
No alcohol, no PC games, the books to read. No PC violent any hand-on device games?

Like Hank, beating people idea, or kill kill kill all the times, those.

Be a Ninji or a monk or a panda. You hear people say no, and you know it will never get like that, but no one knows you have your hands issue, to keep playing that hand-on device?

You are sad towards everything, your face looks like, or you feel like that, or you party to get drunk one of those beach scene when you were alone, those Pirates of the Caribbean. You did !! You remember that year on the beach, you were? 

And today, the recent life? That was in the sunshine, right now you are in the darkness dim light party palace trying to find your way out of the venue or exit the table talk, the camera light is not on you.

That is at least 20 years. 

What is the difference? You don't know the difference?

Right now you have more friends, the beer smell all of your body and they all surrounding around you, packed.

On the beach to facing the sun down, the day you had one beer those brown bottle you knock it in the white 2 string bag to throw in the dumpster, you break it in those time to cut your finger. That was your first touch of the cut like the ...the finger blood.

Party in the political worlds is not those written law arguments

You don't want these girls you married to, the life they force you to the military, to the scene where the war, or the helicopter or any of these works they make you do because of all these movies or "the classify material", your father, your mother ....

You want me to write it?

You and your brother cannot get through.

(Tears, the nose blows. Your nose need the kitchen napkins...those. My ears don't come out the tear, the nose you blows its not the tears. )

Not be with Westlife or the classmate, I one day saying that professional, too perfect, one day its my classmate, but I drop them like 30 years with American. I just live with my mother...

(blow your nose)

I come from more American that side to return home, I am happy to just rest, sleep, going through 2014 one year, or 2 or 3 years. If anything emergency comes out, still the American where I did stay with the country or Canada. I never say for sure just cut Westlife out of my life. Your worlds selected a lot better, your father watching over you, or your guards to those a lot more your kinds upper class. I already be this so spiritual side, I just didn't say how worsen their character with all of these they might all ended in hell so much faster, they keep doing this. I didn't judge them, that doesn't mean the natural environment or the weather reports don't judge at them or the movie materials. I never say a thing, because there is a hurt, and I tell them all straight. It had happened before.

I filed only my works, I just swift all that, when you all do come back from the outside, its already a stack up the papers, finish all that swift piles. Swift right, swift left, swift right and left.

... ...You realize how far away I am south east more east from your looking to almost none exist on the Earth places? You cannot tell even if that world exists !? If I am confident to stay here, so I insist to just right now be home, and I want to do the saving and this is my money to make for my family. Me and my mother, she feels more ease to retire.

Its ....a company meeting table. Those are the meeting room from the business sector side.

I am a science major, doing the calculation of the solvent to solute, or ensure the experimental results match the procedure, or inventing that procedure from the concept, in general to proven that tested results in the end. 

No, no high school.

No, no college friends.

They talk stern and they are all like that.

You quit drinking first, not everyone yield to you because you drink more, those are very very childish thinking and all that.

No, they are the American. No, in 30 years they might just trained in anything, saying we together. I think they quit long time ago, those play tricks and games mean to them, or being discouraged, or longer years than I boss them.

People becoming "your opportunity", then they hold on that jobs to become one of them. The people in front of you, you cannot catch up what they say, and the logic behind, and when they asking you. The committee board the chairman seats. That is none science subjects. American don't believe...you England, YOU....anything of that. 

I ....anything is not targeting, because I am just writing required, the rest the public has to figure it out. I originally trust in that. Even my classmates, I have to ropes on their neck or the whole body, just focus on their passion, anything but that way. But if you keep insisting, and they lost their focus, this entire Asian Pacific, you don't imagine, they are the American, you are all in the same road ahead! You believe in each other.

You didn't do any of this drunk to talk, drunk to vent, drunk to scream to anyone, with that kinds of the you wish this you wish that, those in those party, or the gala?

No, definitely not any of that. Not like that. You quit drinking, and fix your brain, and you focus better in their English usage, how they words, how you make a notebook, or how you shut off your phone from my website or someone sent you a text message from those flip old old old phone? You need to earn their language, keep those air-con inside that building, your attention to what they say, to question them slowly, make a note, squeeze your eyes and "What did you say?" You repeat what you heard in a different English words, or you write it down..."This is what you saying?".

You can always stay in, its almost anything you coming out of your brain is not a difficult thing. You conduct a meeting, you presenting, or putting a lot of the notebook down at your front 1 person seat, and copy machine A4, in 10 or a stack....and not the empty meeting room, and they got nothing on their table, everyone just by memory to talk, to discuss?

