
UB, this is not you all file the stupidest things the stupidest idea, the play from that Sailor Moon, the tool exists?

The crystal skull and that rod exist.

So if the argument is based upon the magic land

Don't exist, its our territory 194 countries through the UN, we have the flags worlds, to say the National Flower, the National Anthem consist of our modern world the 21th century. 

If that exists, and you all pushing the magic wand, they can come and tell me, don't talk about this anymore, don't exist. 

It is not.

You mean the democracy world exists.


Say that again, if what, Anna you will be told not to talk about the modern sleek on the internet?

If one thing you wave in your hand, any rod, any wand, any speakers, a mouse, a bag, a car, you touch you hold up you wave, and does a magic thing. Silicon Valley first will call me, to tell me, stop these comments to confuse people why we are running a paper thin jobs, to stay in the chair to write fake. Its not fake. Its real democracy world processing the paper works.

What is the arguments to push the magic possible?

No technology company exists, you bring them down legally, that will support the part of the magic land exists. If they keep sprouting the careers choice, and the population growth on only belief that reality, including all the Congress Bill are nothing but the high tech business, it means the society gear towards a lot healthier medical equipment included, its a physical structure made of the products, that driven the society or pushing upward the civilization how to evolve in a correct educational and technology oriented Era, starting in 1900 since the electricity comes.

How can I sustain that magic world exist claim?

You break every Sailor Moon purchase toy, and every toy breaks every kinds of the transformation watches, brochu, or pen, or headband, throw on the ground extremely force, like the IPad, one black smoke shows up, including the TV has to be recalled, we go back to 1920.

That is the only way?


You did that in 2022, you told that things to end the War on Ronan's wall. Those thing?


If that time the magic world doesn't come and be told.

It will never arrive.

That 7 things or 8 you try to end the war, can the magic ends war all that?

No. My way to tell Ronan, is exactly what I told him, and I told another person too. Backstreet Boy I think. Carter.

So it will never be a magic world?


So if you doing any claim in the paper to show to the judge, or talk about it....

One word magic, you are outside the court room every day on.

So its as hard as that 20 years ago, you go to the school, try to make it, finding a 9-5 jobs no matter what?

Forever. Correct. The diligent working hours and dedication. 

No statue, no bloodline, no novel those says, purely just day to day how we living breathing before UB, get to UB, graduate and find a job?

Only that. Correct.

Can you do a claim in magic?

No claim can be put on the magic, not the court room.

The file statue?

Both the file statue and the entire court room set up jurisdiction or the power structure, the proceeding method, the method, the processing manner....all that is a society built up all around means, a world a country is sustain in itself. Its by the judgement of the correct attitude, everyone lives in the equality of peace and harmony. Your constitution guarantee that.

Not the blood statues?


If the magic be true, no more concert those?

Correct. The sound vibrate through the air, no more aviation. Very unstable if people talks out loud even.

Is that psycho?

I just told you very very very psycho.

Prince William those small tiny language, he wants those sceptor.....

He can break every one of them, the moment he sees a smoke, his dad has to pay all those money, and all the toy company bankrupt, one smoke.

If the movie airing the magic on the first day.....

Right like Harry Potter.

If that first day the court room didn't tell the citizen this world is the magic world to begin any sceptor talk.

Its ilegal.

So the compensation was?

Starting the day the human exists on this planet. or the court room structure form in the civilization.

If the magic world present and the government hides it, and tell people to live in a different world?

To our modern court tense, would be when TV was invented, they didn't get the public media law right. But what you ask, that is a completely lie to the citizen, that affects their mental state or the education level to hurt them on purpose.

Are they hurting us on purpose?

Of course not.

If we give 20 scepters those Sailor Moon branding to Tim Cook?

He can just use his handkerchief other than any scepter or he gonna regret his American flag I am telling you......SMCH jewelry collection. He doesn't know what he is doing with that Instagram. 

Is that the high tech he belongs to?

He surrenders better.

So it will never be Prince William

Tim Cook, and Me, maybe Bill Gates those, and current whichever line up American President. Us, right. I don't actually know what they put in their birth certificate those Royal things in the blood lines, really. 

They do on purpose. I have a pacifier, may be. 

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