
Today is Sunday June 30th?! oh ~~ That is the Russia's day.

I am dizzy, so I go to sleep, and the birds agree that is the Russia's national day.....they cannot quit doing this.

Something about Ronan

Something about Westlife - Pictures in my head.

Mark ?! 

The science museum.....you know, there is not one thing is on the agenda. It can be all on the agenda, or all nothing needs to get done. Just go to your bed, sleep, and warm your 4 nerves ending hands and the feet til you get to the old age. Seriously I say that.

My physical body exactly looks like that those 2 pictures. I don't think about the guys, I need to lay down to sleep when I feel like, I need to be home, watching these handicap, my mother. The rest of them, they just live or die in America on their own. One her is too much already. 

As a guy or as a girl, you like.....those mingle or the chatting, or associate with the people. With the classmate or you try with your classmate, or breathing air or all that.....they say Westlife Kian or Nicky, so I took it, it was like that, going along with the hospital says. I cannot just throw that Shane somewhere else.....and I am not sure, what garbage he told me. 

We have never met in person, to spend 2 hours one morning. I don't need to care one thing far far far far away, you are on your own initiative to do things in life.

I have not talked to Mark at all. Last year, the first week he heard my voice. It is also the first time I heard my own voice with Brian. I talk like that...I sound like that. I think you all just leave away these boyband things best, overall your England Royal prince or near by chatting all around. Not Mark. 

My left shoulder arm joint is very hurting ....so I need to apply for the medicine. Its all used it up, June 30 is to throw the garbage out I think....the sport creme. Very very smell strong, so I have to wash the entire left side of my shoulder and arm and my eyes are closing. I need to lay down and sleep. 

63.90 Kg

You want to meet yourself, maybe he is a little bit older? He looks like that. Zawanna in Mission Impossible those face kinda of like U.N.C.L.E? You ask your father. He is shorter than your height. Did he broke? 

Everyday, every hour, a drink, a bathroom, a sink to soap and wash wash, bath, bath, and eat eat eat eat eat per hour, and literally 5 mins, its where the unlimited food to the unlimited money to go and generate the entire garbage out of the sight, to feel per hour something inside my mouth to chew.....

I have a low blood pressure. I say that too many times. 

All your cooking house is unlimited video here.

6 Kids out of the 7 

Stocking inside the home (Western World): https://www.youtube.com/shorts/0dT0L-QYiNE

Otter - I am sleeping.....


You like Ryoya?

4 Panda  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GjfXA_w3xjY

I always wonder how they feel like,......seeing themselves this giant in the reality, to how being hang from the back to throw a bundle small tiny panda baby all together. 

You think the otter looks normal in these video?

That is Brian, or that is Peyton?

Shane shows up, I ask him ....including telling him the hospital stuffs. 


You gone to college?

Panda ?~~~

Do you know what the student live off campus like you with Kate? Not your palace mansion life as you grew up as a kid. So you can deal with 100 people or 1000 people in the scene and go home, and cheer or relax, or sleep, or rest, or bathing in your spare time. No one bothers you. 

Right ....

So In Asia, all the housing is too small for a lot of you, unless you get out of the city or even in America, the standard ceiling is not your living quarter to feel breath, but that entire world has no people, just when you go to your secretary desk so you talk. That is not a youth face.

The regular couple, between a bf or a gf, in the real world, as the students like you and Kate, its on their purchased furniture to stay together on the same bigger bed. I don't know if you 2 live in the same room even like right now, you might live in 2 different floor or the 2 different building.

A lot of the people cannot afford to have a relationship between a guy or a girl, to say, they get to their 9-5 jobs to pay monthly one bedroom scenario to keep all the junks they buy or they eat, so they keep the jobs and that apartment, not the same bed, another intruder going in the house to live there.

There is a tax issue, there is a visa issue, there is the climate issue, there is the food issue.

But whom live in the same world zone, not your ceiling height, they stay near the bf or the gf idea, they know what is getting near another human for saying for a short duration of time, to make it that week, that month, that year being together, in the same house.

No, we sleep in a different bed, but I go and talk to him in the same bed. 

None of you can afford to have any of that fantasy world, that doesn't mean you go out and ruin everyone else relationship, if that is one day to get, one day to ruin. If you want to get something, then you have to be practical, why that is for your best interests. You know its always your best interests. 

I really care about my food....I know all that.

They are coming near or near to my life, or they screaming, or they resist...I for sure resist the most. I need MINE food.

