
My mother is very disable, so I have to watch her.

She prepares the stuffs and I boiled these dumpling skin, the fresh one she got from the night market. She walks there and come back, and I cut them in half and put in the soup, I scoop it out, and make it. 

The broth you can purchase from those vegetarian place and you dilute them, she puts some corn and the carrots. We both cook, so she knows how those go, and when you live side by side, the recipe to learn, or the recipe to compete. She is one of those.

My down stair I think that guy is somewhat conditioned but the wife is not, or she is too tall, if that is the angry means or the sad means.

Why I am telling you? I am busy, and UB them not waking it up.....I have to go and talk to her more in details, or watch her, not to wash the hands in the cold water all that. I go and clean up .....that is WILL's wound parts, I didn't eat.

I tell her not to make it anymore. 

Hugh doesn't know how to cook simple, or that is not his diet, yet. A simple sauce or soupy, the very light emergency meal. It will not be his routine yet, but I sometimes talk about it.

I think she is highly disable. That's why I scream that day on the Amazing Spider Man.

I eat like that because I am too tired of digesting the food, that's why. I have to lay down. 
I have to watch her more attentively, and thinking about how to deal with this 2 hands 2 feet hers.  The warming method. 

Kate has to cook one day in Japan.   One day might be Mason, I am not sure that will happen, but.... these video none stop. The cooking idea.

Will probably has all kinds of the food.

But my classmates they mostly have zero food. The guys and the girls, so I input some of those words in, and sometimes they remember and sometimes they don't.

They need to lose weight, so they need to get the initiative to lose weight.

The cost, the bad breath, the weight, the drinking problem all that, because they are a lot normal, and polish their literacy, or imagine their life other than the regular day-to-day getting out of the door, talking to their parents more.

A lot of them are the guys. How to keep the shape, how to keep their appearance, the diet, the easy house management, or the learning with their parents, the baking soda, the bathing choice, keep warm, wake up, and my brother is one of those very bad at it. 

You want to see what Shane did for you?

Your vision center is at your head behind, there is a science how the image turn upside down through the brain, so you adjust that seeing to what you looking the people if they visiting you in your room. You never see a stable image unless you just fix at your bed. 
But if that is just one cut.

Next day you are normal. So they have to find out what is a one cut means.

Your movie one cut

Movie: Drilbit Taylor. 

Mine classmates at least 3 honor program guys saw that movie about 2 years now?

Taller than you guys, they used to be thin, I don't know about now. Silas height. No, all American. One of them looks like that "you", that guy. He is next by my lab bench counter. Wing is across. The first chem lab we all had. 

They study English fine, writing fine. To generate some words to make up 5 pages no-double space, writing, that is 2 pages each. I am so tired of writing all these myself. 

Meeting eye-to-eye with someone looks Eben.

Kick someone at the ball, not just on the head with a kiss.

See if they will save you ! 

Bible ....Jesus says the first Line.

Jesus only shows up because of the cross.
Its only the second half of the book, the new testament, if you know where is the middle !

Just the half of the books to read. 

You all 20 human for one New Testament, that isn't that difficult, right? 

With my mother, we separated a lot of these corners the 1) floor dirt, 2) the sink 3) each of our bathroom, 4) the laundry 5) the floor tool kit 6) every single is the toilet.

You thought about if they gonna put you back to a house living?

And you cannot walk yet, stable, you gonna fall inside? The organization of everything you need all day? The mail order, the package, the tool how to open stuffs, where to keep the garbage, the 1 person carrying those chore until they figure it out where about these 200 countries medical world, gets these TV, or the Bible sort for you?

What to find in Toronto? A dentist for a laser medical equipment.  

I didn't know whom I was looking at, you or Shane. You are the one running out of your house to that pole? The police there, you cannot run bumping bumping bumping inside your eyes.

If you confine like right now, just a very few steps, and you feel the toxic relief? 

You seeing that, do you tell them? 

No, I didn't watch you, no.

So if that is immediate, what you gonna do? Your own same house?

You gonna calm down yourself, you can printer a sheet? Copy paste and print out, and per day you making your house chore easier? Until that day. 

Your hospital visit. 

Whom does Shane suppose to be with?


Not Kian? 
No, he needs Kian.

Maybe not as much. Shane designs the choreography, but I am not sure. Maybe its Nicky does. I am not sure they were the original Westlife. 


The news are not good, so sometimes the group has the issue.

So Mark best?

The original Westlife if without Mark, Shane and Mark is the reason has a Westlife but Kian composes, they all were. Nicky, too. So it wasn't entirely originally I thought they.....were the medical profile.   The Lords of Ring.

You want to watch a movie?
The Fat Amy stands next by Annie in this film is the sign langauge in that scene side by side.
She says "Shili", not her wiki movie name. You want to see that film?

The Hustle (2019).

Keep your mind busy when you get home. Get your blanket, keep your 4 hands and feet warm.

I didn't stay long today on that film. Earlier. At the sign language that scene. 

Josephine "Jo" Chesterfield

I gonna have my TV in Chinese, this is Mon to Fri.

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