
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Ms Congenality

I think Karen and Connie. (West Seneca and Bolton) 

Lake House is more like Connie. (Niagara Falls on the Lake), Wing and Karen, because she likes to travel. I used to say …Hong Kong was not today situation, they two girls dragging a luggage his pay checks. Ola and Karen. You know how many years pass since that talk? Or Dr Bing’s 6 years ago talk?

It will be the most boring and shorty and ugly and obsessed you every detail you do like their parents. 

It’s the started the movie, they are at the bar. 

That’s …a s movie !

No, the home, to sleep, to rest and run away from the parents stays indoor.

Sometimes that girl run away and establish a new community life, she functions better at the work. Not the humane things to leave her single parents and all thar but she functions better. Not to call her parents, not to get into every arguments, she wants to live her own life. Like no one bothers her, agitates her, she cried and she curses the words and it’s just one ugly mother and all that. She doesn’t want to come home anymore. 

I think it’s both 2 older man needs to retired. They are no longer can work.  The overall story. Sleep, tired, not focus at the work. 

Oh ~ that’s Camilla and the bus security - Harry. She needs to retire, this would be 20 years ago. 

“Season shiney sea, the Statue of Liberty …”~~~

The bombshell.

No, you are fine. Just get rids of that 123 old man and the women. 

You live your life fine, you doing this Timezone or talking or the microphone and the ordering learning, you are fine. You are interacted with the trainer, you personal staffs. They get old they pee a lot, or they lost the memory and some other things. 

The movie is what …right, you understand. Someone on top of all your necks every leash of it. 

No, they all no longer can do those jobs anymore. It happened with Will’s mother. They all cannot do any job anymore since 1997 or 1999. Not alert, not trained, lost too many things in life, sabotage to everyone all around and they are personality like that and lost the appearance, they do on purpose hurting everyone all around. 

The correct job supposed to be on Will.  But Pirates of Caribbean I have no idea what that is. I think they let him step up a little more, or he just goes up?!

No, the rest of any stories are not important. You all just have your own happy life. You get rid of that old 3, you are fine. The younger kids just go on their life, it’s just a story.



There is a black police chef. Old too.

Are you? No, you are not those run away home girl. Of course not. It would be …similar to that Save Haven.  Karen and Ola. Their parents are living together, so they cannot run away. Their family near by including Dean has some near things, but if one thing goes wrong, they both are willing or knowing what run away means.

Me? No. I stay indoor most of time. I drive to nick but I don’t move.

No, my personality …I like to stay indoor. Bathing, internet, drinking the filter water. How to process a filter water? Purchase and assemble.

No, I can see all of them are moving away from the home and took the textbook with them to stay in those jobs. A real job, not a fantasy immaturity. All of their parents are aging. Dean and Ola’s both parents when I met them were already too old already. Right now, they were very old and if they stay together or dead, 20 years later no one knows. They are not all that productive kids, and there is no parenting around. 

No, they are all very small volume kids. 

Squares and Tina have a father much older by now and got sick.

It’s a ….Square when she and Ola those type seeing a movie in the screen, they want the divorced parents get back together to have Tangle ending, a forever princess fairy tale. She never forgives her father that military surgeon to drop her mother and her and her brother. Ella Enchanted story. He sleeps with her best friend, a business CEO women. It’s legal, he can walk out all that. 

No, there wasn’t a divorce so no property being sorts. That women is mad. 

They got hurt on the screen ?

Yes. They are all abused personality, being abused, being teased, being insulted at, and “that’s a foolish act, you are cute.” “Ka wa ee,” “That’s Amazing,” “ Thats really really creative.” ”I never knew you can do that.”

Touch your head Usagi, “That’s all right, you are fine.”

They smile with their lip per up like that SMCH 90s photo.

They lost me, that’s it. 花千骨. It’s already done, nothing to talk about it. I know exactly what his father capable to do and legal, everyone outside eternity get shot get killed get on homeless. 

He knows, I am from the capital all social cases, all the senior cases, all the water underground cases, eternity I say all out. 

All these kids even Tina and Pang is both capital sleek, she only cares her own plan NYC, ruins me and Hank, but Tina walks out free. Every guys had a gun process at home her dating all history, it’s free will, freedom. She doesn’t talk, no one knows. It’s one her aging mother.

Her brother will never care for her 2 kids, it’s all legal. None of them require to grown up, all of the TV here mentioned name, are all American capitalism similar door lock, someone is better than another person, like SMCH organization it’s not a church.

They all have an agenda on the screen. Yes.

Black ops? It’s OU.

The polite saying was me entering…the polite how they all talking manner.

When you going back to UK? Ms Congeniality 2.

Why they elected the old two presidents? The citizen checks all that. The citizen picks that. 

They do that on purpose ? No. The citizen finds out.

But they were up there ? That time would be 4 years each are fine. It’s not the one lifetime jobs.

Can the president be all that old and deliver a sign desk jobs? They must.

You sure? I think the citizen is a lot more political driven to find out and put into the voting process. 

But they are all old? Correct. Obama they found ….

So he was the issue?  … YES!

⭐️⭐️💝💝💝⭐️ And you cared about this being abused personality ?

American …did a little bit planning as I grew up and entering the US, I was a little bit younger. I don’t think the correct American wish to see me having anything too particular Christian or Asian those …most Asian has all that, being pushed, being abused, being sabotage. 

American has a lot of the educators including a particular education can put that White would even to my brother if I want to. With my money all that.

When someone got abused, talk.

But you don’t file means you got hurt? This entire your friends hurting you all that ?

