
You all have this very bad movies in America

You used to like about this movie star, or the newer star?

Like about the movie, doesn't mean you watching all of them at that same year. You have other movies you can watch from Europe, from Asia or from Hollywood. You go to picnic, or the camping gear or some museum, the exhibition like we are here, or the shopping mall just sit there, or walking indoor. You cannot walk outdoor too often on the exercise, I think American mall can walk...

You don't hurry to grow up, or indoor whole day. You watch what you say, then you make a new friend like you used to as your own height, as your own color skin, and as you know how, and you tell your parents about it. You are away from the home. Care a lot more your current environment and sometimes not let your parents be worried.

Some people care about the animals, so they look at the animals, or the wild birds to breath....or the sky or the white cloud. Meaning we don't have to live in the same space and time. Get out, breath, exercise, change your diet, change your routine in washing your laundry by reading it, per load, or call some girls, some mother, or some aunt.  You just meant you are stressful at your own head all the time.

Get out of the door, walking and pay attention where you walk, where is the stair, where is the mail, where is the security, where are the people, check your car light, check your car oil, or service, or your bank, or your saving. Do your homework well.

Exercise, and the diet

Routine and build a better habit.

Talk decent, find some new words other than cursing all over.

Find a way to relief your anger, or meditate, or some yoga or stretching at home, a very small space, build yourself per movement up. No one will do that for you. Take your vitamin, calm your life, calm your mind so you stare better at your monthly dishes or the expense. You have a student loan, or you have a goal, or your parents telling you what, and you hate every single time.

Write it down and vent, but go out. Not every day indoor, walk, breath, look at the sky, walk to where you know where you put your foot step on the stair, where your hands hold the bar rim? You know where is your car door slam, be clear? Not inside your head thinking all the time.

I get home, I talk my langauge, or I operate here as where I suppose to do.

You make yourself the mood better, not anyone else. You have some friends to talk to, or the parents or whom you connect with.

You verbalize, you done the things you ever done.

Things not apply, then there is no result. Not a particular they require to always go behind you and asking you anything, its finished. 

Then you go to sleep.

You got punished? or detained, or searched? You feel like you no longer the ordinary citizen? You use any drug abused? You went to X-ray image scan with your parents?

The whole humanity is being punished, or you are irritable with the drugs more and more?

With the prayers, that is what you mean your strength to umbrellas the whole sky for the humanity not to get hurt?

Stop watching the movies, if you got detained, you need to make better at your yelling or screaming, or you doing any other kinds stupidity, you cannot control yourself. The movie aggravating people's temperament.

You never seen or met some guys, you thought of them as one things, but they are super panic, or breath deep deep deep at the last min, you would have hope the movie is real. That will be many guys are all like that tempatment, so you just get rid of every guy you see.

Make God your only Bible says words, be kinds to the animals, and be kind to yourself. You wish the things will turn around, not by the prayers, by you act of your correct will. Grow up maturely, you are not a baby anymore.

I go rest, its fall season here....so ....the weather gonna changed.

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