
I, would be me.


All right.

They will never be a doctor. 

This is not a blame, this is a statement. My sibling, or my parents, that kinds? 

I notice we start to talk about they are real, so I need to withdraw my photo, because it might be very legal measurement now I think of. They exist ! Are they glass human, that kind.

[ One day you gonna meet those outside stranger from a different existence and all their height next by were their same talking language or the professionalism, ] other than the ancient cloth outfit. The two taller guys relationship side by side. You Harry, your ....all that.  no, they are not supposed to write that, or hurting you that, and by the way send it to me, all that, or I can find it. 

You all want to relocate in Asia because of the 1) the girls 2) the convenience 3) to try out?

Those Japanese girls are also those pumpeo all the way inside their soul, outside their head. Its all very democracy around in Japan or in Taiwan here, all the same.

The birds say Neo Neo Neo, so loud on my balcony. (Why are you all so loud today, Sat? )


Other than Thor,

The real Babaji, or me, the real, of those reality those, real idea of some people in our today's past heard religion, the story, the parable, well ...one day this Ronan giant face in front of me every single day. Jesus...or the same like Jesus, better than Jesus those kind or Yuashiwa?  Yuashiwa Yuashua...

I didn't have to take the whole load down, you know. This entire sky and just proclaim, there is a spot, someone gets on with it. It supposes to be the functional American president. This is the part we never talk about, me and Ronan. But this one life, I am not sure I will be seeing this person, yet. One word, one story parable, or just find some books, or those I used to listen SMCH those parable, but they are the Chinese side those ancient.

No, not too many about Jesus, but she was a Catholic and Christian doctrine she knew or kept talked about it.

Some people believe the meditation can clear some karma, like according to the book or the rules be said or lay out. I am so shaken, anything true anymore. They believe that kinds of the stuffs, are real or are fake.

A whole nation or the future somewhat passing it down those good well wishing.

The Sangha they doing those things.

The real spiritual world, those given tiny somewhat those guidance or the merits, so the humanity move forward, pass that time, or they all work up to show up that time, or collaboration more, and the international ligation more communication, someone pop up the courage to say something, to ask....a very small almost nothing, but each person put up some language barrier to the English all world..

Human, they, don't show up to on purpose hurting you, Harry.

The language, the manner, stand like standing, talking like the literacy to put up on the jobs, that will be the private court room session. It will NEVER be aired on the public television. They too scream at each other.

Zawanna vs Thor, those kinds.

The entire heaven before Babaji was nothing but that. You seeing a women ever these much of the shouting or the argumentative, and all that. So Babaji didn't see me show up, naked....so he annihilates all of them. That is the end of the story.

My UB they need to go home classmate, not we will ever have a reunion at all. Until they get to hell after they passing, so their home school for about 20-30 years, grey and the white hair. Everyone just the cyber space roaming on their own.

I met my mother's friend. 

She was a sad house wife, and then...one day she lost her house, lost to the scam, lost money. And one day she turns to this white greyish hair, show up on my mother's high school all Line App, my mother scream or show it to me. She wants to write about the romance novel since her husband splits and then scam lost money but a guy cuddling here once in Taipei, my mother all them witness right there. Peter and Katherine that family, and he suicides.

The senior care is where I got a lot scared, seeing something normal to one day got shocked, and none of our age people putting that extra heart, mind, soul, if they are not on the high debts, all that they themselves to the next step.

You Harry and William didn't need any of that, you have a set up life, a set up circle, you don't compare to my 20-30 I won't see them in the real person saying everyone party to against you, that life....that will be my mother's Line App, the second time I saw her.

Its horrible.

I need to lay down, and sleep, the court they all have to have someone behind running about. 

So....some human has a particular merits.

In Life, meaning around the environment how we felt about ourselves, that instantly in our personal space, we look at our in-room, we sleep, or comfort, or sensation is not the nightmare every single night those.

Unexplained, those.

Or insomnia

The home merits were warmer. I used to get up 2 or 3 times to go to the bathroom in Buffalo. Its bothering my sleep time.