You go and ask your father where is that Denmark prince looking in the movie: Prince and Me.

Everyone is trying to solve these movies, I heard, and I see, so I tell everyone.  Its not a fix rules, you just want to go and separate everybody or just anything on your face to paste and copy?

No, I think he exists.

My mother's entire mini pad is where they gone to the world traveling. My brother and her. They will NEVER NEVER NEVER spent those money so they have this pin on the map she can see and show me.

Exactly the movie: Prince and Me

And I saw him. He has the blonde darker hair, and he is not your height, but he probably taller than Lee. He looks younger, or his behavior looks younger, but he might be older or younger than us. But I think he has those Power, that is why.

There is a significant why he exists, that entire zone exists. I just don't know where.

You hair is because you don't have the money like your brother too?

He went to jail before the book or after the book? The public let them sell those stuffs....you coming here, we never talk about the money parts, so this is you saying Mark from Westlife. You think you making the money more than they are, or Mark is the second singer.

Middleton's family doesn't look like the furniture worth any money....

That is how you talk? So change every word to I say here, and that is the only conversation you and Mark to imagine he will exist for the rest of your life. Every single words, this line above.

We are all very similar age, or someone says, someone is younger aged, so that would be the High School Musical those actor's and actress's age. You talk like the friendly to the classmate, yeh or neh, why they are or why they aren't, those negative talks? The very negative aspects, not necessary you go ruin or not ruin anybody to learn the air flight. I have no idea what you all making the money, your father's hair, or your hair, or your brother.....every girl looks normal and now these cooking, you all literally moving out, or cheaper in America.

Those human will never be the classmate. I don't want to keep my classmate neither, but I leave them on the map, someone else did, so I look at it. It bothers you, I talking to them too? 

A lot of the people don't have a place to live and breath, and using the free utility inside the affordable housing by the government. Keep a wife and keep some kids around inside your life, or those 3 were fake like their name I can read from everyone else's TV to hurt you guys?

Things being affordable, that doesn't mean, everyone else is doing things affordable on everywhere else the world zone.

Stephen Tamang was on high debts, to keep that UB one bedroom, with his own bathroom, with the enough heating to go to the medical school in UB. He planned to.

His talking tones, his talking attitude, his zealous life points of views, or his degradation of the life hope to keep fooling around those high school girls, or the same town girls until this one current wife, with 2 kids, as long as he ever lived....life. 

He carried a gun because he is a very very very low air human, very smaller words, dense, and looks fresh, but highly in debts. His eyesight suppose to be the same like you....

A gun man how to carry a gun and every indicator is the gun on the massive shooting, and no one knows per indicator sight. Per move, that Middleton supposes to report like that Michelle Obama. Every single things you say, you think, you look, you wave, you raise up your elbow, any any any one tiny move.

This is the jurisdiction, I look blind, cared about you are the light ADD or super ADD or psycho, or not co, all that.....the air chest things decompress on top of your vertical front, up. 

No one sees you carried a gun, on every day massive shooting the shootman.

Those eyesight, I can drew drunk, tired, burden, the high debts burden, more burden, more less hopeful, the quiet noise, you find the peace, looking outside the windows......no one.

Inside ....no one.

From your left ear sense to your right ear sense, you just move your eye left side to right side..... Tell me.....we know each other well. haha....

You can try...close eyes? haha....

Prince that guy, says....none of you were real. That is his claims.

You 2 are nothing alike. Tamang and you.

But when you two talk, side by side, some facial expression very similar.

The gun man in your eyesight, its those very hatred, and resent, resentiful, to despise, your chest curls up, that curling up, uneven feeling. Its every single second on kill kill kill.

It must be your computer games?  He is a little bit like Husky, Max. Connie's husky, the indoor wolf doesn't know he is a wolf hybrid.

But when the gun man really staring at something eye sight hatred to get get get, and put a bullet per indicator inside a gun slot, its a chewing gun focus eyesight, like you to make an animation straight ahead of your computer.

Like those Conan Detective. We will never think....those darkness mask man don't show up the story, it would be the main character Shin yi. We will never never never thought....

They collect 10 scene like those darker mask guy, how he leaves the room, to listen, to coming out of the curtain light, one by one scene. 30 years Conan, the 30 mans re-make exactly your too fat face of the current Prince William.

A fix head skull, its a fix head....true.

But a fix skull has a very fix eye sock, where your eye ball fallen off....to say painting right.

You never look at yourself long enough.....haha.

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