
The list of people (and the movie)


He is (on today's news), he is a religious fanatic. I am not sure how he got to Mason College. he has 1 or 2 colleague, if Hugh moves with them to Arizona, near Adria, because he sees himself next by Adria, so he took up that case. He that day will run and asked that professor colleague to the sea, 1 in the car waiting, 1 on the shore, him Lee swim in the water, sunk. That friend really goes in and swimming and Lee presses his head down, and swim away, he floats a bit, and then he sunk down. 2 Black unit people get him out of there....

They have to kill Mimmo

Then Alexandro lives in the house, and Connie took Alyssa to her parents home. If that house got taken out, the parents goes to shabby older people's home. She drop Alyssa from those height industrial unit stair going on 5 or 6 floors made of the stone, those? Looking out, she held her up and drop her down. Connie is very tall, I am not sure if she had the conditioned, and Alyssa is one of those girls sticky, not anything particular. Alexadro stays home with other friends to sell something, and then cannot, so he sold the house, he tried to find nick to help, but he cannot be helpful.

Carla red hair (Pitch Perfect and Enchanted)

She takes 2 sons back to West Virginia, and drop to the police to the foster home, but the police knew she probably coming back to kill someone, and she does. A steel stick insider her car, to go in her sister's home (before she met Tony), and she killed her. "A Simple Flavor", and her father doesn't know the sister was dead, but she originally was to kill her father, no one finds her dead body, and later the father found out, to call the 3 or 4 those black police and they take her out. She checked all her sister's mail inside her house after she burred her behind somewhere. 

Tony stays with Nick, or he cried or something I for sure will kill his entire family, he does on purpose to hurt me, or controlling me, all that was to control me to control my invention (to the money).

(those above might be worse, too)

Keegan is queer (Barbie dark hair, the Sisterhood of Traveling Pants, giant fat. Heather. )

I think you all talk like that, with the friends, its to murder, or to steal things, or anything but these UB problems, and they are worse.

If inside this one person's life, she could hide a steel bar inside a car .....or running away from that far away college to the sea shore and jump in......you find out 1 incident, your whole life cannot be saying, that traumatize you in the real life, a friend-to-friend, was a great talker. 

I need you to marking at the Red Hair, as the Vice. Here would be the personnel in Carla and Adria.

Adria is the vice next by Karen !

Lee if does that England story, I didn't say, that scene, it was the tax money, its the money involved when he signs those parchment paper. No, he didn't pick that police case to say about Adria, but I think he knows why he does that sunk down, or his movie material, and they want to find out - its Adria.

It will be each of this folder, label their name.

Listing the things they are capable to do. Carla would be biting on people's arm.

Connie and Alyssa doesn't have the schooling, and digital era, cannot talk out, its one lean to another. The identifier, its a burden mother and the daughter like here Barbie. Every mother thinks their kids are a burden, to produce or to kill. Next by that is Peyton.

If you are educated to where your basic behavior science its to stand there. Its because you are literal, or educated...


    my mother, SMCH, nick (kneel, and crack down their forehead in blood)

SMCH she bites my foot, and nick just get up from dizzy, about 3 second breath, he best to do, its to use his feet to step on my right side (near nick), and my mother came on top of my to be kick or step on by him. below that SMCH is biting my leg or the feet.

Nick is those Italian, he used to look like, just like Him Real Love, - My Way (I vivo)

Just make the animation, where the society is made of them. When they are poor, or less educated, and the older world, its beat up each other, and bites. You can say you stand there being the schooling since 20 years after AD 2000, but it will never be going back for that 8 years ago those things, he psychologically manipulates.... This will lead to ....  A girl in many people stealing from me, my look, or even if one day if I am not a women so this life, this girl I am is not I am. So psycho....most girls just cry, panic, no language to describe a situation, cannot see, cannot hygienic to keep the appearance, to say wear the contacts.

To each of this movie as (a)

(b) the per UB classmate folder with their name  (c) they capable to actual run off their life.

One incident as that, you will never never never be near, to call to, to talk to, to reunion, to gather, all this movie meant those are worsen in each of this folder, they had done once those incident, such as a steel like Ola to go and follow the judge, and suddenly show up to the outside of that old lady's car, on the paint of the steel bar to destroy that car - 1 incident as such. That is if they got caught and be police charged or fence, no evidence can be found they did do those, or biting with the hates......

Its whom they are, never talk to, never associate at.

