
Still on your drinking party, prince all world?

Explain yourself to ...?

Dean drank for 20 years since the first door I slam on him before Bill.

They done this before, you know? They may not done that through the TV. Its still violating all the privacy parts, it meant Dean literally dead implication, and put up on a sequence in an extreme way to say about the Earth intention all that.... that can be written so long so long so long....

I think Nicky drank a lot, too. I don't need those things ~~~ Tina drank a lot, too. Only just me and my mother.

You don't understand what I said? The implication I just said? They put a death on the TV is with the Dean's name on it. He was the fatty in Big Hero 6. Lauren is fatty....and you will be, Prince William. You are so busy doing all this calculation, when Riley asking you to do anything or your house whom, the old lady....your agenda is 3310, sleeping side by side Korea, Japan, because of the typhoon pushing in, your only hiding best way it is to?! Abuse your power for the sexual harassments to the local drunk bar for the women, and none of the girls here will know, only the panda knows?

That word is called "reconcile", you both don't speak the correct English, Will?

Which prince this is, again? Your Royal Channel is on your schedule, not keep duplicating human. Mably is also dead label, too. 20 years on drinking that cup til the glass full? 

When someone done this before, then? (without the TV)

                                                                            Kian, Nicky, Brian.......

                                                            Ma |  rk,

                Babaji / me             Shane,  



I was always wondering why Mark is always always end up an interface line, from Ireland | England dragging all the way to Korea |  Japan

Is      Taiwan, a good division? 

The serial killer, the ladies killer.....would be SMCH, and me in front of the whole congregation no more exists. That is entirely empty ! Taiwan doesn't have the position, you straight that with President Xi.

You always know Mark cut in half is the ark not half,  the biblical ? All the animals pets show up, did you talk to anybody? A quarter !!!!! Justin Timberlake, In Time.

Not a quarter of the millions? 

If Mark is the Queen, Kate can be lied to, its never 3310, so sending her in is safe. But you need the behind to hurt her, to the Japan divorce court fight to sound you have a back road exit, you need an oxygen mask. They Japanese ladies find?

But Mask is the movie with your father's time. Diaz next by Justin that time.

Its in green ! Tro?~ Eben is not the tro, I say, or we all gather, you and Middleton, you are the green?! 

The FRIEND waitor's name is Rachel Green !  with Russ.

That is how many kills all together called the Pitch Perfect !!?~

They figure it this out before, Will? Your England 3000 human too far away?

If Mark is the father, your kid is the prince.



What is the Titanic words in their ship? RMS    Royal Mail Ship


They want you to be clear with the things with Kate.

Your first love is not Mark, William. Good Will Hunting, what is your father calling the black police to find them 3 or 4, is that true? The check things "Catch Me If You Fly". 

That is your love, right, in the car? They say, you initially go near to them, you want something....They ask you something, and? That entire whole memory gone, its a brand new Mark from Babaji says?

You love the money idea, you love the power idea?

When you had the hair. 

The first video your mother and you.....I later this week says that is Middleton since 1999 is the Queen of England, you are the stiff Eben current time. So a quarter of 1999


Sorry, 1

It cannot be proved, only I seeing the image, and everyone will believe, and accolade your mother's story, but you have another agenda. Is your kids' name you name it?

Vu is a monk

Manuel is the spanish driver. The first alphabetical...not you and Kate

Angel ge  G like God, E like Engalnd

Aura  po   P-O

No, that is Connie's parents meeting, or that is the friends, Italian bad aura. GE is Nick

Vu is Love of the Century monk

Beautiful Noi = me

Original Universe Ihos Ku ......

You name your kids Lewis. Taiwan Youtuber Lewis.

The sex harassments of Simon Cowell


What? Bee


Lewis got married, that girl hurts Simon. I just got told like that, so last time, last month I look at it.  

The other things you know about, your England all let you name your own kids?

She is the 2nd one as Diana. Charlotte, C. 

You read this I understand, Kate is beautiful ....I see, your father is the GE parts.

