
Do they believe a word I say?

"They cannot possibly believe one word she says, can they? " To ear by next by you? Riley or not Riley?

You were guessing if we talking about were on the money? 

You like them, similar the white world guys has the hair, and vibrant and happy on their own? The shootman loves to stare at a certain perimeter, or the radius of some target focus like his eyes, to say, the shadowy of the screen will shade or darken.....you saying the TV effects?

Not necessary a random conversation near by, next by...any military uniform will say that ridiculous circus, or the pamp of the boyband to say the sex pop culture. A gun man like you shootman has more dignity than that, every military uniform with the hat knows....


Being a quiet, or being a rap music so loud at the ear, you need to think. Life takes the philosophy how to think or write included. Not necessarily its a philosopher take on the life views, tell me why that one thing to write will be part of the brain coming out of the literal words, that is not from your mouth to say thinking? Its to write it down?

Say it?

See how the otter eats?


See harmless my voice, my look, my sunk sleeping, no useful human to make a useful history place. Say it.

Not the boyband to say meaningful, not that middleton to make the Royal image, like they the outsider always say, if I were them, haha....self making fun, its a funny hu hugh, humor than the color on the huey hue painting.

Say it.

Tell me the annoyance of the shorty....were not they laugh, they joke, they talk, and chasing each other behind, Nicky left the seat the last.....Ronan hanging his belt on his low waist belt, no one paying attention behind them, other than their guards.

Certainly your Royal Guards is behind you all. Say it, "haha...."

Usually I say that, right? Say it. You usually saying that, "haha." "right? "

Feeling it......your chest fun. There is no eyesight staring at......

Tell me your true love Wife

Between that Madison (Charlie's Angel) and the Top Gun Thinner eyes, and Ola, tight 4 limbs, its one shot in your control, you must must must must in every air in control, your sickness psychological gun man in instinct, at your eye sock.

No, Middleton she laughs, its relax. Not thin eye. You think her eyes are thin?

No, not your mother, laughing like her psychi friend to say psycho school teacher.

Thin, thin, thin tight eyes, tie tie tie tie tie, conservative women crowd, the eye glasses on, the black frame?

Most TV brought out women, none of their eyes are thin, and more flair, to say dense. You really really want, one type of the women, never have their mouth curl up to smile, because if she does....you will gonna lose control. She screaming so loud....every novel writes.

A certain type of the women, they will never put it on your side, to say the public staring at, they will never make the public to feel the girls are not relax or flaire, or say the light mood, fun, or loud laugh, or like that Top Gun, near Tom Cruise, the party wine bar.

Under the Moonlight songs. Those girls no and no.

Never....one moment of the lost control in their voice, its your whole life plan in ruin.

Tell me....the ideal girl in the description. Never laugh like Brian's girl in Westlife eye glasses, that is tooooo big of the mouth open.

You think?

Its stain your dignity, ego issue.

When you met Mark, Westlife, tell me the 3 stages of life....

Tell me about Lalla......

I have to go out....all the SA has to learn your new tricks...seriously.

Your 3 stages of life. (lie)




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