
Shane's music record company, or Westlife original company.


Are you two working together?

You mean the profession he is in the music, correct.

I mean the Record Company or the Music World leash on him, so its CEO or the chairman to those flag down artists, he is just one of them?


One of those directory staffs names those.


You say you are not working with them?


The Record company lose the deal with the judge power I rule, he will got fired, I just need to get him fired or their company will leash you, or get him fired.


He owns them?


The artists below 30 years old?

I am not sure its 27 not 30 years old, but might be the younger kids like those 15 years old pretending they are 17 or 18. Anything after 18, I remember how I used to be after I left Adam, it is no more the movie world or the novel or the comic book those sensation, I freak it out the day that number was no longer 18. It was 19. As a girl, and then 20 I will be serious panic !

Why you always say Shane? Not Simon?

And why you pretend to lie to his staffs, but you say Simon here?

" You went to talk to him, didn't you?"  On his facebook, everyone can read. That line was in the movie. (or any line from the movie)

Yeah? I didn't see them for 25 years, and not even that stage, so I only comprehend the 90s video and some newspaper, so I got on his facebook to talk initially....initially....everyone has those intuitive initially....he doesn't know whom I am, or whom I was, or I don't know him, those....


Did you lie to Westlife company, but saying Syco or Simon? You mean my facebook I tear it down? Whom else do you call?


Any hotel venue, those 5 Star Hyatt in California North to South, any kind.....

Its those whom hired that Tina Jojo to dance, or sing, or act. Until 1000 times resume to say CV, I never read it, they wish its an agent's name card spot them at 15 years old, not 40 years old without a connection, that time Tina might be 20 years old.

You always know that, WHY DON'T YOU TELL ME?

I did.

He has a news, you cannot possibly believing in it your system data on his facebook comment session, he lies to the whole worlds.

No, not every part, but some parts I think that is something real, correct. 

Its the lawyers and the collectors YOU HAVE to face it.

No, Ola. You went too psycho over everything is the wrong judgement, its everything wrong I told you, long time ago. Every step, everything is wrong wrong wrong.

Nicky will listen to me, ONLY ME. Not you, NOT THEM.

Shane get rids of them in 2012, that's the final talk. He says once, I hear once. He actually shows me twice, or 3 times on that monitor. Too many other things.

Between a guy's perfect one lifetime, its NOT my business how he wish to throw them, dump them, keep them, help them, or reason them or step them to pieces all by himself. He can imagine every love or tale. He is the leadership, he has a brain. You want to engineer any guy to another guy's conversation in that detail words, you need to contact them to where Shane will never find out.....meaning what you tell Nicky to tell Shane or tell me.

Where Justin cannot find them

Brian Backstreet Boy cannot find them

Nick from 98 cannot find out EVERY single word of that chat room boxes....


We never stop saying its only the leadership.

Its the MONEY that investors are important, NOT the artist !

You are so psycho to believe you have a value, or you can sway like an illusion imagination, or my facebook comment I have to type per word, not precious enough? You want to keep talking to Nicky, I just ask Nicky.

You went to Backstreet Boy that side, the same name or a different pseudo name? The American guys?! You find the value, you talk ! I ask Mat, I ask Dean myself that days come, you want me to do that? If not, hand over every thing the best interests for you.

Do I require to?

No, you have no reason to.

I went to SMCH

The contact person www, or the FG groups or SMTV.



I went to Vatican and I tell them we don't accept any conspiracy theory as a public view and all that.

The religious paycheck its when they are in it, like a football coach 400,000 a year 20 years ago. These solo artists are not that a year. 

What is your income statue?



Do you gone to see a doctor, or the mental institution address or the location as the backup, or you got detained, or search or reported too...anything you get up run and go? Any of those the office too cubical, you got to ask vacant, all that....anything of the last 20 years? 

You like those feeling or the sensation?  "Please step off, mamm ? " The t-shirt, the dress, the top, the underwear, the below. You pack and go, somewhere....have you 20 years doing anything other than your middle school were....those reality got distortion right in front of your eyes, an uniform with a voice, or your supervisor, all a voice including that Dean? "Please step off", any of those combine that hurting you per line string is distortion your entire reality, you are nobody. 

  • It was nothing like you plan.
  • It was nothing you thought of
  • It was nothing scene in front of you
  • Everyone faults on you
  • You are innocent.

I only called my phone and Shane, the first 2 weeks, I just say HI to each. 

I finish that CAC with Vartan. 

