
You thread your step forward, Prince William. Your father is retiring to chill.

So he is taking your hand, one step by step. Did he get a dad that time?

Not just from me, or the I Ching message, if that is personal. No, I never check. It probably means to him, your dad 50 years ago. I am living at. I never had that anymore to know how it feel like everyday, until they dying out. 

But his mother is waiting for him, true though. Those Mummies (2023) movies sounds like a curse, or it means they go and play. I worry, I would, correct. Coco club. When you saying 1000 years Ancient Power, those heavy senior people. You assume they all dead, that is correct. When you pulling near, those real ghosty world scene. They both were used to be now....you seeing this newspaper scene.

You use 100 years to find out, he live already three quarter of it. That is our language to begin how long the ghosty year like the Bible says, or like the Legal world gives you a measurement. You mean you live a conduct in life.

To drop that on the other side, or on my peripheral only.

Where I get my justice?

No, everyone is the same, they used to read the newspaper, every upper power when they grew up to see, to hear, to look up, to in love, to shake hand, to that Era before, they have every Era before. Their language, their knowing, their learning curve. She is motivated to learn Chinese. You tell me....a ghost will motivate to learn Chinese in 2 years?

If the Education department won in the Congress even in the ghosty realm, you just need the testimony, but on Earth, even that, looking every worsen of it. Not that Lee is useful. Just the verbavo vo w ua...

That is when your father officially dead, and count on my witness side, they are off my every world scene, get out of my sight.....So until them, you are the star, Prince William. Where my one lifetime justice is not ended with the ghost realm, how long that will ever take....eternity vow at it. 

You are in a European world zone, your father tell me he let you freedom including your brother those outragerous behavior first touching that Harry Potter book, and where is your both tall Nanny? Your dad is not married to?

  • The beach
  • The pinacolada, sorry I mean the swimming suit, you dress the swimming pant in the beach? Where is the satellite service?
  • The shortest girl in name Ashley, what is the cup you hold in your hand, prince?
  • You mean Simon's yarht, a cup, and bottle bear touching the outside
  • Its ice y, cool dew, containated water dew my finger tips to washing the 1001th times, just that bottle feel like my fridge my mother had, every time I touch those orange juice, I need to wash my hands, before my keyboard.
  • Those water dew on the outside of the beer bottle.
  • Not my hands......
  • I only care about my keyboard, every desk here, the dust, if that offering its a cargo ship of the alcohol wipe and the soap, I don't need to go out of my house to shop for any soap, because that is a metro in our Earthquake line, not now.....
  • 10 years that life .....so you exist in front of me with your family. How nice....to greet. You ever imagine on those 1000 years planetary travel, someone wave a graduation to say see you in 100 years, not in 10 years?
  • Steve Jobs like these Japanese Black Turtle neck on his every presentation in sight.
  • In Silicon Valley, you know where Apple is? Visiting yet? The Olive Garden I say? 
  • To run away home, not the Wisconsin
  • I mean me. 

Just looking at them, I feel contaimnate...their keyboard, of their kitchen ware, the spoon, the fork, the chopstick, all in the steel pot to boil. And dry, one day job, really, not that long, and sundry those.....maybe just buy the new one. Just their eyes staring at it, their eyes are dirty with it.....

I am trying to justify my title as the commander-in-chef, not in commanders because if that is every mission impossible run about how many planet to land in a brand new home, I would look, I am in Taiwan, not in Ireland to say passing by England. There is a difference just in the reflection of Kian or Nicky says their 70 years memoir. I start to get alert, because I cannot see myself in the real time.

You probably not your brother with the holes so giant inside his brain, to becoming that Title before your dad? Push the useless human out of the public sight? For real.

You have the maid service, so your cabin wood camping, at least you will tell them you miss to go home. When you were 15 or 17 those summer camp, carrying the wood for the Habitat for Humanity. I told Obama, before that court debate to meant he is literal in his Harvard Laws. The legally blonde is a Harvard Law. 

I can just use the Heaven my sphere without that Babaji sphere.

The commander-in-chef for now, the celestial. Which one sounds worse?

Your every stand, every look, every touch, or handshake, those? I say that, not your grand mom saying that from her perspective.

Did you guys at least hire a psychi, its not disappearing, I get used to for the 10 years my jobs, I don't get paid for that kind of the jobs? I have to say it sound like we don't get along, those real camera catching a ghost mean in the life ground. Not having a lesson to lecturing you, or your dad. When you two will revive her in your real thinking? 

The Chinese cliff jokes, where she gonna go and learn that from?

Is this your game? Your PC Game? Its on my Youtube

"Magical Circle" - suppose to click in.

They are so evolve and free, to click in it to play, from online?

