
The departments charts are not those legal procedure you get from Biden's flow chart.

He is slippering away...= you don't find out?   The reason why you should be inside there? Through the flow charts, why or how, or why not. You can get from the legal adviser, but you don't trust anyone and President shouldn't lie about it, and he knew everything in that district.  These people 20 years you never met them, and they look at me = my facebook, for 20 years?   You think you all buddy together through inside the movie? And where is this UB giant classroom, they put you together like how many times, that is for the parents, or for you all continue to play the doubles? They doing that on their own starting from the beginning at which year, and now I realize, or I force them, now? 

Everyone makes a choice inside their life.

(  My facebook, or my 5 Lords, those stuffs, not the rest of the clubbing human other than the hooter's restaurant those on maple, not the Maple Cards, those?  )

We never talk about the faith issues, because you and me will never be the same side of the water. And those freedom your worlds suppose to given that UB best pals, including the guys, or that Nicky and Kian pretend, I have anything to do with it, its not a super big deal, I already don't need another guy in any life.....My 5 Lords probably already left, Dean left, Babaji left, and SMCH never exist gone, and Ancient Chasez is also left. 朔風 left in the 花千骨。

When you gear up your life plans to where, that power be withdraw or the life forces included....because its anything none seen to manipulate all that, what it means to the humanity, none stop, so you could keep one Earth not splitting in half.......you take a lot more courage to mumble those words, you guessing what I am in the end of all these, at all.

Check then, you ask them if they be honest, when you talking to them...their miserable each life. They lie, in those ground.....if whom ends up in California LA is for the rest of the life, accumulate every debts, just 2 people you cared about this triggering Ella Enchanted. Move, and for the rest of you life, you will have no more past, to that one debts until you could pay in the end of which life term, and staying in those rented house wishing someone will sign you another lease before 65 years old reach. This too good to be true, they learn to keep talking, or they wish, that is not by the 50 years old, that lease will look weak....not just their face, but their spinal cord bent back. 

Continue to that department.....

You are not the princess, that is not what I mean. You, as the process in all that.

When you filling in that rectangle vertical, the money means, by myself, not you given to me, or that IRS budget Treasury of the America given to me. You want to find out in the end of your process those sorting, the President willing to fund them to improve the humanity benefits. Its the money from the US bank account.

When I make my money, that money is in my bank account.

That is the difference.

Presidents need to....stare at the wild, sometimes the vocational home, or those secrets society or the congress holiday retreat inside that White House all around, he stares at them, to hear about the 50 states things they collect in, inside those congressman's hand profiles, to ask the Presidents, "Do you think this project is meaningful, and so by knowing that, you have some other resources passing by, and they connect, to help that project such as Ayo's or Africa trash dump place to burn or to bury, or to reduce they go into the ocean ground to pollute the marine life."

You flow out the money from Washington DC to someone.

And the President knows about it. 

Are they going to use AI data on where they stare at? NO! Definitely not. 

The compensation money? That is from the Supreme Court or the local court not in the DC area. Not in White House, that is a separated building.
  1. The president doesn't sign those things. YOURs, those he signs, right?
  2. The court room is the judge or ...the legal someone I think its the judge signs it. 
So it has nothing to do with each other?

No, I did say yesterday, the first thing. 

(Prince William, those posts I just hide it, not deleted, your conversation with George )

Now you can access below easier.

Are they going to do those debates in the future on those?

No, Ma'am.

Are these files suppose to go through my departments?

It ...is not supposed to. It= the movies, 1000 movies is not supposed to be the movie file folder's name to 1000 new files you receive and saying you are the process going next.....in the end you wish to see the fruition of the good humanity is not through the movie profile, of course not, that Washington DC dedicate to like the Independence of the Declaration being read since 1776. 

I would guess .... its the police local branch, or when 100 years ago, they accumulate some data, they gradually move that one police station outside that DC district, they process all Hollywood producer / the director check-per-line with the medical board's data. They force that two girls leave, let's say in CA state and that is the end of that movie's observation.

And those file-ing proposition would be their gun control, or the drugs abused, or the alcohol harm, smoking pot, those?

Correct, man.


Yesterday that video they told you....I didn't make that. No. The correct file name must be per container delicate to "one movie", or that is "Animal" "Eco" "Earth marine life." "Local resource." " Movies", as the containers outside label, and inside that movie container, you have all the movies name inside, the yellow folder files.

