
Shane (The music band)

If I Anna used to say about .....$$$, does the people believe in that? You can advertise on it to where the investors input that family money in.

You know Adam next to his brother, like Peyton "reporting" mentality is like many of you the student format. But you don't know what's the age difference? 20 years old. Peyon doesn't work on anything to say, he freezed, or he has to structure his language, but Adam he got a brother, or a father.  That is what you all want to say you grow older in front of all your parents' life and what the words you use on those eating table.  

Shane they, too but they put a little bit different attitude when Shane has to show up and sit down and talk. He meant he believes I sit next by him, look at him, or pass by him none talking, and he sits near them to scream at them.

Me     Shane

                            Nicky / Kian / Mark ...+++++ all that.


You mean I found fault next by Shane, and let's gossips about it. 

I was such an early stage that time, to put everything just dump at the captain, and I show up on the rehearsal only. Go back to the classroom, never talk to her anything about anyone all around anybody else. The phone.

I can have such a school life earlier before that, ending up I have no words talking to my parents, now I am thinking about it.....starting when I becoming like that.  When you are a kid, you never thought about it something only live the way, its in front of you. You see, you hear, you go in between and...have the life on your own in the kingdom garden.  That is what they reminding me, one by one. Henry's first gf. It would be her parents like my parents watching me walking around. The front and the back, the green apple milk the kid's beverage alumimun package, nowadays, I ...staring at these freezer Mon-Fri, on this military all world training whom enter the "Egypt" by their imagination other than "Japan", its the "Babylonian.", I remembered. 

Ronan Keating

Sorry, this post first word supposed to be my air in my room stuffy, the birds are none stop crispy the volumn if the screen door is there. "I Believe I Can Fly...." -the birds.

Okay, what about Ronan? The money chart... no more money chart ! ! ? I think he is famous, sorry, i didn't mention a certain Irish artists are doing VERY well but correct they used to starting about 30 years ago if they remembered. We talk like...we gone to the school table ID entry to the UB building on the map, you all finish your school lunch table, not the professor projectors on the first day walking up or down....those mode?!

So these have to stay in Ireland because I wasn't on Justin their side to pick their chart table, that kind, the female artists, no longer the boybands, those?! From my map, or from all your individual map = you are the center of your map I assume, not Taiwan is the center, and what if that is the only outlook, I reminding you all .....front and the back if we rotate this in 90 Degree.

Does the power from Heaven has the money sign in it?

The precepts 1000. No. 

I was throne at AI, that has the money, right. All my damaged my brain fees.

If all these visible people is not showing their bank account statement, you know for sure they are in debts or fake?


But you would know their per digit?

Definitely not.

The police records.


So you didn't find out all that?

No.  I roughly know, not very consciously know. Too busy.

Busy at them?

I am from America / Toronto Woodbridge, you seeing their home, or the cottage home? You ever been on your grand parents living those?

Not Nick right?

The longer I am staying in Babaji's peripheral, the longer I am living in Indian General those maids service or the young chef too smile-ing the 5 Star Hotel everyday. Its not like that, because.......and I got told it will not be like that, here. But my mind up or down, what these American up to, it won't be the last min to find out. So I glue on the America, like they always know, because that is the Power at all. Money from Heaven is not an issue, but Heaven will be the only issue, I will tell you it supposes to be like that.

You mean the democracy procedure or? We don't have the money.


And you are not file-ing correctly, neither.

Yet. Those are correct.

To us?

No, my own writing those.

But you say those are not file-ing?

The professional has to deal with it.

England King

Can't you use the ghost to talk and his mother to the King, and we are behind those?

Definitely not his mother as the ghost, and, never with you all trash your own language to the boyband or the King, definitely not. I need him to be a King, not just this he trusts his IT, or his secretary, he doesn't even know how to walk inside his own home, I will tell you that.

The same day campus mail ....

His son?

Definitely definitely not. 

How do you know which one like we seeing the movie or the head state those? The bad or the good?

I am not thinking, I don't care about it. But because his mother will have a point, I pretend I don't know the very details, probably his ram inside his own room, or he likes those bottle opens and close it drink those coffee with some ram in the cup or mix that himself, all that.

Too many King's obligation on his desk, or he going to his own home....this entire home, no family around him anymore. You know that life? 

Does the ghost knows, like inside your brain, seeing him, and sad, all that?

The animal and me knows the in between, the future, or the told, or heard. The ghost would be...she has her own life, and other worlds, if she goes there literally seeing it. If the ghost is the cyber networks as the consciousness, I am not sure.

If all the ghosts are sad, isn't you supposed to boss the human not to be the ghost?

She is a women, he is her son. Not this 100 years, that's enough.

So what should we be busy at?

MD + PhD like you are told to do on the first day.

But we are nothing anywhere near?

Last one, right.

And you are the number 1, as we think of it?


I mean the public affection or the law degree we are the born right with the movie....

It doesn't exist. Just drop it, finish you believing this they say the first day and I say the only thing the first day. 

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