the girls doing that.

Everyone else stays THERE, 4th floor, if they are all there, don't move. You are the key people, just eat around that floor or morning, you get some bagel 1st floor, the exactly the same mall, you pack in your bag, and stay in the 4th floor with all of them. If they arrive there, or you just always keep there together.

Meghan is included....I keep mix up Olivia or Meghan, because that is a black hair, Olivia is the blonde hair. So that is Meghan fan before, that wasn't Olivia? She was thinner ~~

Breeze entry exit, next by its IKea, they design like that. But because some of you cannot afford to whom can afford, so the girls to go there and buy its to see the group meal. Some dishes people shared 1 or 2 things. Or just between the girls.

If you coming in from.... 1) Where the hotel 2) where Olivia them hotel

How did you get there, the taxi right? You design some of the common meal, purchase a French Fries everyone shared. You only just share something everyone see it, its your own food. Just the French Fries between the girls, this is the catch-up I take 12345.

So between the girls, you can talk, you can sit next by.

The guys just go on their own, that kind.

I have a news to listen......last year whom was here?

20x on the billing.....in 1 year to the AI air-con for 3.

The group meals, oh ! Your Staff doing all that.

The metro cards, its lost 43x.

And eating the instant noodles.

Is Dean or Wing here ought to be, someone from them?

How did I fall asleep?   12 

I think they say you all going to Japan...that kinds.

Do you all want to go back to school....at this age. Why I cannot bold, or font, or enlarge any words since a while, highlight?

No more seeing this commander. You all separated in a different state, all these things said, you are not comfortable, someone too sleek, someone too professional, someone bank to watch, not you yourself, being happy. Compare to each other...

I am 1 human, nobody, those kinds?

No more running around, that is what I mean. Sleep better, rest longer, learning with the kids, seeing the things not like your own language. Just one friend, not everyone assassins' you to sound like you have no life.

If I never enter the court, the judge will never find out my claim


Why I cannot change the blog post?

Its everything wrong, so I never worried?


You don't change your momentum's life in 1 year or 2 years, for the 20 years things you do.

No, you don't listen too many outside TV voice, when you set up a life sometimes its some people did all that for you. But ...you all might already talked about it before, 20 years ago whichever someone or some groups going in. Everyone whom in the real justice world, supposes to have that decency. Its just you listen to me, all of you, and you got no one to keep this compete and compare, and money stare, or the best union other than the world fames, in a short years of what?

One life span, you regrets, and that is not in 100 years yet.

If your real mother does something for some of you, you feel breathing of your own real life time, sometimes its not bad. Just none of you have a functional mother?

You putting together as a couple, to do what? Best pair to kill, or massecred the humanity in blood? You ready for that? You thought about that. Meeting each different inside those frame TV, everything else I have seen the movie in screaming, in the inside vision, between the guys and to the girls ....no one does the pair love anymore, it looks like, correct. And there is everything else looks like.

Anyone can say a lot of things to my ear, like I pull my ears, or touch my ear, "I cannot hear it", let's say all the TV monitor fallen, and all the humanity gets hurts, and there is a kind of the truth, behind cannot control, or the monitization too greatly. Something is always wishing that prayers inside your mind, was not the beating of your heart you keep seeing all things around are reflective the next second in hell?

That is what it bothers in me? I will just never show up to where people can talk. This one lifetime, you imagine how you long you all really meant it to live on? Seriously, this job?

A lot of people spent a lot of time to go to the court. You think that is normal?

You mean how to win the case, that matter normal? 

When my grandmom was alive, it was loving hut projects, so home, those location, and talk, and just my mother and her. And the uncle called Irene back, I met them, across, or down stair that neighbor. The very last time 14 years ago. A lot of this old people near or far, to my parents age bracket, you know why you like some of them talking and I never required to say a word, if I can be there?

They none stop talking, I listen. Just not in the court room.

One meeting per meeting, you went to shake hands, they stabilize you? What kinds of the talk? You all doing that for 20 long years. They are still alive, so dump the whole things on the older people, like I could possibly do !!! Not you all family ....whenever I find out where to dump it.

You all gonna be the King and the Queen to the future, and your kids would be, and all prince and princess again and again. Fighting to the court judge, or including some other minor people, I cannot talk well, not in the confrontation English, I can only comprehend....I keep repeat to say....roughly I think this is. I say my PCAT score. If the judge talks, I blink my eyelash blink blink blink.

"I have heard you, you were saying, what? Here is you say."

You all doing that? More obedience to the things the judge really says. I just watch this movie. Champion, there is a judge. "Can I write it down, that is what you say?"

If my classmate will join the court room fight, the next 20-40 years? They might, I think a good chance. I wish not, but....they probably will be.

Are you going to tell them or instruct them?


Is that they don't help me, I cannot get my money I cannot be with Shane?

I am not very sure I plan to be with anybody to be honest, I lean towards only. I care to have a mother. When I stop talking, I just stop talking but I remember call them to clarify things. I say it here, too. Its all real, I just don't believe anything Babaji says, but those decision was before he shows up this short time, saying.....what? At the same time, in case no matter what, I decline, I still need to tell Shane them. You talking about 40 years, not....WHEN? So to clear things, I do my best.

You don't really believe a word they ever says?

It might be worse, correct. You cannot make a heaven worsen....so I tell Shane.

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