"Tiffany Breakfast" "Nun" "Ghost Bride."..........21th century, "xxxx" "xxxxx" "xxxx"     "Frozen"  ......
So I got nothing in it, no. You put these 2 sheets in it, will get worse, in 50 years on. The cabin open and close those, slide in, slide out or just open the lid, that file stays on the top of the lid in those metal rim, a storage room. The regular paper carbo boxes.

I think...they didn't tell them where the current address is, because...sometimes there is a lot of the reason when they group them, it didn't require the individuals to tell each other more than greeting, and they walk away each other's life. Their family situation was in a lot of the problems. So if one of the people pretending, its everyone works together, they boil down the needie greedie with that power, let's say Frozen, without me....people lied and they didn't find out, let's say a real detective or putting the camera all around them.

The public won't want to find out, let's say the TV image, if the orc putting like that.....and leave them the best, like if Mably lie, or Laura lie, and everyone got screw, it wasn't intentionally having a group, and they expected to, but there is no real power in it....later someone find out wasting the 20 years, they never were in the jobs, or they never thought, so, that is the files being stagnant. The orc would know that

It would be...

The American government saw that.

I saw that.

The military didn't do anything, I for sure didn't do anything.

Tina curses' a lot of the words talking like those ABC Lana, portrait.  Tamang likes that kinds of Lana, not Jonathon expected, white power people dance, but its ABC California sunshine, Dr. Bing's real daughter, if that was the Pharmacy from UCLA in BIo 403 upper class. It was Dr. Bing is the Thousand People China Profile. 千人計畫, the daddy daddy part, to get the whole classes people killed. The Day You Found Out.

Toby and Lee cannot handle that Hive's Black I written lawsuit, Dr. Bing plays fool. He has a certain vocabulary not because he is a good person, he plays his parts until. So Toby looks like Dr. Bing, the TV W Two worlds shows up. Toby is a local Arkansas might be those Little Rock, the foundation stone, no one finds out - the Titanic Chikawa....Ola passing by UB, going to North Tonawanda, but Cheektowaga was where she passed by, that is Jill living at, in Justin's video arm a kiss with Alexandro tattoo. 

Sherry, Mark and Dave is from Cheektowaga, and Square taken a flash photo of me, going to Disney to look for....someone. Dean move away to Texas.

One of them thought, one of them thought, one of them thought.

You going to the correct department, probably its the military someone has that sheet. 

To do what?

The Pitch Perfect Copenhagen speech. I tell Toby, drunk and run a rented airport SUV to the England gate. She is from Duke. "Sorry....". That night didn't show up, everyone dresses up. She got sent to the detention center. Dr. Bing is not invited. 1 of them is missing, but its too many people in the venue. It will get stop. Almost every group put on the tour schedule, doesn't require to 1 of them will miss the chance.

But its every main character there....its one of the million chances they always always ruin everyone, they are all like that. 

You got told like that, or you think like that?

I think like that. I got told about Tamang, but I found out with Tina. I no longer have those files, but a lot of the guys have those files except UB. I forget whom I sent them to.

It would be .....King at that time 2003/2004, because his ex wife die, and things ...aren't exepcted, he will hear everything. Except from  1) American Military and 2) Me. He is still not hearing from me, that kind....

But are you supposed to call him?

Not at all.

What is that 1) and 2) things....?

The American government has the internal people run about. Me just 1 person. They can never screw up. That is a group. Me just 1. I left.

There is a meaning in it?

No ! 

I mean the legal ground.

.... (look)

No, mine part doesn't exist. Me, I don't have a file there, yet.

Does the judge dies, then you have a case?

No! Definitely not like that. 

But you will have the money before the case being established?

I could, correct. 

Its not the case, then?

They have to find out why or why not to have that case, but correct....everyone else table they have to be called in.

You mean us?

No! The system lawyers those, calling the law firms, they coming in the court room.

That is not us?

No. A regular court. The US local court, those. You mean to the America, correct.

What do they doing in there?

... ... I am not too sure.

Is 1) and 2) position, its in the court, just not us the Washington DC?


They know that is what they suppose to do?

Maybe the American military I think. So they might fed that back to the American government, but I am not sure that will mean you the DC District itself. They can be anywhere, and they just put a flag up, that is the American government, something like that. 

You doing that?

Definitely not. 

My TV my news time.

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