
What happened if someone fallen off the data sheet?

The normal situation, no one knows there is a data sheet. I called out there is a system data sheet. In that circumstance if one day in the future the Time Return without me, that girl or the entire groups will never know what's going on.  ( Like Ronan...these songs?! )


When the people got trapped in a situation, they always lighten their stress if some music or the singing going on. Like the power grill is down, no electricity or no water, no normal flushing of the toilet.  The laundry room in America when the washer or the dryer broke : That time I should remember I had a mother that time. So the UB didn't catch this small tiny things....they think its normal. Its not correct, but no one told them, that is not correct.

Some family got destroyed because of that small tiny details they missed. Someone ensure I can stay in the US but that doesn't mean they are details enough to pushing through another 20 years, that's why they failed.  - The American standard is very strict. They do have a standard. 

They only want a certain thing, and the students are not deliver to them. They are so high air, they meant, the entrance medical school, or later, or that entire medical boards, its the practice that carried on correctly. Always ahead, not behind. 

Ola, that is far beyond anything can ever said.

Dean kills Tamang, Jonathon kills Ola or Wing kills Karen. They 3 goes to jail, finished on the street is their only works to do. Adhere that to stay in America, if without....they didn't understand where they or their parents from or what they said that profession pursue was. None of that is the standard. 

So its very very complicated?

No, they don't care about the movie, they.....have their own medical board worlds to oversees. That is the American standard.

And now?

Honey, baby...its on the market on the map, 6+2. 


Its a paying good job, its a saving type...its an campus location, bragging to their facebook, they VOLA their PCAT or MCAT, as a profession title as they are, Anna gives them an excuse on the system data sheet on 1 human, not on 1 kill, only she says its not like that. All of them gone to the OU whole galaxy if without saying. 

So the medical world they completely understand it.

And you know that standard before?

Not the first year I even knew they were where MD 6+2? Their IQ didn't acquire to get that far, there is a MCAT score + the interview.

They don't dare to kill, jail and go on the street, too cold.

Correct. Someone done that before.

Or even someone got found, no one knows, just all number on the map?

The indicator light is on the map.

They go along with the classify sheet to send them these MD numbering?

Right, none of us know there is a giant long 6 months Earthquake + the current bad bad situation this case + China case here in combine. 

That will be the classify reason.

I didn't check  You mean if the medical board someone reporting to them, probably none.

But that won't make a sense someone does that to them, they didn't pass.

Most of them if didn't pass, they becoming you used-to-be, you think? Traveling to Turkish?

They will becoming...? 

Shut up, don't talk.

So you are not going to sue them they doing this to you?

The medical world / boards.....I look up first on the monitor why things becoming like this. They never mention to me, I never know, I look and see, everywhere I think about it something. MD 6 ....+ 2 Wing and another....I can count, so there is a Tamang for sure I know in the Smallville and the Korean Drama.

Someone like you will be thinking all that to put the things on the blogger to tell, you dare to do that?

Yes. You don't because you are not sure. I am very sure.

And they let you do that, if you are very very sure?

They hear, and you know that is a medical world, or a board, you mean if they got notified something had happened outside until 2020. So....later someone leaking in, all that takes the run about time.

And you would be....

They are run about, I told Jonathon, I am not there. Bye.

Do you get put near the board because you draw a painting?


But you glue back to them, just by sending them a painting?

Of course not ! That is a what??? American medical board, PCAT was a pharmacist counter top to memorize the drug to give out the prescription, but its just a painting, I didn't send it to them.

You sure they are looking for you, or those indicator light was to hold you, or why they are there, you are here?

I may not know everything, correct. I find them slowly, not completely sure I already back to my home, this is 8 years. I can only just go by where I am this location to live life. I find out a several thing, so I wish to stay at the warmer place, not America anymore to look after my mother.

You don't need to be one of them.


The tuition or no brain....like me.

Both none. They got some other better shape up in life, they can take those jobs as the professional MD or Ph.D + MD.

So they wish that?


You know they wish that, and you still put yourself glue back there?

I didn't do anything of that. Its a personal blog, no one requires to talk to them. 

You are not sure, or you are very very sure?

Not 100% 100%....because the practice in the pharmacy is very different......why I go and to take PCAT. 

You will pretend to glue back, listen to them, and memorize anything they say to you, all that? Including the book, if in the emergency?

Right, except the practice. The memorization just I pay attention. 

So its not really those 7 years MD after the college those?

Definitely not.

You think....they gonna make you?

I don't think, because I care for my mother is the best, I believe they are that genuine.

So you are not very sure they looking for you, like looking for you as the MD, its you drawing that, because Zawanna they make you? The bone the chiropractor and all that?

Correct. I don't think deep down the America why they are the American to say the lawful or the legal measurement, I am guessing on them, too. But if Zawanna or the youtube shows up, I first copy and paste. 

"oh ~ I understand." I seeing that like 100 times, repeated and I think.

Other than the practice.

Correct, definitely definitely not that.

They gonna test you when you come back?

No! That I know they didn't do that on purpose to hurt me. I just care the things what I found out, and I did find out, all my family like this.

You suppose to immigrant to America, and like them maybe?

I did think like that, but I already here. They also are the second generation or the first generation of the American English degree, and I am not 100% sure they are all real....what if they are not real when they enter the classroom. But if they are real.....their parents country. So I just look where I stay here....I put on the blogger, then someone they can all tell the America someone to go where to find the helps. I think the medical board they will help to be honest, so I got confused, too.

Its to find all the issues so they can handle.

Or UB SA to reach the furthest ....

But they suppose to be killing each other, that is when I got confused

You can ask them? or that is OU, too?

I think they will never be the MD, the real holding paper that licensed MD eternity, but no one talks about the eternity, so just this life and they die out they themselves early.

Can I ask you, if here you have an OU, or every part has an OU....

You would be taken the judge knows only takes the part he or she understands "only."

So its not the situation corresponding to OU, you can talk to them or us, or UB them, but you choose the blogger, to type it?

No, you don't enter these conversation by saying "OU language" as they stated specific were the given situation every step of the way of that someone's life. Its rather odd, but the judge will be the final examiner to that situation. It can be the multiple choices when the people taken that personally, because professional speaking, its to everyone, and that was a strange TV.

So it has nothing to do with us, the UK or SMCH all that?

I don't think anything related to any of you. For her....she just always blaming things, as the legal measurement because she used to got burnt. To the God degree, its why that is title, she never knew that jobs, she went to make the friends with the police to against both the human world and the spirituality world. She thinks that is a game, as long as, as early as, she is be-friend to the police.

You believe that?

Definitely not. 

To make friends? 

Definitely not. 

But you look like to be one of them?

Definitely not. 

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