
Your major ....

The laws someone far away family, the math, the physics, the business & business admin, the physics, the chemistry, the mathematics and programming.

It will never be the economic or the finance.

Food and science will never never never be. NEVER.

MD always will be surgeon, because that is the protocol per step jobs, cannot be wrong at all. Not the inside memorization internal all going on.

Never gonna be genetic modified crops, those giant, never Bio Chem

NEVER the school tutoring jobs, the Lee will ever be to jump the sea neither, but...that is so exaggerating.


The military outside: Math, or mathematics and programming

Why I am inside that 2 prince's brain, or Meghan's?

Harry is in the hallucinations state, he drop himself on a boat, sailing on the pacific ocean from California, that is sun glasses and the expose sun, he dehydrated on the boat, the sun never stop on those hours, he faint in there, behind the sun glasses. No, there is the military ship finds him.

No, I think he gonna lost his speech including the hearing parts too.

No, Meghan is fine or some people chat next by him, everything looks normal.

His head inside....He has a doctor, or that is another Riley looking...I cannot write this? When you missing a part of the brain, its a hollow felt and constantly something sharp inside him toward the right, that hurting him, he knows that? It would be a discomfort sensation not necessary a very visible sharp sharp pain, but maybe someone whom knew this science, it might be a very sharp idea, but...its in the X-ray, sometimes I seeing this upside down, there is a structure of symmetry, right side. The strip. The real brain X ray from the top. 3D brain module, not just up down, pulling the image 3D down, hologram those technology.

He does talk loud in the classroom to scary the military uniform, which months were that?

He made those military understand, its to make the bomb everywhere, they know Anna I say were not true over the river blood that stuffs, but it will never be that he says. That, which year, which month the correct dates.

I saw him here with Meghan, that walking or trespassing looks normal here, did he have any...lengthy conversation like a normal something something? 

You want to know HERE?  I think he gone back, right? how do you use a boat for them? I think they are in California, not here. Whom are you? No, Meghan told you he has just the breathing ....not writing that, write me Anna says. No, here? I think he is on the boat too busy from where to a very dangerous zone with some other people. He looks like still mobility fine. You are in the white robe, that Riley guy.

You rides a boat to chase him? I think he is in a yard of a shade somewhere a friend talking to him, if Meghan is near by. The month and the date all that.

You sailing straight, but you going left....you don't go to those military flip his boat, upside down, whatever to write up? Are you a normal person? You are not a real doctor, right? So you wish to have the prove? You suddenly stop, you are on a jet ski or a boat? You going left and right, you are not like him, his brain that kind?

You checking your phone, a life safe jacket?

The water motorcycle, sorry.....you will never get here without a shade. Clean up behind his mess? You are a dangerous human? You will be.....shot down that entire you and a jetski down in the water.....down.

No sleeves....with the sun glasses.

He got no GPS, and Olivia was on it.....Meghan didn't say anything?

Hugh's brain felt bloating, not the chest bloating type.

Anyway, Thank God they all arriving, you shouldn't be leaving, and made it back to the shore. Stepping the sand beach up ....no long pants, not even a shoes. We are the city....

----------------------- -------------------------

Back to you all supposed to be your college major....

The air is low among you, you are not sure about your future, and that is the military classroom, your family, or your relative its all always they say, and you sit in the mist of all that, and you worried. None of them gonna be responsible for your future.

You talk to the university advisor, none stop. They will tell you something, or pre-pharmacy that advisor like the general students advisor. The science & art. Some outsider, what they usually do, like Seth those type.....they only take the general requirement on the 1st year 2 semesters to try out which subjects matter they like about it. 

No, not an immediate major, no.

You all feel, that chosen major....you are not seriously to believe that is a major. Inside your brain.

Your every thought, that brain, all of you. All about similar. 


In the raining day like today....the typhoon night

Seeing these things becoming more scary.....its not completely dark, its early evening, but it is the evening starting, and the rains starts. That is a really really bad combination.

It must be Kate

or it must be Harry. Which one of these I seeing are all.....imagining....Harry you cared I have those junkie classmate, and what is the next steps? Whom should die or whom should live? Or that is happening as we say that?


Movie: Bean 

Stop. Where is that Harry with the sunglasses? His opening of that not closing square smaller than this movie, where a police dead or got shot and dead. He has the key hurried in.

Jetski that guy getting those cash stack from with a raffle there with Meghan and Harry.

That is not the same places. 馬爾地夫

Indian that side called the King's Island.

She and him has a conversation.

But not these 3 small family look like. Bean is he a Death? I saw it the throw things at the mouth.

Its you wish you have a bf like the death ....you will be fearless all of these news before the movies or anything I see combine together.

Bear like the girl had a car accident. They cross the road and got hit by the car. The black bear, yesterday I saw. 

I have heard this song.

Credit behind, yesski? The name. Rowan, not Ronan.


A lot of people think of the dead people, the dead body, scared, or prayer, or something inside your mind when you first time seeing the dead, right? 

I have too many things surrounding me, none stop murdering me to be honest telling you how I feel about it, those 5 Lords not your seeing anywhere here.

You find your bf, or near by gf / bf, holding the hands and talk about it.

I don't do the prayers, I just close my door and lock it !

You can read the Bible, something calm you down, some hot chocolate, wrap up in the blanket, and your sleeper thick or furry, or your bedding how you have those Star light, or some big light, and everything wrap you in, how you decorate your room.

The movies are not supposed to be real, so you let the big people to take care. 

Most of you before this, the movie is to go on a date. 

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