I told National Archive, they got 2 guards, not 1, its on the movie. 

The facebook I gone back was Oct 21th 2021. All that Sailor Moon.

When the animal starting, that was a courtesy I always tell Vartan, or some other little things I did tell him. I didn't call Eben. I didn't even know you can call from Taiwan to ANYWHERE in America !!!! The sensation I have to finish everything all by myself in Chinese, or any language no one speaks.

Someone does those thing ever in life will tell you.....you Ola is nobody. 

You have 50 chat room boxes open. Have fun?

You never be a leadership in your any eon life. Like the green witch Fatima's new movie, the roommate barbie?

"I told them everyone wants to kill you, that's why, so you want to kill them too, you have no money, none of us, or just debts, I check it."

I say do you feel fun and important over your 50 chat room boxes? Elevating fake air, or the sensation you are such a big shot, and the big fame ! The air floating to your brain space, every thought was dump into your mouth to eat alone per painting, to say...the magazine stand? you feel you are important having a Judge literacy talking to you....the next 2 years, you have no more boxese, no more hope....at least less detain air and flows or you gonna quit your 50 chat room boxes are all fake? The sensation of magical inside your brain?

Any money inside your bank per account other than your eyes glasses to push up, and seeing the money drain per monthly if you open, you know how to open the mail, if that is not in wireless....

Feeling it, per body tingish...sensation per brain reading, per word, per speed, per knowing of your eye sight has to lower your chin down for a mail that is your debts or the red ink, the high lighter if not pink? 

You close your eyes, all these 50 boxes and those USB + paper for 1 month, 2 month, 3 month still inside that room has no more purpose, you feeling it? Just the patients car of that fluorescence light to say 40 years as long as you shall ever be.

Not even reaching to that clinic door, that life meaning if were lay off, your meaning its to be the mommy's boy.

So I am not forcing you......

You close off, let's pretending you close off 100 things whatever that all combine. It will be the meaingless the MD clinic doctors' path. Your parents don't reply your Chat App, or paying one extra bill for you, or some home meal, not much to talk, or yell. The house indoor color is....the sun white light, or quiet. Its not those King or Queen, or the muscial, or the artists interviews they are so friendly. Simon with his lady judge, or Shane with Westlife, the Asia tour you still remembering the last year, or when we started....

In ONE human lifetime, you are not checking you are 40 years old, its the page three hundred Ninty four.....

You will seeing Anna's 20 webspage or the social media feeling someone is there every step the way with the design color. The friends you mean. We are not the friends. You knew that phone app.

So in this one lifetime, you close off 100 things. You grab so hard on.

You didn't.

But if you let go....Let It Go, no one will initially given you one more conversation in the next 3 years, meaning you are not forcing enough to join the convresation?

In this life...in this one lifetime, you could live in the delusion of the phone line app to spell your own physical sensation so the judge to seen, to a good obedience girl wishing wishing wishing.....a tale.

  • Any story you cover up one side, to another Tina Jojo or might be Torus all combine somewhere a story, its Zawanna ! 
  • And waiting.....

You know the difference my facebook and your facebook? They don't wish to be your facebook and they believe my every word to stay as my facebook. They believing in me this one sheet.

You close off?

This week.

2 years pass will...3 years will be.

No, no more voluntary reporting neither. Nothing.

You want to police someone to pretend you are? One of what? The rabbits?

I am not him, I keep saying that, haven't I? 

Who is you old lady smell bad, I need to cross these line, if I don't, you think something else? Darken hair, middle age, fat, no love? Get up, Black frame eye glasses, the skin is not smooth, 9-5 you don't kneel on the ground, tomorrow the American will all die.

Say it, to that meritorious every hand with a pen is the civlization heighten dare, say it. 

You understood that meaning wrong, you will write with that hand 1 billion time "I am not him I keep saying that Haven't I," to cross with the darken highlighter and red ink....with you dare you per second, one more time.....

You misunderstood it wrong.....you are not careful, you are not care enough, you are not moving your heart or head to understand...when the world find you, I have a wish. Your head be excruciating on that wall of where you are, in the most painful and the deathly electric chair....see if you will be found....


I want a tape, sex great black man, and the 10 penis on your mouth, and remember sex need to be loud heard on every room, to that every border be airing....YOU. That day you will seek death to the end....understand? I do not have 1 second patience anymore. No one delivers one job, and your per hand didn't get chop off...will.

You make America proud.....remember every flag like them has every reason to believe....real. 


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