
(News) the typhoon eye stays at the same origin, keep spinning on the same ground....okay. Say it again, how do you imagine this thing.... ( the notes / the pen)

Like you have the guys looking at your perfect family, like how we imagined, or I imagine. Most time the guys don't listen well. They will respect you more if you have a family, like the castle idea, those powerful VIP they make us, me I face better. Not for you, that's okay.


Like you dream of a lifetime, kinda like the Cinderella, because these....entire scene, kinda, just keep repeating the stories. We don't know whom you know, but to us, they all look about the same to those we can see people. Right, but we imagine in our own thought, those counts for us.

It would be 1 Shane, or he is coming to tell me, he and Mark are married, one of those things, or 1 skype, we finish talking, those?

NO! The whole Westlife, or with NSYNC, too!

Cannot be the Backstreet Boy?

Of course welcome, but you can make them show up, yours stuffs that counts more at the family members to make them proud. You practice, imagine we practice (I practice).

How does the typhoon spinning in the origin? 

The central mountain its a vertical 1 to 6:30 that kind. They are....outside the sea, the eye or that is the land....its tomorrow. The typhoon got stopped, so they stay at the same origin.

And keep spinning?

The Earth spins, so the typhoon keeps spinning.

I understand it now, you mean Cinderella its where the mother and sibling saw someone coming in the house. That kind welcome...does it need to be at the front door? Like Canada, those?

NO! (Freeze, chill, cold wind behind the back)

Maybe I remember some of this imagination the K3 maybe.

Its more like the whole village, everyone knows you, that kind. (the older girl)

This is a MUST? You serious !

Just an imagination ! 

Cinderella .....what is the Cinderella means. (type)

I see this? Me? Isn't that my 97 millions dollar Laws of Attraction actor, with that.....God mother, or nanny, next by England BTX Prime Minister England women commander-in-chef, just got off the moment she got on....and George would be like Mably....would be they equal England those those, Shawn's gf, that is the female singer. That is 2 rings from....where 400 millions dollars, MY PCAT.....Let it Go singing lady ....the money, my money?!

(  The groups of the ladies evil eyes like the bats   )

Is you all George future prospect? You aren't too old for him, he isn't even 15 yet? His father, and upper? That guy inside ?!  ===> THAT inside whom is that? The adult that guy. The group of the evil eye to 1 evil eye. You go inside those party, and then find out which guy that is? You believe those things? 

My mother sewing cloth, love....my father, Tesla?!

These are nothing but the imagination...seriously, you all evil bat eye, they know about this?

No! We telling ourselves, that is ridiculous but inside we imagine that and we watch those news. We want to get our argument right, too. So we tell the judge the real things. 

What is the real thing?

Well, we tell the judge that we believe some of this materials and (sobbing crying), we feel...the human degradation of the human spirits. 

okay   okay...

We feel (crying sobbing) that our human spirits to the degradation cause that make us weak and more fumble easily to fail the temptation. (inhale, exhale) that is to accelerate our course of the lifetime - finding love.

Finding a love.

Finding loves. ( blow the nose )

In this story?


Do you call them? No ~! (lied)

That is what you say to the judge?  No. 

We think that....(shrub the shoulder sobbing) we think that God given us the freedom to love is not as equal as those whom upper they finding only 1 love throughout their whole life, just one love that has no money, and we cannot stick to our own true love (bf), other than roaming in life to imagine them, but they only get 1 love.

That has anything to do with you?

Me to love (blow the nose) me to hate, but....its more like you staring at the movie to think of far away from the church. Any of them going in, has to go through the church you know that? We search that. They belong to the church, their Sunday church like you say (blow the nose).

And the church is good, they like that, too for their kids, right?

.... (sobbing), Its like you looking at the Ella Enchanted, but you imagine the reality, you have to dress up very very often, and those bishop are nothing but louder verses every single week, and you can see their heel, to walk very far away, like their wedding ceremony, all of them, and each generation just that one giant wedding, and a long walk (sobbing bursting crying), its like the church will never get off our head, my head, all my family imagined getting married to them head

You want to change those words...what is that that that that....I can see Prince. Not that....that that that that.... whatever you written to tell the judges?

