The red house - the description of the foot, the ligament.
Next scene: her father's house, with 2 ladies doctors.
The women's period doing nothing I used to be....the ligament on the shin bone, that tibia places....I used to say. In UB, one month I walk a lot more, there was no period pain. That time I didn't do the body detox yet. I remembered it.
Your exercise: relief the, that is at your eye, you can see. Right?
The ligament like the tendon.
The knee experiment if yesterday you follow Will's material, its a needle at the knee, just imagine that, hurt? Because of the knee is = the bone, to replace all that, that is a full knee.
Let's say your right thumb at your left arm (pawn up), the lower near the elbow, that is the fat, muscle at, press with the right thumb, and your left pawn back up and down like the spider man.
It just means, you feeling it fine.
With women we are, we wish....we will have never one more pain, we cannot even describe, that is what it means, the straight leg walking like the sneaker in the red house, like that, anything to straight like the otter says. WE WANT just one breath of the second, can breath ~~~ seriously.
You doing that with 5 finger, the little finger down up down up.....
I dare to do that? Yes.
What's the difference the ligament and the tendon?
Today, they will probably just call them the tendon in the medical dictionary, when they label it. How do you know that is an entire ligament transparent or tendon when a nurse needle at the knee, will it trespass that surface?
Cannot walk?
That Taoist massage, on the chest, all that is the ligament, the ancient Chinese 4000 years or 3000 years, I don't know starting when, just one thing you imagine to learn one thing to turn into something correct....its one thing learnt. They only did ever, was the needle and the muscle /ligament.
Correct, they cannot disinfect in the past.
Can they open the womb, and somehow taken something out?
Nope, its all connected to the kidney filtration system, to the adrenal, to the liver, all of that, and even the colon where the food pressing the abdomen, sometimes is sometimes is not the blood pressure is low, but too full 2 or 3 days poo never eliminated.....that is why it is not a modern medicine driven. They put the whole boxes chocolate in their mouth.
You tear that apart one by one?
Yes. The women doesn't have any other choice.
You like these movie, if the girls are happy like that?
Yes !
It will never happen, they are acting. In the real life, anything you see their face, twinkle being funny at the eyes, to smile to bathroom to jump up, to push, to "pee, or to poo", its all very very extremely painful, one limb move, one muscle neck, the waist move, one step, one heel wear, one pulling the pant down, per move rate, per "move" seen, per muscle twinkle, it will never be like that, forever, ever.
Stand strip line on the thign, a whip, string,
Straight the back
Light on the eyes.
Turn, bend, down, touch other, cold,
Just to hear these words, they are in the extreme pain, that is what it means.
Every face muscle is in contour, maybe that is the word.
How these per scene, per look, per happiness, it will never happy, per second, per frame, per min.
Probably just
The weight, the shape, the diet, the period blood volume on the blood, the fried food not on the acne, not drinking, more stretching, more jogging, not necessary running, but breathing / the stretching, the yoga, or talk, or the friend, or the chat. The skin works, the beauty treatment. The modern science
No high heel to change the hip, or the knee on the weight, I stay on my chair when I have to gain weight to bear the pain like what they did.
Being a women, its very very bad. Sometimes they grow short, or they becoming too fat, and the dress to shortening that, in America, there is a standard. In Asia, too.
They care about to wear a dress, or have more confident, more chatting power, to dominating some conversation makes them feel good. Every pop culture means to them. Be confident to stand up for themselves, to talk out, to talk back, or not getting nervous every 2 seconds, or speaking their thoughts, or get along with the family, or talk with the clear content.
They aging to where if you seeing them not moving their head, or the body to cross a traffic have to pull them or drag them, or move them.
"Can you see?"
1 to 1. So its only 2.
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