I trim down one by one by one, including the material comfort to finding per piece I want my health be perfect ! And that is me don't compete with my classmate, in anywhere saying they all have a life set-up as if. 

So here, its my mother's getting old age life, all her friends are changing the appearance, and next week she gonna find out. Fat, and slow, and no more agile. She heard so many funeral, the cancers. She telling me nothing but that.

They MD 6+2 supposes to care each of all these cases, but they are not doing that so. Every single care must find out, not pretend to close gate, so these cases just let other people helpless. But if they realize that is the job standard, it was because they got told, not they literally meant, they want to be a doctor, and those kids cannot be taught, you see?

They want the American MD to surpass that business initiative, that is why they doing that. If not, they lost the business. I go to my near by local hospital, and because we are more informed, we stay in Taiwan, all the resources or the money or the bank goes back to Taiwan. That is the consequence they meant they were the MD 6+2 to MD 4+2, it will never be hurting me, but providing me, but its to get all the interests from me, to relocate back or to trust them.


Just to hear that is MD 6+2 to MD 4+2, and everything happened around the system idea, we can just shut off all the doors to the hospital care, they go to the private clinic, instead.

And we have those individual doctors office, the Chinese doctor, or the different kinds of the doctor's office all around here, or the joint doctors offices. If Hugh staying around, I will tell him, he might really meant it, they all need to go to the hospital.  Its a city, and we family don't eat heavy, so those incurable disease, we just say we learn Chinese, not English anymore, we stare at China, not America anymore.

I push my works here to speak in English, because that is 200 countries on the classify movie idea, saying the European Timezone or the American timezone. I make like that. But originally, if this case relocated to....another participant of the last 10 years, its an immediate shut off to any of these classmates scoop enough, trying to say, saving those countries all that ending up on the Television. I personally just get rid of all of them. Never call, never contact, never ask, never communicate, including lose my facebook or the Linkedin. They make me feel that way, and create the giant mess in the court room.

The correct Top meant, WE are the stupid IQ patient, so that every MD can take an advantage when the patient needs the problems solve, not I solve everything on the blogger, just one www, everything 70% reports, or 80% records and done, so the American military they themselves goes to me, not those MD put up jobs, none of them have a specialty to the military, or the classify material the process, nor the lawyers at the local. They want to find a solution.

Meaning the original idea of that MD 20+ supposes to join the mlitary and rise up to those classify inside and show up the jobs to me, and not in the military or the MD interests, I will trust them, and that is none negotiable from the spiritual world, just in one them MD 20 huge garbage tale, I will never see them in this one lifetime, other than they felt, its everywhere here, they imagine my voice is their daily life, airy bubble. And the high tech makes them feel....

Something is sprung up. 

In that capitalism, the money doesn't exist. 

So you getting enough this write-up, fine? Harry?

Or you want to say you and your brother talked about it the correct sense, now?! When you are traveling, you talk about it now? You don't want to Meghan and you together inviting them together to your CA home, and talk? 

No, I mean the politeness normally how everyone does things. If you two are not in a good communication, I see you two together doing something.

You social means you trust that person, Harry? Like your brother?


You just decide that day, that time to talk? 

Everyone is traveling, and settle at least 3 weeks, and then you talk? like you will talk to Meghan when she calms down, buys some flowers, some gifts, some gift cards, write to her to talk, not using your voice to talk? Those? The people-to-people skill ?

Her fan clubs?  "You, call her. "

You can do this one whole lifetime, nothing but going back to her. You never quit doing what you plan to do, but at least the social occasion, she realizes, you are flattering her to do more bad. 

Some flowers, some gifts, some bathing, or American sold those, she seen them in Khol, or the gift shops, the scrap things for the feet? 

You say "Hi" first, and you talk about the daily things you just "got in the hotel today, you drank something." about 5 mins talking, then you ask her " If this is the right time to talk? You busy? "

You treat every women like a lady?!

The mother of two?

You have to cut in to your brother, cut in to those girls now together on the same table, because Hugh is not that threatening if normally behave for 5 mins, to watch the girls with the commander. That is with the uniform, he felt obligated?