In-Time and Runner (from Justin Timberlake)

The person possible to run off like that: Lee, Nick, Justin Timberlake, Carla and Ola.

(all dropping off the digital era, so they kept their eyesight, the walking to snooping, the body to lie but no IPad skill like Shane)

Its the outdoor finding the money scheme activities, it will be none of them are technical to crop an image like the Barbie movie says, and no literacy to enter a competition field to actually acquire a job and stays on it.

The way Shane frighten to touch that iPad with his finger, the finger jumps out alone there. Nick does that. They will be the great talker everyone love, except putting it down on a piece of paper. But Shane has the money, nick doesn't.

And therefore, they will never sit down to process their movie unless its forceful to show them per line, even if they make it to the DC, its a great talker without the literacy on a piece of paper, or the academia background Master or Ph.D.  Their character to exhibit as.... fallen out of the digital era to stay on the street walking and finding things, "This is interesting" and not staying indoor, because there is nothing to do indoor. They don't believe in the digital era. 

A great talker will always be, Leonardo Da Vinci's big nose painting.

Knows-it-all-personality, none stop talking 喋喋不休, and their voice bothering you and they do that on purpose. They want to go out, like Nick to 4 hours long walks outside in the wood, or the Woodbridge. If he trips and dies, I got affected immediately, where is him. He gets old. Those medical safeguards of a person was because a young girl such as me might be panic at, and the tempament to die down, or feeling the suicide, to that 1 person lean on, was so much older than her, so she trusts him to carry on, or everyone knew that process was a high manipulation of the forceful, or the force field, first upon entering the cottage, he says built on the love nest, was the electric meter right at the door.....

He had no education, no money, not steady, he doesn't know the meter at, or he always knew 70 years on, but...."What a nuisance" will be always always "Chu cho". He was a very drunk for 40 years to say, the most brain and the liver are dead. To the man living far after 61 or 65 or 66 67, that age was marvelously pass that age 35, and most people will at my Facebook age, for the first time to know the Class year, everyone how they die out all by themselves at 35 on. All this man older age its dead.....inside those alcohol planning or the youth year to any cancer treatments. Its a nuisance in life everything that bothers them, and through that no education of the hands capable to type, to mouse click, or shopping online, or the plastic card to use, or transcation without secure a passport or be careful, or knowing it Paypal, or the Amazon account, because someone has to constantly be next by, they were too high pride to even ask, those detail if they learning to 100 things in the Digial Era to offer, their mentality will never be Ella Enchanted those...poor, sad, outdoor, bathing the feet, with the long drapes of all skirts, fallen together on the pebble near the rivers shallow water surface, and 2 best friends female of the pass memory was a giggling laugh to portrait any the green grass to step on in today Middle West of any America, was my food ankle, I was running just around the house to fallen.

1 Incident as such, no Adam be seen, everyone is on nap, only 2 dogs outside, I hold myself back in the house, its very very dangerous.

How Ella Enchanted is the woe to everyone stays on those giggling Lords of Rings, the Hobbit's village, the great talker, to great annoyance, no literacy, gambling if they learn about the mouse trick to Scott Trade. 

They flunk their whole life material wealth if they weren't being restrain how to keep the money in the company or the police watch all the time, to live in the street homeless to find their next love interests. They prepare that life, they seeing that life, they always know they will not get a job in those life, they always know for some reason, they will never get a job - through that marvelous observation to where all these movie coherent behind the human psychology....

The always know !

To this people have the impulse of running out of the door, they didn't care those whom they were the friends, or the family, or the relative, for none of them occasionally seeing them knowingly in that a sudden fallen, or the screaming, they kill they themselves or the friends near by, such as his friend, then that part of their parents or the relative will immediately lose the lean on, the supports, and these people are very dangerous.

They always knew, they always know those jobs don't stay on, or the money is lacking they cannot spend on, so those prepare to suicide, or to get their points, or the temper to fight, 1 extra person or the friends, all have no clue, what's going on...die in the process. If that involved to one extra person, that fight on and therefore.....a multiple family or the kids all together cried, or lost the supports including the gf, in together, that in the next several weeks, you hope, that everyone doesn't realize, how they lost this one great cordious friends just out of the temper no where, he died on his own. - His importance to those all around. 

Like I said

They always know, they always know, they always know all their life, where is their next impulsive nature of the next destination to keep that points, it will never to keep a job. With all world to see them in front, these movies are their identifier marking.