Square square is above it. Fon = square, it means square face 口 face

The poker face means flat only, or?

When your father dead, you are God, so the 2nd one, they just insert her middle name in it? 

Will, you are a lot like your mother than you think. Your father knows your mother well? The love parts. Are that car inside your first love dead, for Ella Enchanted? The Good Will Hunting.

All the guys must know when they first fallen in love, if that was a car in those car partner buddies, and end up on the movies, and continuedly 25 years, to where you find a new wife and a new love, or saying were the idol love, Mark with 3 younger kids. A great family big photo, and Kate is the photographer.

Normally the girls like Kate will never knew that part. But Meghan....she is the professional. Hugh is a guy.

If Harry Potter is the Dark Lords.....


Just delete all that upper parts, like I told Jonathon he took over the Roswell Park or the UB principle that overall President's position.

He will never be?

Just lead, and put himself in that shoes over his father's head.

Did he listen?

He got off the facebook himself, probably not. 3 years no one listens to end up yesterday that sheet, once again, at the beginning.

You cannot just call him and argue with him?


Do you mean one of those vice position, from Biden to Dean, you are, and Mark is the vice, too. All that sabbotage you? Aren't you a psycho blank out your mind in the time interval, you would remember all these details thoroughly. They hurting you, you suppose to say something, to get the compensate, all the time !!!

Like how?

Did you tell them !!!? 

No, they never listen to me.

You should tell them all the time. They believe in it, also they know they hurting you.

You sure about that?


( Riley is right next by.... )

( England palace whom too far away ? )

( Anybody, William. ANYBODY !!! )

Japan is not an ark, no. I know.....you don't believe that, okay. The shape, no.

You go home this one time to where your real activity should be focus in America, speaking the English when your father is still alive. When you settle with Kate, whichever reason she ends up this side, or your father tells you, you both work it out with the kids. But while your father is still alive, he is the only one knowing you, very deeply, your presentation or you always just believe he done better at those diplomatic situation and you can always ask one thing or two. 

When you finish dropping all these movie how they hurt you, or plotting all that with the reality, drop all that, you have the garden party to crash, and those people care to be with you and your kids. You enjoy that life, drink less, and get through your England all matter. Not anymore this side Asia, or the movie, or the inside plot all that. Just drop all of that, ALL of it.

How did Kate end up here? Will?

No, I don't know. 3310, you sleep on the right side, she sleeps on the left side.

You ever sleep in the same bed, even? 

So there is no connection whatsoever ~~~ If they let her stay in England, they will all watching her in England. 

Mark is not your weakness, First love is not your weakness. You are meeting everybody new, just drop all of them to the past, don't think, don't look, don't care about it.

No, not the book.


Harry pulling her to write a book? Did you ask Harry he wants to write that books?

Keanu is the book. He told everyone. His motorcycle to the bookstore. Down on that first road right?

If they didn't make you two separate, why you get yourself separated? Can you talk to someone whom knew about these? 

No, every movie as 1. That is 1 movie, only discuss what it is in there. The character puts in there.

No, I will not be with Mark, you mean 3310 implication. There is no implication. I have no idea what that is. Mark Chao?! Erin's last name. He has a father ~~ Joey Fatone, my father's friend. They never find out from behind, they never knew he has a lord or what the best friend parts.

I didn't really care that much.

I am not scared this movie hit back right to me? No! 

I don't have a job, you have a job? 

Your only jobs suppose to drop all your leisure things to focus on that mansion with your father. And all your family products and the service if you or your father like the news say, seriously built something. That is your family real business. Not those friends, not those chat away, focus on a certain thing they make you do, not you imagine to do. 

The human likes me better..... your real family business with that 500-1000 staffs (not the security), suppose wish me well with everyone else as my side, other than 1 you. You need to focus on your own mansion ALL property line, I say that again and again, because !!!!!

That technology was when your grandmom got inaugurate or when your father grew up, they start to have a toilet. That entire property line to one single apartment complex, you never find out if that lasting for 50 years, seriously ! If you don't focus on the next 20 years, its at your father's worse, right now?