Your social skill if you and Meghan goes back to UK, 4 or 5 months ago, too long, you were traveling to Africa to play the volleyball on the ground. Did she just get out of the door by herself to get on the airplane, and flew to South Africa?

She is your wife !!!

Tell me a girl like me

What these wife of both you brothers, want to know including your father.

They worry, they worry, very worry about what things she Anna really said? and I said what, Harry?

It was the military as a job making a mess, coming home okay to act right. But no one knows.

Or it is you, almost identical, that is the court room, close door, no one knows.

This is 2 account, or this is only 1 account, Harry?

When the girls have not a lot of the standing, and you two kept vola okay, because you two must exist, you thoughtful were because you knew the story behind, but its a cover up. This entire UB doing nothing but that.....

25 years if were lie, you are young, right? 33 those age bracket? or someone will clarify, someone is older?

Someone quitting a college has a reason, Harry. Other than the IQ issue.

Tell me about Eben, if he wasn't those hospital told?

To acquit a crime lighter because its only high school, or you reading somewhere VS to say, that is what it means, all that were?

You drift away from them, this table. And you doing that every time, if 3 them put together, and you grab a phone, to sit in and take off. No one knows...its just 1 or 2 times, or the holiday. They were all mind on their own future or the agenda. You are that one insert human....you feeling that heart beating, every single time, or its every table you will refuse to show up, its 3 not 4? 

I am not Meghan, you know that. 

Your late Harry Potter classmate questions

If this System things is correct, the same age classmate....to the other side of all world, still probably the education system they put in our world today, everyone tends to be happier or more informed. I still think its the similar how the world already set up. 

The majority of it, other than I am solving a 25 years later you, having one old man to say religious. Next by. 

That argument of how everyone dropped out of the school was a chosen one, its not arguable. People like to have a better academia degree, that trending its 25 years already after AD.

Its an universal truth or a widely acceptance fact.

No, they two are not the bride war. Kelly and Laura. I think they will be somewhat close friends. I am not sure they know each other at all that time. 

The exact human to human photo image, that is the fact idea putting up on the TV screen starting Adam in KY.

No, not any other case unless there are the crime facts based behind. 

You want nothing but tear everyone behind down in the court room judge, can you go to your palace staffs to vent about it ? Or this is about your paper 0 1 2 3.

Char means charcol, like a chulk, or a coal, the coal mine long time ago where England starting one of those history book.

Tar....those concrete floor, cement when its cooling off when they first be pave on the road. That entire look out things looks like a tar. The semi-solid. 

Always be respectful to your father and now your brother and your sister-in-law.

They gone through a lot, or they share some burden of this world, in no matter what sense, be that attitude be correct, Harry.

On the TV, they look normal to me, behind I don't know if that is their 2000 personnel needs to find out, your brother, but I am sure on the TV front coverage, he doesn't do that.



Talking manner, right. How you England greet. 

You are one swing door away just a glimps of those too big event venue ground, its all airy wildness light, other than you living in it. Exactly like the movie, Harry. You want to re-picture this week you just had or arrived in Japan. You are not touching that door yet....

But its hundred events you gone to, its not 1 attractive women, and lament air of the UK British upper, not my voice type, not those addiction to destroy the citizen the bakery maid those type. Me.

Tell me, what do I mean by these?

In English, a swing door means a structure of that circular movie door in Lake House.

There wasn't anything there, right?

When you say someone swing things, means they doing all kinds of sway, swing talks, or the manner to manipulate that lower parts of the idea. That to say, sorry. The structure you see, its an exit. A swing door circular exit, is not a literal sense. 

But here means, every time you leave that venue, its your own world where you can continue to trespassing this door in door out scenario, but each time, that exit method, you seeking no exit.

The English way saying it. You cannot find an exit to your deep troubles or your financial situation to be more affordable. An exit in life. Seeking a mean for an exit in life.

You understand?


Dean's future in thousand lifes after...on the big TV monitor. The consequence.


You mean everyone is polite in the venue location everywhere. The UK or the US congress, or the table cloth, everyone, no one talks about the movie, its all very tight up like your brother is a lot more relax about this movie things, or me, or you. He is the least pointing at you, that kinds, or Hugh. Their head is airy bubble.....your father said your brother is like Wing?!

