
Kate (Japan)

How about we talk about how you can oriented plan for the rest of your life, Kate?

Japanese or Korean all that....you plan your life its with Will and 3 kids formost parts, now. Japan, if you find a much nicer place, you don't go into the crowd of shopping or those metro too crowd, like me here Taipei....a lot of times, you stay indoor, you have some math, or some reports, or some things to read, or learn...all that included, then, you plan that life how you sent your 3 kids to the American university, you have to relocated back and forth flying. You stay indoor 9-5 sleeping nice, rest well, sleep, eat good, other than you still need to travel international speaking, EVERYWHERE. When they will let you down off those running the door...you will have a lot more time for you yourself, and the 3 kids education, polish your reports??? or just relax for the life, you built.

In that saying, you can just be very quiet with 3 kids and separate with Will, you go on your personally life, sleep, rest, sleep, hydrate, and the bathroom, and the 3 kids, until you have to relocated this 20 years kid's schooling time after they are 18 years old, you thought about that? Their age is varies.  You spent more time in the US, you are not bind to Japan anymore just for the college town, or the home chore, or the diplomats with America, all speaking in English, that is another life. You don't need to focus your attention at all in Asia, because that is very temporarily and stressful at your head. Stress, stressful.

England never says, you all cannot go back and breath....if your life in Japan settling, or the noise too loud, the neighborhood, AS LONG AS, you don't go out to drink with any local Japanese or too much socialize with the kids to the drinking bar, that culture is 5pm after works - 9pm, since the 90s. Right now, they told you their education is dropping, the tourism business is great, that is still part of the drinking or the sexual business 5-9 (Five oclock in the afternoon to later night evening 9 oclock, after their white collar or the blue collar class).

The TV shows, I show you. Those 2 young couple, that is their collar class.

So if you plan right, you all can 1 day everything move up to Japan, and you doing fine, Kate.


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