With a shine-ng  ...  powder  .... highlighter.  Its explosive !

            (  look    a wipe    another finger felt  )

The smallest surface area. 

In this discussion points of 1 and 2 and 3.

When the Party involved a minor in the house and a pet, to that either lost of the life to destress the kid and the pet. The immediate no food that night, or a next few day an adult presence.

When the Party seeing another person just like them, the runner in the movies, adjacent to that and that, seeing the real story of someone keep running to where the venturous of the traps in the wood, since young to be found - the bread crumb trail, or a tree root trail fallen or the ice on top fallen for 4 hours cannot get up, just one of those the real life experience to find, the head injury, coming it back to the door, and say "Hi mom, oh nothing" with the eye glasses on these involved participant of A or B or C.  The love birds of the couple was a fight in the hallway to hit and knock by the drunkness to die. Another is running off a thick of the ice shield under the real lake or the ocean to imagine Jesus walking on the water in the movie, another its the sleek leather made of the car seat, all things burn into a flame. Just 1 incident of such to that Muss has no more cared, or the high debts involved, or that person immediate no harm, but shock in the lost of the possession with this Muss.  No food, no drink, no survival instinct to where the next bill, or the next works to landing at any jobs, how to organize their life to pick up the spirits to say the next road to be.

When the party involved in the harsh weather where the whole town freeze to death, or during these harsh winter time, to theft, to homicide, or someone dead, all that combine distress the next meal to be for the kids, or the shelter, for everyone is custom to live inside the palace, or their own room, their own home, to where their comfort environment, that life skills don't provide them a real exit way how to exit the life survival means. To seeing a love kindle that wasn't faithful, to see that hungry mode if return home, its the empty desk, or a bed to sleep. When all these distress factors being evaluated one by one to say the whole town sphere to were the food, the water, the immediate medical care, or a blanket, or the clothing to warm shower bath. The immediate evacuation of a town will involved a too many people's livihood and the mentality is low to survive. The family members no more, the no more jobs in the original town, the more jobs for everyone to get secured, if this meal doesn't have what about the next meal, to seeing the pine of the other people's sports cars, or the table napkin, and to that some bread in the harsh winter to stare, the kids, the family, the adults, that where is the next jobs to supply and relief the immediate "distress all factors" its the food and the shelter and the next 10 years one secure means of all jobs hunting. It will never be a waiter or a resume, that doesn't guarantee a next 40 years plan to pay, a minor, an adult kid in the same house how each has a talk before the night falls. Its all distress factor when the house was lost!

This marking part of this case to case will be highlight as the Runner seeing another Runner inside the TV frames. Such as Nicky seeing Shane, pretending this tense of the discussion in the real format how they used to grow up. From that story, one of the party involved in a several accident, to rather this movie scene or the story was triggered or told in a different parts of the continents life that will meet the faith.

"She is just temporarily step out of the office."

"Oh no, she will be back right?" Adria says.

"Don't worry, its not the home anyway, not that far."

The identifier.

First to identify

The marking, the runner 1 and the runner 2 and the runner 3, for example in the Frozen story, to where or to how, or why they actually keep running, or running back and forth such as Aqua.

Identify the marking (highlight)

Identify the runners, the name, the state, the location to where, or frequent that each trespassing the running schedule, the periodic, or the mood swing where the parents calls for the emergency that night - the son is missing.  He didn't return to the baby and the wife home, no where to be found to producing the second kid with the pregnant wife that means.

To the adjacent story or the party involved in 3 pairs other than the 4th or any other joint file-ing folder, we say mostly known as 3 pairs, one running away and be separated, broke up for the 11 years and separate in the 2 different countries about 12000 km (or 7500 miles ) away between here Taipei to Toronto. 

Sorry, to identify, to identifying the marker, to where one runner seeing another frequent runner together, as the movie theme or inside the story telling to each other, and be heard by another runner, to that these scene supposed to have 1 runner, 2 runner and three none relevant to the story. If we divide the pairs of that involved to that specific runner, to relocate, or that done so were years ago being settle the new environment to where this story to portrait the dividing story background to their current adjacent nature of the built up environment, we can say, each other in the real life has nothing in common, nor that story were 15 years ago that was finished to brought to some relevant key people to see, or again, "to identify", the stress level if were congregated in that 3 pairs.

It would be 1st no story, none relevant, (both press down), then its the 2nd one keep running until a brick, or a bowl fallen on each other.

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