
Not able to tell you....the night market.

How come?

Water....the otters. Family Mart .....7-11.

If these movie song, or the people inside means to you, you can say hallo and introduce to each other. Some culture, you all have that bold introduction how you present yourself.

On Earth, you have so many space, not everyone has to gather in Japan, those saying, but the tourism is big from us to go to Japan. My relative. The Star Bucks, the fast food store, the dining place, people like to go out and meet each other, and talk to each other.

I kinda staying inside my head, not just those logic process, you hear for the first time how the people handle their brain matter as I writing them out, or how I process them in English. The sentence structure, it is empty minded, I am resting.....but that heavy concentrating in thinking, that day when I start it again, I don't have anymore feeling to go out until this entire piece can be finished. 

Not stay indoor.....you go out and after the pandemic, go walking, go exercising, go with your family, just go out.

Tina, Pang, Square they hold better at their own family around.

Far far far away I can hear already from here Earth, not now, what is the real family to be at. Everyone is a stranger, of course. A lot more crispy, here are relax and lay back, and I just go to sleep the whole atmosphere. So if Shane or Westlife Nicky they are somewhere here or anywhere, I go with them seeing what they say. If not ....I have my own happy world.

Yeah, I seen Pang and Tina, but we got these new developed places and maybe....thought about a quiet place for my own, everything I organize myself this furniture or shopping in the Costco. That is the American design similar the big store near by Hola, and near by these Korean fasihon...the girls outfit. Half outdoor.....you ask the price to anyone on the road, that kind.

I always have my mother near, I don't know how they arrange these...to be honest. I back up...the last time I was by myself was in that watermarke. Prepare something for my mother, or both of us move something.

Some of these video ...

They cut off their tongue, would just believe Babaji exist, my family all around these.....Irene, Square those. No more their mommy or daddy those talk, but you cannot do that, so ~~

Friday night market, the weekend....Korean Fashion outdoor vendors, for these clothing fibers like Tina's TV, its another 20 years, per 1 or 2 days the mommy's arms make them heaven arm-to-arm, the elbow-to-elbow. I don't know to tell you, I cry or I tear with it.

The stingy vendor fried tofu + Kimchi, that one extra mid-night snack, the meat, or the fat, or the sauce.....

I cannot talk. My grandpa before they develop that place, it was Kenshin Himura, those Japanese wood panel house, when my mother grew up little.

Not yet.

One day I tell her. 

I go to sleep ~~~its almost closing the night market ~~


I am always so sure about these TV materials? Without talking to Shane or Nicky they are?

What about Shane?

Like talking to their lawyers or the Westlife company people.

That would be Shane's staffs, his company or that will be the producing record those company. By now, how many company he goes to, I have no idea. I .....just tell him to use his world whom? The staffs?

The lawyers!

oh ~~ that is what the phone calls should be?

We saying we are together? He saying?! When?

Not yet. We talk about lawyers will be almost like....the lawyer is you getting married you get a lawyer, married ... ? Of course not. 

I sleep, don't bother me.

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