


Acting normal. That is the obedience means. 

"When a lot of the people starts to come....." - you used to be in this hall, talking about those kisses 12 bf, that hall. I say acting normal.

My father or many of them were the origin they drag all that down to one small tiny land. You know these word in Chinese. 寶島, many were at the beginning, to where the Asian Elite, or the highly educated elites or the tradition values are one of those brought into those Mainland disciplinary to these local rubbery or the thief like my mother's side. They speak of in Taiwanese. Those generation die out, and today those education pass after 2000 were no longer before, my father also aged old.

You are what they called you might be King & Co, that Co word we also have. Its in the song, too. 小姑娘, meaning little girl.

You start acting normal best, just tell them, what you wish to see quietness and near by some people around, not you fallen on your own those space, and not those cave the human hand made. Make those things modernized, you don't cause you yourself or them to die.  - they probably swap most of them to nothing but the police since which year on. You getting old, or you getting to go to sleep with the hot boiling pot on the stove. 

The kid's rainbow ground session there, those stair too small, for me, and definitely not for the giant Western or all the guys. Those are the hand made? You need to fix everything there perfect, not the rainy dew on those probably 5 or 6 stair, and feel like hand made them. 

That is where you used to put some toiletry car load at.

How is your meditation 40 years on? 

You get yourself lean on the back, your 4 session for your lower spine to upper neck. You finish your period? About the middle its called the meridian. Behind the gallbladder. The chair where someone design for the groups and all that are innovative. Without it, I probably will NEVER come near, I will tell you that. Those are very bulky to the airport ground, and everywhere to carry them or with those ID card, or the thermal bottle, or their wallet, or anything of all that.

Both you 1 person

+ Taiwan all these whatever put out, I take it as the offering. 

(No, you keep the money, fix those public utility, make it modern. Not home made clothing those. Make it modern, MODERN. )

This...the fire department regulation other than America there is the car driving DMV regulation.....where did you usually gone to meditate when you acting normal? The temple? WHEN you feel you can ACTING normal.

The Japanese Zen those? 

You gonna put those stone on the ground near, how they make the TV, your forehead on the stone to bleed? or anyone to trip EXACTLY like the TV.

When you sit too long, on those kneeling...your below spine, that is the butt, those have the nerves in it, too. If you lean on the chair, without the cushion, Taiwan made those thick....its also you lean back back back right at those nerves, too.

My eye sight ~~~~!!!

Your master is a man ?! I used to get a newspaper, we have the world record on the human longevity, has the people that lives up to 5.

BEAS magazine, not YOURS per center they print on their own ....its a hard binder to keep on the shelf. That itself will never become a competition to Babaji's every worlds under him, never yours. He is on the movie, in case you could see the younger face a lot more visible, and NOT that, correct.

When you were younger ....and your Master was the only man you trust him .....that is between what he says to you, or they say that to me. Give a little go give a little push. He says kills them. Because he meant that is too many people.

In the modern world, to where the future I could see 50,000 Earth year, those are the high rise corporation sleek that will transform this world to the next leap of all economic structure based upon the society. You have a precept, you have a certain belief, how you did all that to the public scene, and to American, or to anyone all else, both side England military and American military or the police forces surveillance.

I actually need them, when they get into my way, whatever that is with you in it.

A lot of the worlds are the male domination, the patriarch system like....some says.

Most of them have a reason to believe what they say, or how they feel, including they are all acting up like the boys or just be happy on their own, so the women like any of us, don't go and rapes them. As the boys.

But there are the difference between the man and the woman, in the form of any conflicts, or the traditional values, JUST like these pets. 

You can just get rids of all those pets in front of you, if you keep them still. Tell someone else to take care of them, unloaded your every shoulder to any of these. Clean up the entire house, the smell. I don't use those vinegar anymore, the regular detergent but wipe a few time with the water. The floor if they are the wood, you cannot rinse them EVER.....

The definition of rinsing, and the definition of the floor panel wood means.

You are a Vietnamese, trying to ....get along your maid, or the disciple. If those things do bother you, get rid of them. Find the correct things exactly I meant, things go less turbulence, and stuck yourself inside the door where the outside people can see you clear. Not the accidental insurance. I have no idea where your passport supposes to be other than keep traveling. Not the fallen your head to where no one sees you, and Taipei police is only for my uses here, you can tell I am a little bit too occupied !

I need you to stop everything, seriously, you are bothering in me. Around my mother, near my mother, or all around these last name, name, or the human defect of the defect human hearts, and all that. Not they liking or don't like. I need you to remove everything you done on purpose by today.

If I told you once, and you insist to cause harm to bring all these pressure on me incluidng those boyband, you will see the end of the every Cosmo in your life time.

Both you and all the yellow race, because of one you.

And every one of them, I hear, I see, I meant every sound dares.....understand?

All their every eternity life, you think you are God, or this Master, you will see the horror of the every human blood like you intended. Every second in front of your eyes. 

The Vietnamese and the Chinese or here Chinese, is no where the same. I prefer you go to those Toronto center where ALL the Vietnamese or where about, other than these Chinese or Taiwanese ever again...to where you think you knowing them, or you keep provoking in front of me, if you know about the Chinese, or the Taiwanese, if you meant Vietnamese were nothing but the skunt reason, when this world ends, you will tell how they will all ended between the man and the woman trying to be literate or sweet in front of my faces, as if you knew how to do that a favor to the Chinese.

Every race is different, and just those Vietnamese older guy or the any guy, they aren't that much difference, you believing in it, its every human hearts torn. I give you a warning every step clear, what's between you liking, or you continue to make this monkey business to air on the TV monitor because you can, you tell, you meant you know well....every world else will kneel, you believing you doing that a service, no one has these knees anymore, you know you done that so well.

Understood every word.....you wish, you really knowing it.

If any of this blackwater, continue to be disturbs, and you claim you are a women, or a girl, to keep playing those too shorty, or the dirty blood like the Vietnamese, to continue not hearing me every warning to pretend this Europe or you what, to that testimonial God....

I will tell you, how God really made of, to every human sight, you love doing it to whom.

Me and 100 guys, in front of the Buddhism association or the Zen assembly, that is my play.....you understand, so is Pang, so is Tina. This you continue to put your head behind the crowd, up left up right, like Simon, together....this Bible tells you the end....understands?

Ronan is not your things to keep.

The religion on this Earth, is no more your business.

If you all continue to believing in it....what the democracy worlds is the only offer, to every freedom human does other than this religion you keep that curiosity in your.....there are many ways how or why you meant it true, how you deattach, to come near, to make a bomb, every time, of your attention span were not that per second your only 5 Lords names, and you know so...that brain of yours, if you doing that per second you mean the Heart of all Boddhi Tree means.

You willing to bet, you willing to compromise, you willing a lot of things, and I am always willing to that my own will is the only runs of every worlds, you see?

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