You cannot make those strangers come to a degree, only use the movie. Of course not.

You cannot put those people's mind, to always talk about the movie to say, you were in Harry Potter all that, and having a group of the friends to rally, you want to insert someone like your friends to be in those golden bright or yellow light Ocean 8 those venue to say, how you are, so you rise up to talk? Of course not.

It will never change in the next 40 years.

None of my classmate has those language, your England upper all world, including the garden party, if were US Congress, its all the similar height, attire, straight not swing, or my UB classmates any of them the air, those. Of course not.

So your conversation is always starting at, "But I heard from the judge"

"The law"

"The judge meant, I have personal ask the judge."

They talk about the business, the section of the laws, or the Google announcement board somewhere, Panda 5.0.

I actually don't know where Westlife becomes after 2001, or 1999 the first album or Ronan, or all that SA America.  You mean if I wish them no good,....worried. All right, but if they are on their success path, they still show up with a correct dinner manner, that Ronan sometimes show up, these people's house, or the home, each has the manner of the wife, or the kids all around. Serving each other, talking normal.

Not     "Return to the Wild."

No one talks about the classify, no one talks about that super high tech, never cartoon, never TV, never anything I ever done, ever. The system scale of all things, or the water rinsing the sink. By myself, alone, no one watching, I rinse a lot more in that person's home. Or washing the dishes in Tim Cook's stuffs one day.....I wasn't that careful.

"Where you gone to your Ph.D study? Where that is? What is your current working on projects, you two prince at least knowing that, same with the Dutchress."

"The forest preservation, the eco-land, or the eco-branding products, be more vegetarian, or save the water from the meat industry, or the pesticide less used on the farm land, or the water sip through got polluted."

You both were together with your father to this TV commercial, I was in the US, I saw that commercial a bit. Amazon forest.

"The economic statue....the consumer index, the Forbe 100, the Wall Street, that is the 5th Avenue, right ? in NYC."

"The shopping center, where they gonna open a new store at? "

"They putting this Christmas decoration now, you all gone by yet, the car driving by?" 

"The weather hits my roof, those snow the construction worker comes by, the inspector or the addition of the house its only 4 inche, the town needs the plan. "

Not twirling the voice on singing a song....with the Ronan song to shout at the birds to say the sky above has a Thor? Of course not those talk.  If you all training the lower age of 18-25 military kids like they should know, they doing nothing but those small gossip, "Its a twirl dance, or its enchanted means? The word funny."

Its just happened, if that small talk, ends up to their next week schedule being assign when they all going somewhere, its the science musuem and to live there for 3 month summer vocation.

"We meet again !"

Then the expo try out like the cell phone or the digital camera stand. They put some products or the material science tag on those windows. Its a Live exhibition seeing.....they pass by.

You know how you live in a dorm, and then you have this Screen buttom to be tested in per room, or you check out every room, so okay, those are station on the wall, mounted on the wall none moving, and you take that panel stand there to push a buttom.

Then if this entire building inside, has a real SA event, meaning something on the temporary display, then "We meet again."

"Her stuffs again? "

They get to walk around, and they get to participate, or take the flyers more attentively. They didn't' know that is her stuffs, all that.

"She doesn't know us here, right? She keeps talking about it on air..... "

No, these are not to talk about to them.

These are the military you say the orientation table you tour them like the librarian, or the college orientation table those TA.

But, you are all prince.

"The case study shows ..... the percentage of the man and the woman when they comes to the academia performance, they tend to use the left brain more, I mean the man. I gone to some expo shows, they mounted their photo on the wall. They introduces those early Moon Apollo crew members and they got exploded. Its in the science museum. That was a tragedy." 

"They told the whole story on the wall.  In those big frame plaque, the exhibition place. "

It was not the paragraph above. 

Harry ~~~ the human has a different way in talking.

uh ~ I am late. 

I need to go ~~! Its cooler outside today, everyone your jacket outside, dry a bit, airy a bit.

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