
Can they find out from the top, per local court or the police station?


That means?

All over the England, all of the America, all of the map any creative method, you flying in with them.

If I don't remember the next 20 years, it will be 40 years, and none of that connected?


So there is no way to clean up in like....1 week that kind? 

1 year all UK, if you are that talented, trying out method.

1 year America, how long you be with Meghan and the creative flying.

If you coming Taipei, how long you will continue....so its smaller here.

You say that again, if its the per location, any location, right?


They are not connected, but they are all the uniform people?

Most people don't try to be that talented.

Anyone clean up like that?

I don't think they are that big name big shot to believe...how to end up every location UK your seasonal vocational human included, the last 25-30 years?

What happened they find out all data?

The best they can imagine, not they literally know the behind, normally just sit in the cabin. Its not a central idea every files are saying the computerize your every word, but your royal guard cannot get through these police your per word did say, or file, that you using it in the court room, or what. Your talented every method. So when things did reach, you did step into those per district line of the court room judge, or the prosecutor, or your other dispute with some others, and you keep pushing it to a different town, or driving included....the royal guard can only know you gone out, not your per word how you mess up, or the DMV they seeing your speed and you get a ticket.

To clean up that entire mess your attitude causes, its how you say, you think you are a prince you do what you feel like. Those attitudes.

Its not one click, everything fixes?


What's a difference they sue me then, not now?!

If your father is not busy, or your brother, whichever they get the help that days, its to trigger the court room action until you come forward every word, every judge being investigated, its expensive and long time to a real investigation. If you go home, and just telling your guards, to every details, you can get a PC, a movie play station home entertainment, to every word you are not reading or listening to that movie, to say, what exactly you did do that combination you just step all over the court room, + the none responsible driving, drunk, or drive, beat up people, or yelling at the judge included, every acting story. 

You get all those set up, where right now, your living quality....no one knows what you are scribble your pen. Your palace has more personal can sit down with you, not to make a public scene anymore, and you go to where your father or your brother assign, to finish these 25-30 years crisis, you will say you didn't even watch what else movies, including theirs. 

When they did sue you from the palace points, of course they collect all the evidence in. You can console the lawyer right now, what all prove goes to them, they take care of some other junks to say your karma better or your after life better. But correct, you might be sue and goes to jail.

In that way, you will never come out this acting story when you come out, just go to where every single time they tell you where you should be. You looking after your kids, or educating your kids, while you are serving the sentence, and the fine.

If the court room judge knows you are doing it on purpose to hurt....you cannot control yourself, so then you seeing the medical profession. You...gone to the mliitary, and you take the drug its by their saying the movie might be true. How you lick that drug in the thing I describe, in those metal heavy things with the lid. You doing that just to try, ....if you obey to the movie to what you think, you tell everything to your staffs, someone can ask you also from the outside, some other lawyers also came in to help you and you get compensate.

When your sentence finished, then you see what else this palace got fix, because you did obey to this Harry Potter movie, that is what I would say to you. You are not sure.

Am I going to fix the palace?

Nope, you sit where they tell you, go indoor, or Meghan near by, all kids grown up, or you coming out when they tell you so, sometime seeing the kids all that.

Is that a long sentence?

I think you are the one getting hurt, those details the judge considered. You do have a right to complain and do all your might to find out. You got very affected by all the movie quality things inside says. You did listen to the court room judge on some other things they told you to do. 

Can the palace be fix?

That is...ruined. 

The drugs right?

Correct, I see, and I draw them.

I mean, me ruined the palace and all that?

Yes, you did, that location.

Can it be fix?

No, if this century, they are not planning to open that, its....either the congress move you all to another mansion and check.

But if they fixing it?

Its now they get on when I am alive and follow something on the TV, everyone fixes that.

Is that palace still be gone?

Maybe the entire London gone, I don't even know.  In that way, your crime, the judge will consider, you must be clear every step you did with the judge. You leak with your tongue 1 time, all on your tongue, you are not using that as the pleasure after the military.

The judge gonna fine me, right?

Your father probably paid, and if you be honest, a lot of the people will find out here or there, wishing not too big of the fine when they decide if the basement of those I draw, its your England ends, or stay there until when to fix it.

Like the movie ends?

Correct, exploded all that, gone.

So its not my fault?

You tell them how your leaking your tongue all that...your father specific told you before your military or when you were the students, not to do that. You tell them why you changed your mind, not to even tell your father about it. You got scared in every process, your entire life is ruined, but you believe in it.

And they will fix everything for me?

Yes. They find out.

You think about it.

What do you think I should do?

What does the judge tell you to do, you move to America? Your father and your brother did they specific telling you, they wish you and Meghan goes back to UK? If they did, the security idea, then you talked to Meghan, maybe we do go back. I don't want to do this things in my hands anymore. But anything else, just stay the same, there is some incident in my life similar to Anna says the last 25 years. If we go back to UK, we just live that life like we are told and raise the 2 kids, no more this movie. That one things is found, and I didn't do on purpose on the drugs. And no more that life to where....the TV we choose that life. Until this entire palace things be clear out. I can only keep this much of the mind, to wait til the kids to grow up. 

If we do get back to UK, what should we live?

You stay home, sleep, rest, hydrate every hour, getting your filter water set up your kitchen, your osmosis water in, raise your kids, and raise you yourself. You are not going to get your brain cell back, but you keep that system less clot, you don't need to fix anything that if your father's side anyone coming in, you just say, "I am not comfortable, I am not feeling well."

You fix your diet, you fix your health, as much as you can. Meghan has some of those idea, you cook, you soup, you learn the slow cook, bring something in her life that she relocated from America to UK, your Netflix, or your book fan club, reply their mails, or the book publisher, doing the same exact things you are told through those work force.

Just keep sleeping, rest, lay down, every hour lay down, as much as you can, the bed, or the bedroom, keep yourself less white-out, you getting aged, more clean food, less meat, more fruits, or the fruits juice. You are not going to get the brain inside cell back, but your entire organs can clean out a lot of the blood junks, and you just keep resting until that someone else fix all this movie things for everyone in England, or in America.

Just keep my eyes close? Lay down?

Yes, hydrate the water, not eating that much. When you do eat, sit up to digest.

Per hour, correct, so you later brunch you eat something, you can have some warm water, or smoothie, you prepare for Meghan, she goes out, or she does most of the stuffs, you just keep resting, 1 years, you seeing if your physical body feeling less white out, just keep resting, keep laying it down, less noise to agitate your mind, your head. Go to pee none stop, that is the only way keep washing your blood stream. Increase your immunity, Meghan might know all of that stuffs. Help her laundry, the bed sheet, your own bed, you two together fix its 2 bed, the 2 side pillows case, and you help her unload those shoulder things, the floor, the kitchen, the grocery. You let her take more leading role, or you all step down already. Rest, keep her calm, when you wake up, you watch the kids, you staying home 24/ 7.

Me her grocery? You tell her to go with the security, she buys things she likes...you can just keep laying it down at home, staying in the room, you feel less being agitate, and sometimes you don't even want to get out of the house.

Sleep, rest, hydrate, eating less, just keep laying it down, your head, clean up, laundry. Bathing, shower, all that. Your vitamin, your diets choice, your supplement. 

Every week you line your family. Your brother and your father. "I haven't get out of the house for 2 weeks. "

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