
King, is my father obligated to live in South America?

Are you out of your mind? We didn't get that news why he is not with his mother, most time it was the Queen we know of the office where she took her photo or the public speech on another desk. 

What do I suppose to say in the court room, Anna?

25 years your legal fees + the 25 years the peer review journal, you have that ambition but people are dying out to say, you don't know someone looks like you, Huffman, next by is Mark. Tony is the dark lords Hitler, but you cannot claim that and that to say, you shift your position in Harry Potter's house as the original year claim, as the original title claim, as the original House change claim, meaning I Anna had the research paper because of Tony is AF = Hitler. 

Not Tony Huffman's mother is Marley

Not Huffman and Mark is APO.

You hide things for your own favor, its how to get that 3 spots, I think you motivated if you know that is true, other than helping others in the legal court room fight, you believe the opposite direction. It was never the justice prevails, its you 1 person one lifetime glory. 

Being American or being English. 

Harry Potter BOOK and Harry Potter MOVIE!~

The Harry Potter's book the year on the right (wiki)

You have to read your British English for 7 volumes.

The Harry potter movie, film below in years. (wiki)

Meghan is an actress, she knows about this like reading?

I think you do the shortcut methods because its the image you see is the evidence, you say "the movie". But at that time, you probably hit those 閉門羹  


I am guessing what you did, not I literally know if you write it down, or you believe your lawyers, or whom you talk to, or you really cared about it, so you finding the real heavy money can buy, those American lawyers or the England lawyers to get in those vocabulary for you. And it shows up in OU language, unless you also ask your lawyers concern to that, so maybe you were already in that business for 10 years ago to these Harry Potter, and your argument would be the position important, or the title, or that next by Frozen, and your lawyer probably should have told you.

Every movie is separated claim, best. I think. (I am very sure about this)

But I only had a Frozen idea looks like.

The original year claim you cannot change that, in 20 years, that is expired, you can ask your lawyer that, of course. ==> That is when you file that very beginning claim on the first Harry Potter Film.

The original title claim would be

a. Do you specific the character as....

b. That in the reality its you and your brother or your Father sue you all that. The England monarchy with your grandmom.

The Original House

This is the part my side shows up, but we talk about the details probably its 2024 this year, I wrote this down for you, you have a shift to the original Harry Potter's House changes. Shifting the Head House.

*** Remember ***

This information I give you....shifting the House in Harry Potter 4 division.

At the beginning when you file, you original claim is Harry Potter that Hogwarts Gryffindor House. If you didn't get the court room enough information, they only look into that Harry Potter original house. If you submit this new file, I through Frozen you know, this is the shifting her sequence in the real life she knew, this sequence doesn't guarantee you to acquire any position in both houses, but the judge will start to realize, maybe you are in the 4 Houses not just 2, shifting that 1 information to another, because my information is the newest. If you disclose to that, then the judge will tell you if she opens 4 Houses investigation then, because maybe its in all of these name lists. 

No, you don't provide that Ola and you running that kinds of the saying to the judge, no.

If the judge makes you run, you and the judge knows, understand?

But you could say, I overheard..... like "Me and this lady didn't go to the court or any arbitrary court idea. I thought to separate 2 movies as the 2 sperate files when we proceeding this. I used to know this....so this time I didn't do much or at least I have asked. Both my original focus, and her original focus whichever the piles or the law written information is not overlapping at this time. I had a focus, that those were the original claim or the original claim year, she doesn't know. "

I have my lunch hour soon, do you know if your brother has any lunch?

Prince William

1) He always has a lunch in one hour of my time?

2) Kate calls him to ensure he has the food with George?

The last 2 weeks, I was kinda of busy, someone he cannot kneel anymore. I think its Kate and the food.

玉子燒 its those Korean egg breakfast rolls

海帶芽 in America its those just seaweed in a container small, next by the sushi.

Both are cold, in somewhere their fridge opens store similar to SOGO, here. A load of the lunch made the officer worker or the housewife can purchase early home.

So Korean 7-11, they sell those white rice in "the bowl", and your brother insists he must eat the white rice with George?

Both of that is the container near the sushi, like his waistline, those height, and all open fridge, George seeing it easy. His hand going in to grab. They find those looking fridge?


All the way....down 25 photo, til he sees the fried food. Before, this is the open freezer or fridge. If he just has the correct people telling him that 2 things to eat with 2 bowl white rice from 7-11. There are other microwave food right in 7-11.


The old Sogo your taxi, the new one is diagonal of that metro stop. (the brown line)

復興南路 (舊的 Sogo 百貨)        


North we coming it down on the left side 復興南路, you need to left turn to park at the across, I walk over myself the traffic light, that might be 忠孝東路

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