We believe the equality, we never believing in the church and now (big blows) Ronan gonna be, you got nothing because you destroyed it all, and you done on purpose and maybe you should go to jail, those Buddhism thing but China is the atheist, so at least that we are safe. (shrub shoulder too much).

You want to marry to the prince, that kind?

(Knod) but those church won't let us get near, we try (BIG loud cry)

Wait .....(sit up, bent it up your back) You call them first, not you determine the church saying that.

But we want the church to "force" (agree) or "sabotage" our wedding when we need to get out of it. 

You mean the lawyer, not the priest.

The Vatican.

The lawyer.

No, the Vatican.

The lawyer.


I understand now, the whole picture. You mean London, you all so near in England can just any time go to London, those things? And joining in their garden party? They....70% drugger dealer on walking those grass lawn mown and anything there is airy with.....+ their guards can just drug anyone any hidden places, that is a a very scary place never to be, whatever that means. America has 50 states, to reach the idea "London", they will never be, too far away, and the local resident just ...too many works away from those hours, to say train without, the Greyhound without. But both China and America is the bigger land. Even outside China, all still Asian culture to first learn their language, to their culture, to say....you all doing it the business idea I heard of, I am not sure. You just pack up all England marching in the London all area? That kinds !! 

( They just want to see ...how real that is. )

You went to watch the real video !!! You mean...not you literally gone there. So you hate your local grown up church, that resent almost inside all their faces? The garment. You really really really hate these older human from the church line up?! The face? The church......hating the church that much !

Is this eternal life?

Definitely not the eternal life (prince William)

America has this outlet mall, or any kinds of the city built has those shopping mall where those party clothes + the shoe, very easy accessible to attend the events. Dress up and make-up. They look different there....and your heel to walk in London, that is the street cart or the bus like those pre-med students in a Day in Life. PM, the parliament all those scene, I seeing more, like their office or their movie. Hugh Grant. You all from England, girls?

Yes ( or blow the nose )

What does that mean.  Vartican...is not their church at that local. (no ...?)

( Rise my eyes to look at you, telling lies or...)

Vatican is where the vault to be their jurisdiction is all separated throughout all Italy since which century has their own city right....

( no ...?  sobbing, looking )

Do you mean their local church through this channel theirs...those bold hair or garment, or the real Vatican is not their church?

( no ....?  peeking, seeing....)

It would be hostile to inquisitive them in the party.

You went to tell whom, what I Anna or whom I am says about Westlife.....

Jewish, not Westlife. South America, Westlife company, not the Westlife, then its Kian and Westlife, or Mark and Nicky ends at South America, I Anna says what I saw....

You think they done that TV is on purpose hurting everybody so they think its everything wrong inside just like their palace, its not the Cinderella's reason, its killing people all over the reason, doing that to the girls, and no guys will ever like any of those girls at all. Shout or scream.

I cannot understand these 2 paragraph.

Middleton probably smoke ...SMC, Menton, Saint Martin Center (SMC), that Cinderella. She knows how to smoke from that palace probably from the King. Prince William knows how to smoke outdoor. We....or even America has this public laws, meaning cannot be indoor smoking in UB while I was on campus. They smoke at where, guess?

One of the Harry Potter 7 passenge ways.

I seeing a lot of the garbage, you mean.....

I will say go to England parliament, or the American Congress, like learning it right, and literacy correctly, something you like its the democracy world driven like my country, too. But I cannot just drop that issue, Laura will never look at it, and so I go near just spent some times looking at their issue, but I no longer looking at their channel, like I told them.

The England Prime Minister and American President, their debates.

I will have to turn my direction ....I never dwell on their issues, and I go back to Westlife, and the American President what anyone says. That trending has the money in it. I think that is my vision telling me. I am not sure all that because my personal life was never in the zone, and you some others keep pushing to throw yourself in China, this entire strips line just me on it ....

Do you like the debates?

I hear them, those are more political English, I heard them and reading them more and more from the CNN. 

But you can change it?

No, I cannot move any of my will at any given time.

So you have no freedom every second in life?


I probably mean more I have to finish writing everything else in the write-up, just not anything to hear them too clearly, once I have to move to a direction just wait for the results.

