
Hugh, ready to go out, or out already?

You both living where? Its to furnishing, right now all those details? I don't know. 

I am watching.....King's brain on three hundred 94 in pages, something cooking, you guys are renovating. The typhoon landing, all that. We....here don't care about a certain thing other than Mon-Fri office hours, maybe you can tell the England King.

You seeing this print shop, running to the hotel venue, and sits there those red carpet front, and everyone walking in those? You probably did past by and those bakery, or downstair, those Muji stationary or all those left or right.

Yeah, I use there, that is a mall. We have that breakfast here too, near the school. America already don't care about it, and Classify is never cared about these things. He probably imagined those math in 2018-2020 was a very big deal with the written stuffs I brought out. 

You tell him no. You explain to him if he asked you two. No. We running into these building, those things are real.  He retired so he puts some thinking through. No, don't need to.

Middleton swallow her throat?! 

One of those....that is not the limbs fall off?

Usually my time-ing is very accurate. 

Harry? Don't listen one thing he says. 劃地為王

Ophra. That O = radius Chinese we here doing the math, a tool. The middle school. You drew a circle, and that is parimeter overall. 

You mean 3 like his brother, 9 like Queen dead? No, not any of those alphabetical one word he ever says. Forget his flunk out high school D if not F low IQ grade to keep vola, and ruins everyone at the last min.

That is an Ancient Chinese, no, its not the Art of War. Of course not.

36 is the Art of the War = running away, on the 36th strategy.

It has to be 36? It would be they always saying that. 

How long they saying that? The entire Ancient Chinese history is saying that. 三十六計走為上策 !

Its to? one of those would be cut the bridge and burnt it down, no trace back. The Red River Manga one plot, and one in Lords of Ring, that Fire King 炎帝 and the old man die in the middle of the bridge.

How do we think?

That is the old man, you talking about any war to those words like the Red Cliff John woo movies? Its not the modern world, where the metal sleek, those Smallville Lionel Luthor, that will be we believing it the things only in that.

His father?

Yeah !

You ever seen those Ella Enchanted outfit?

Tarnza we seeing it in the movie theater.

So the Lords of Rings those to you guys?

Its an elf land or the computer games the elf has the mermaid eggs to get the points, its a treasure, you finding that.

And the outfit anyone does those would be in the real stage performance to you?

Shakespear those....strange English no one reads will ever used in the modern world, they does those. 

So the Lords of Rings to you guys like out dated?

The computer games it is the modern sleek. The high speed train, the lunch box, the cart they push it out. The Japan has many those, you know why people going to Japan? So ...the train is not the high speed, then the metro, then the shopping mall on the weekend.

You go to America its to go to those outlet mall. The cheaper Coach bags, all that.

Say that again?

The airline points to get the free tickets the long range flight to America, only NYC or LA anyway, we are small here, you know the airports airline those.

The high speed train.

The train speed train

The metro

101 shopping all mall, A4 A8 A9 A11                A13 new + the Cinema

Sogo got a new building, they had an older building to the bookstore gone. But the bookstore made a brand new hotel - the travel lodge with the giant bookroom - grand room I guess anyone can sit there.

The gift shop, the hotel venue, the hotel all-you-can-eat, the hotel near the metro, 5 Star, 4 Star those bakery, one of those have.

Taipei station front and the back is the chaos, but you shop there.

Simon's stop, the teens go, and they are more chaos, but my mother know more there, her high school was near there. The first lady school at night.

Where else we say.....buy and buying, and buying Amazon if they know how, they probably go to California, the richer than us, we have no family going there.

Money order at 7-11

Pick up later or that day with the recipe in 7-11 or the Family Mart.

Fedex arrives or the mail man arrives, my mother has to go down.

My neighbor their lunch boxes arrives. The whole building double e.

Did I say it was Mon-Fri walking in the every building to stand there?

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