We were on your European culture

  1. Your hands.....to any shoulder with a cup, those culture.
  2. Is that how you and Middleton met, Prince?
  3. Sorry, you and your wife met 20 years ago? Is that you pick her wedding dress?
  4. I start to wonder this outfit curses starting with your grandmom tradition comes from.
  5. Why I even make a website with the name on it?
  6. You think someone else so capable to bet on it?
  7. You know those Puss in Boots, if someone far away eyes and mouths and the hang gesture....Put US in Boots ....oh ! 
  8. The modern sleek you mean, not the Old Navy jeans.
  9. They used to do these middle waist line, now no more. In UB time. I have to get it here in 101. My mother did, those very design jeans, just 2 pairs, I keep rotating on it. They have the embroid pattern sparkle on it in black, or in blue jeans.
  10. Other than Taiwan you can dress the Tank, not in America to dress without the jacket.
  11. I have to take the vitamin C if I sneeze with the L-lysine.
  12. That is how the Earth makes the merits from my own initiative, 10 years. So that is on-time called the Modern Human (killer) in Victoria Secrets.

Do you know why we talking about this? 

For all the reason why Europe has a world scene, you imagine all of the people you meet on the street block are the SA same age. Your father has a point, so I come to that.

Your real jobs are input to you as you grew up, like your son, like your father. That is to run to the human crowd, to say hi, to shake hands, up to....these camera age stable, you doing it intuitively, you will come to some more seriousness, if you embark your education at least finish the school with the brain IQ, not the girly in IQ, the curly hair iron, you use it?

My brother uses it on my hair. When he last time visiting me once in Buffalo.

That road path is in front of you, not behind you. You are not intended to close it. We saying that, so no more closing at it. But you need to keep walking, keep your eyes steady, walking forward, forward, forward, so far away that hallway to the door entrance.

Every seeing the castle, not your own mansion....you been to those long walk of the red carpet. But keep going that wall....further down further down, your space will become so quiet, so quiet, this hallway so long so long so long....you seen Obama wave his crowd the second inauguration? Its turn around, no more public crowd. Because no one will stare at you walking in, further further further in the red carpet. Middleton its at the door near by, maybe 5 meter, she is in your comfer eye sight I am telling you.

You 2 talk about this since together, not together? In the same car?

Do you tell her everything?

Me and Kian or Nicky not married, but they might just never stop talking, if we really gonna be married.

Me and Ronan accompany you to pass that Middleton point. Ronan stays with the Middleton to comfer the kids, and I walk 3 meter down? That is 300 cm.

When we talk about the closing gate? You and your wife never talk about it, why that is so severe she is out of the sight? They can just cure her and not that kind of the news leaking it out. 

Then what if me going in, without that UB 100, still that is your wife Middleton and the kids on that set of the measurement points, Prince.

She looks horror, or she gonna drop dead outside by herself? She is in tear, she is in....?? hated I would just prefer, get out of my sight, mind your own world happiness.

Avenger - Together


She probably seen those big crowd people, every industry its one of them near by, you have 2000 industry at least just that one Librarian code book. Its just one person stands with 250 people in that corner, to collect 4 season and 4 corner, make 8 session of the football stadium, you mean in the real scale. Everyone can go in, their distance is too far apart, and greater length.

No, I never seen that, the American Congress, when they walk around last time in CNN, at their night, I seen it. These might be how many thousand, 10 thousand people in it, if were in her description? I am guessing, or she is guessing. 

No, I don't really know. But if they all coming out of the hallway straight out of the media journalist, that is 1 side each quiet corner of the world. 

She doesn't know if he gonna come out alive, I guess that is what it means. Everyone can all coming out alive, except him. She actually didn't mean he should be dead by that time. She wants to ask everyone anyone seeing her husband. oh ~~~

I will be mad, because...I holding my grisp on.

Its that Indian General.

Imagined by another girl. (They doing these a lot, I told Nicky)

Ronan's gf or singers, or Brian's Bees those...

That is the imagination to the brain, to say how the magical kingdom to manifest the magical creature not by geneticist, its by the willful wishes, and granting power. Isn't that nice?

If you studying it right, and partner with the guys now, whomever right, you are not going to lose what is the giant thing later, no matter how my words looks so unwordy....really.

How do you do these imagination again?

I have to roller these floor, my hair on the ground, to check my vitamin statues, so if were in Kian's home or Nicky's home....they suppose to not keep telling me this trailer since 2014, that if that is their dad doing that to them. No wonder....I getting the mix message. 

So....at home you get up and roll the floors, its the sticky paper.

I put the food from the yesterday down, its the egg fried rice. How long I haven't eat the egg fried rice, since the UB, that is the chinese vegetarian take out. Have I ever eat the egg fried rice in my life? 

"Nicky opens up your mouth, the vitamin C."

"Kian, on the tray, anything sweet cake going down, take that that that, next by"


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