You never like the politics, or?

When too many people involved, probably any of this thing I just spit it out what I heard, and look for the evidence on the internet and tell the public what I heard. 

Writing will be almost your only freedom?

Almost, almost. the birds has those words I was thinking a space or that word capital, or that is mis-type, its not one flow entry, its one alphabet missing, or I ready to bold or highlight, or stop this or that. I got pump up angry, cannot breath or chest up, too rush to my head, I need to stop, or just not that word, per word those when sometimes they get in. 

Do you know why England Prime Minister or American President will have the money for us?

No ! 

You are not sure, just keep seeing this very hurting things?

Correct. I am not sure and maybe I find out why....and they are already here, not telling me. That is a shock.

You don't dare to ask them neither the England PM or American President because that looking and that looking.....

I don't really know what they mean by they two have the money. I am still observing.

The Washington business.

What is the Washington business means?

I understand now, you mean the President gives incentive for people to do the good things, the distribution of the resources and all that. The normal person like me would never understand it !!

I think the Heaven does things have to go through Washington DC, one of these days, so that is my agenda a lot more, but I cannot tell them that, because it may not be real.

The education degree?

Like the more you have the friends in MD or Ph.D, the President will provide more resource to that meaningful projects that we are on, they more trusted in us.

So you research what the American President wants, not China all around here there, theirs, the only direction  <======   like.....China is on the left side,    < =======   that direction?!

No ! Just the Washington DC business.

I can feel it, its all inside you, you strongly inside felt about this Washington DC anything in English probably that is what you mean.

Of ocurse.

So you never planning to learn Madarin.

Of course not.

( You bombard me, a lot of this, my whole brain )  They have to speak in English! I understand.

The education degree, again.

It will never be those small tiny things you know .....people whom have the money and the time resources and stay indoor to study and create those meaningful projects. They hire the tutor, I don't think you even know what English was, or hiring a correct tutor to go to the Pharmacy school that time. No one, actually ZERO human goes to the pharmacy school, to our view. We heard of the medical doctor, but even that, it will never be the Heaven like, we all knowing that ! You might as well saying to do the business under the Trump administration will sound like you split a domain of the field, its under him, there is the money.

What is a meaningful project means?

Well, you have to research those in a various literacy and put into a lot more higher sphere of the langauge, you do for hours to get one statement or one sentence correctly, a particular English even, you hire the professional people to do that and so you could have the business, or the projects going on. Those required the money to re-write any of mine, or any of us the English statement, its a very very prolong process, it will NEVER be just the Youtuber vola and sustain the time, when the age gets older. Any of this Youtuber idea you saying other than, or was or is or will be. Not too many on it or drop of the digital era. The criminal we fence up but less to say.....if you know where the real market is, it will never be the Google Youtubers those, we research and ask people about it. They say those field are just being developed, too many people fails, those rates are higher ! Yours, its at zero statistic, even Shane knows about it, that is all at zero.

The higher education, how many time I written this? 

hey, is the animal the meaningful projects? (watching these eating vendor's food)


How many of you agree with this in the room?

Just the speaker, the front 1st at the 1st seat right, and the group far away 1. uhm?! 

All I ever listened are not the majority?!

Is Japan, Korea (TV), we, or Hong Kong a bit, to Singapore, or all around there....none of this are the Asian language you saying getting near China, because your parents will agree it might be to your younger age, you are all like 20 years younger, and your plan is inside your body, your chest inside,....that is your body. The first moment when you hear about it, what you can do, what you are capable to do, and what you like to listen, what you intuitively understand and join ....that is your body.

The Korean TV or the music

Like the economic 4 little dragon those per words like the Youngest Princess, it was in here Taiwan's drama, but it is the Japanese 90s comic book. So I explain to you....

Its not the business or the economic finance words, like the main job and the side job one day? Not those 1 click, not anything I ever say?

The Taiwan artist the musician: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5pN8y95OVc

Like China near....those shows up artists, or watching, not necessary to go, but listening, or learning? Its all the language cannot go about?

I need to pull my ears....each counts from 1 to back end row the whole room, oh my dear.

Your every internal muscle, you speaking English?!!!

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