I can get 10 books I carry in, to be in that seat ! That is what I mean. No more my website or any music, no more Westlife. That one position or the air-con inside, all those sleek looking, those people are very stern. You need to put your focus very clear on them.

Are these meeting people waiting for you to go home? With Kate?

No, my world don't do the business jargon.

My other world, Babaji has to run, and those are all high literacy women, tall women, too. Older, and more vibrant, and very very clear, not hostile, maybe our world they look threatening to you, you are more mild. The man with the eye glasses, sharp and get on to your focus, because your face....did you look at your own face, when they talk and they look at you?

Don't watch the movie, or the TV, or the PC game, not the internet these page. You set your browser all open at, their economic or the finance reports, those page. You make that a habit for 10 days, 15, 20 days. You get used into those mode, you are still young, and stop all those cups. The first thing in the morning its only those pages! You will feel totally different. You don't ruin your morning. Fresh and get on the reports or you don't wake up in your own morning !!

You make into a habit ~ I understand what this Eben is for now, for Business !

Your have several worries and the anxiety. The Sunday church, the big sports game and show up with your kids, and you play the sports or the school events, or then, you have to go to those meeting table. You can tell they talk into you, or say something to see what you will say it back to them.

You need to be 1 person with your current family, to these big family from UK that those people seeing you into their life. Not those legal arguments or the movies. You have the table cloth, and the endless chat with someone, or the hand shakes ...You to listen to their English say, if you are not clear, you ask them, or you smile, not 2 eye hollow~~ because you getting that look everywhere from your business meeting tired from the morning. You need to smile more, be more joyful to drink your soup.

And not like your focus drift away, sometimes this subjects line drifting you away. I wasn't sure you seriously to read my site of all those arguments and you almost identify you yourself as.....

all that movies combine, you seeking an exit from my end ! 

You knew you have the business meeting !!!!

You knew all those big pictures, too. All the events ~ I can tell. 

How did you get here again? You shut off sometimes, and you will come back to focus those writing, that is not your most immediate goal : the structure of the summary, the organization styles to organize, or numbering, or the picture insert, to how to verbalize that, or how to re-phrase that. I would be explaining to my classmate, or some others. 

You finding anyone for help? The literacy, the book, how to make a note, how to listen to them, put a tape recorder, or you remember what they say? 

The cooking ...No, we don't need to, if you got told? 

Those meeting is where you all suppose to go back, and get it real !

You know you are not those panda's age anymore. ....

No coffee, no milk, no cheese too fat, no wine, no too much those things.

Movie: Twist 

I have no jacket ~! I keep hearing that. 

A cow, the same cow.

Definitely definitely not any of that. I think its no matter what they 2 two parallel the ending of that ....how it ended. The commonality.

You are on your track, before the movie says. You stop drinking seriously for the next 20 years and for your kids, and focus that habitual, not you feeling your life drifting. There is an external scene, everyone cheerful, the soccer field, or the church or stands there. That is what we see ! But you have the internal works, or the gala table cloth, your eyes.....listening to something and drinks that soup.

And you go home, you get up I have no idea when, because you are late for the bed. 

Maybe you change the room, everything its a lot more harmonious, that is not a place to be disturb, so you can wake up and stack up your books, or the reading to participate what they plan for you. Those are serious !

Write the notes per meeting when you get off, or right there, any note, to improve your next meeting, that is what it takes! You ask your secretary? How they do those meeting mins? So someone you brings in, to ask her to write those meeting mins.

That is what it called. "The meeting mins."

They didn't tell you to bring one girl on the right side behind you?

The musician is never ever EVER meeting mins collector. NEVER ever. Eben, he is the second business its a lot more this internet marketing. Craig is on the fitness habitual built up your exercise, and maybe not the eye sight, you gone in every meeting room. Its actually a lot of the guys currently, not limited to you.

They are away from their friends, and be more sharp towards some very stern guys, and they put in a room, you feeling the way you are. Then the gala at night coming, you seeing the whole day these fluorescence light, and at night time, its darkness, and you put a wine glass in your hand, you smell like the alcohol. You walking back?

You ask your staffs, how they can shape up for you, seriously. And you make it in the next 2 years plans, without here and tell them they go and sorting your court room. Not his anymore, you need to make those meeting the biggest things, right now !

Close here, and your facebook not to looking around or the Linkedin, or the news weather, or the lotto number, all that off your phone. Every morning, you first page open is those finance reports, or the business dictionary !

I have to be on my phone or I go to sleep ~~

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