You want to bring them back tomorrow, George can be with his friend the same year, still half of the semester?

Will, bring them back for Christmas and the holiday season and be home. 

My classmates are not like your own classmates all those worlds, they need to stay with their parents to get through the next 20-30 years. We don't hang out, and if they got the family, its a lot more unstable factor than you and your family everyone wishing you all well TOGETHER!

Hugh can go back to his happy life with Olivia, those sports car on exhibition. 

You don't settle this with me, or Harry or Meghan,....whatever that book I didn't even know what, or where to get a book. You go back to your family business world best. If they ask you to go to the upper world, pay very very close attention, to what they ask you to do. NEVER drink a wine a cup anymore. They know either you do on purpose, or you just soaking in those mood when you were a teens. You need to be one person face your entire upper world. Kate beside I can tell.  No one pressing you here, because we don't need that part of the life, and you know your life is pressing BY THOSE forces more than us.

Our age.

I am not going to be with Westlife, all this drunk, or smoking, or maybe they trusting my title too big, they think they are smaller.....EXCEPT the toxicant stuffs to my brain.

I need to be with my 1 mother. I am efforts next by her, just no one hearing that.

How much she puts up all my father ever did, or so many things when I was not around. Those years I did wish I knew about that. I forgot....I never think about it. When I get my family organized, that will be the paper works and the money saying.

UB, that time, 3 years, they heard enough this one year, the details where they got wrong. Most time they get angry also they never wish its the eternity wrong to be honest. They rest their mind another 5 years, another 10 years. 

Not that monk story. Just focus your current life.

You saw the boy in their twin story, or the Bolton's boy, that lady's twin story exchange the clothing? That story is very common. Running away from the home......you can, but I need you to stay focus inside your palace life. Feeling to breath, feeling to be away, quiet.

I am staying far away from your brother and Hugh. You know for sure your brother, you are not sure about Hugh. Do you want to read your own father's statement or the news? I found out, not that kinds of the run inside his own parents' company. He lives and breath is fine, I think he is also conditioned, something similar like your head, swellon. His entire skull head, swelling.

Those critique inside the real groups or the crowd people stress you?

We seeing it from the video. Since you are here, I saw Kate walking next by you, you are behind her shaking hands toward the right side vision. But she is at the front, I cannot see you.

And the dining table, like Shane and Ronan.

Simon talks, Nick talked ....

Howard Stern talked. 

Westlife everyone talked, Nicky talked, too. Ronan (the bird meant)

They don't necessary given in to the participants in front of them.

You and Kate just right in front of them to get yourself hurt "BY" them.

This is what you mean? You just got 10,000 people from Buffalo there watching you, they spread all evenly in America.

With nick, I never talked on his table with his friends. Not with his kids, not with the center, not even this SMCH. 

He will tell me (if I turn around), the human life is where the confident built them, and smile.

I just stare my two eyes looking at him, and looking down. He finished?

The right column those 10....in one of those article. So many....

( look ) now I remember.....you William is to be the England King, not these !

And Kate is to be the England Queen after Camilla. I thought that will be the plans, and I guess I accepting that if everything finds are all well.

You drop your wine glasses and repair your brain, and the warmer yourself, and get an oxygen mask. Go back to how you can be the England King and Queen, together.

To be the England King, its more than any of this photo art, seriously.

Be an England King !!!

Sit down and always kept that talk with the doctor, or someone near, you know, you know, you heard, and you get hurt all the time. You want to put those people's talking behind you, and their personality is stronger, and your classmate the same age, you need to breath?

You behave more and more up walking like a King.

The law arguments are not how you be an England King.

Tonight you call back, and say you wish to come home. With Kate. How can you be coming back home with Kate. George can be in the school, all those worried. I heard all those certain things in the written words, I feel better. Do I always always need to get every word clear when I got confused? 

They will tell you no.

You call in a couple hour. 

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