
Do you need the Western world cookies? Faccacia? Near my house, ....there is a bakery on the near Bank Avenue that one. They do by per cookie.

The water bottle, the traveler's tissue papers, the vitamin bottles? 

Hugh them when they get up at 11:00 to wash up until 11:30.

Right now its 5, its not that hot. My working schedule is different. I have the birds outside.

Happy birthday, Shane ~~~~~


They sing what? The end of the tunnel ?!

Taipei Y Area (The birds say)

You don't do everything on the first trip, remember that. Your parents will tell you that, I will tell you that. Not on the first trip everything. Want to relax? Stay indoor one day to sleep, to eat, to swim, or to bath, or walking around near the hotel? Easy route, with your wife, your bf, or gf, or the family coming in? Every life up or down, you don't cram everything in the first time you learn to run, to jump, to flip up everything to get the first time things in the correct order. Drink some water, sit down, order some tea, some proper food. Asking some question, feel relax on your vocation !!!! 

They all buddy together to come in Taiwan, you all ....all of you cannot get rid of each other to do this....walking toward the tunnel of Love, all that. Do you even know whom is Mahavatar Babaji or Yogananda? Whom is Yogananda? 

  • The red book is published by Yogananda :  The Autobiography of a Yogi
  • The blue book was his disciple called the Ananda, The Conversation with Yogananda.

Not the Matrix those red or the blue pill (the drugs), you are imagining you literally doing that, or you thought about your real life philosophy, there is a difference. 

You want to first call your family, to invite them, before this 1) The End of the Tunnel, the book in America, Saved By the Light  2) The Tunnel of Love, there is a difference, there is a love involved in that words, your parents imagine you....not me.

Some of you needs to tell those England 2 Panda in England?!  The England upper house.


You make your business proposal the same. a) You literally explain to them what are these 2 books + 1 book Saved By the Light (90s), the popular near death experience in English, you speaking in English? 

You stay indoor until they get here. Its just 40 mins when they land to the international airport. They might be here, if you call, keep calling, and called again and again until they arrive. Its fine to entry here. We are the democracy world. Tina and Pang trepassing to buy the goods? Every ABC here.

These otters keep eating with the food on the floor, their hands...its all dirty, they got sick?


America supposes to be the home meal.
England supposes to be the home meal.
You knew the premise and the defintion where the Ally means, or the Alliance, other than this WWII line, I have a System clash, and clash right into these 6 months period of time Earthquake.
Too hot outside, stay indoor.
You 2 Hugh, there are 2 upper England Class love to ski, is on my facebook. Bold without the hair. The city pollutant is bad, so you wear a hat. Nick was bold. Put some wet towel on your head, and neck all around. Any Breeze, or any of this A13 B2, that is the center piece, where the water fountain is right there to use.

Want to go over the location map again (Next post)

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