You mean that movie or that them each don’t do their jobs, I Anna have to be on every jobs? Yes I can. They all go bankcrupt.

Because they are the doctors?  I am not busy doing that. No, they aren’t the real doctors, no. 

So they don’t need to be blames? The American itself is a Justice all worlds. The military knows those data, and I know too. They might be already jailed to be honest to tell you, I heard like yesterday. I normally don’t check, but …that’s a horrendous things they do, I am guessing that’s real I see or they literally go to the jail so long ago I don’t even know. So I trust America already had those worse things take care of. I just watch this strips my family here around.

But isn’t 花千骨 a capital sleek or the spirituality ?

Zawanna they wants to take all position in. 

So it didn’t need to be the capital sleek ?

Why you want to know? The Earth evolution is not long enough for the longevity years.

So what you want to talk to me about ?

The 3 guys as a family is hard and plus you have the 2 sons when they grew up. The public usually maid the guys on the jobs, it’s a public show. Each has a girl next by and it’s a lot healthier than saying if they were all 3 single guys and they spent all time sabotage the one girl, you. 

Mably is a job by himself. 

Hugh, too. 

I won’t be there, you all best friends to each other that time, it’s a 4 hours flight at least here to Japan.

These movies, you know how you left the scene by the Higher Power, you can walk it out again, because those interior design isn’t your correct home. They hurt you badly like that but they are in power all that whichever the story they told me George and you and be somewhere in Japan.

You sleep better, your heart better, and you rest better. But I don’t really know which things they are really telling me.  I am one of those citizen seeing this whole things from afar, from Ella Enchanted, Prince and Me…Hollywood to Westlife and Ronan, Ireland. The Laws of Attraction. I would be …as a general public citizen, a regular citizen saying some of that.  

Right, it could be all of them family together in Japan. Correct. I am not sure.

I …used to take this nick bad attitude. I am not with any of them, you know that, their father. Ella Enchanted, I assuming they are almost dead and gone but, I have a feeling I will tell you, their attitudes get worse when they arrive in Japan, that’s a freedom world they suppose to be? Like you ever have those sensation the girls power to step down thar nick worsen attitude, step step step on his nose and ears, Russ on Rachel new apartment baby. The regular public okay. The ordinary family household. 

That’s a Royal family. 

But isn’t we move, it’s the whole family ?


You mean the father or Will? The father. That’s not what the Red River Manga meant you are part of all those looks to a man like him as a British upper and imagine exercise any power of his like the comic book.

He reads the book? I don’t think he cares about it to read that, or he still memory all that to care anything the book cover or got told, but…any of this MV or Harry does every movie and the comic book, he was from a family in the 1960/ 1970 values. The British Monarchy Upper. Never you never Meghan those …the tanning tone machines those stuffs.

I make my own money will never be that image, I tell him, I am a man. Get out of my life. It will never be. The pacific islander that’s not us. The skin tone is different, that’s how it defines the Pacific Islander. 

If you give all written laws, someone can counter attacks? The defendant lawyers.


Is that you give every word, every paragraph, every sentence copy paste, is the capital sleek, the Flowers Thousand Bone, the church, the Murphy laws?


And why you doing that and that?

I show off, I will or I can do every worsen things to you every single existence every human every disciple dares to come near, we have no relation eternity. 

Dean, Wing, Lee has no fridge this magnet to stick their work schedule, the recipe schedule, the container schedule, the bills schedule, the parents old, the gas, the car, the oil change the winter. 

They got told one book textbook one medical school. They never know how to run anything of that all students times. Take care they themselves and the school. The haircut, the shampoo, the door locks, the rental and the worry for money or the future. 

Right, their attitude is all bad. They will exit the DC the first thing when they done. No money, hurry home 9-5, not staying in the hallway to chat, to mingle. Leave. So what you think I should do ?

Can the fallacy a counter point to attack ?

You generate unlimited the fallacy if your brain is clear.

So you and Meghan, how we address your title? Princess? Her news with Harry before Hugh came in 2 or 3 months ago. Taipei we never had those concept. 

No, I haven't talked to Dean or Lee, no. 

Dean was more of the classmate, Lee very little we talk about the things.

Dean has some community people there, and he has a lot of this dorm room taller guys or the girls, like Justin, their friends to stuffs their Linkedin, he is telling me or he is warning me my Linkedin description. I am not sure. But Dean had a tear outside his medical classroom, and late for the class, and sit there glooming. Anything I have, it will never be Fallacy number 1.

In UK, I learn that. University of Kentucky. Someone between Connie and Laura. UK is a lot more white world and 60% on the girls. They go to those UK Wild Cat, my brother joints those taller race height worlds, all around in his facebook. Me and my mother stays shorts, you can tell.

Yeah, both Dean and Justin are the tears in the eyes very often, I think its not the girls, now, that might be the boys, never gonna be the uncles, and all of them are dying soon in another 5 or 10 years I guess. The upper older age. But to the taller guys like them, its the dormitory facebook, all girls around. Like Tamang got married those world all around. Not Wing those dragging the luggage and now he can never return to Hong Kong those says.

What is your Anna real jobs suppose to be?


None of that is the laws?

That is to making the money, indoor file-ing, no one knows what I file when the interface change, or we stay on the same blogger. Google customize that and sells.

Is 花千骨  a job, or a job got paid?

No, no paid, but....its this world or anything, or this world all combine. Those are the man, if that is what you asking, no, no boys those idea, of course not. I can never talk about it too many things, of course not. They are the dormitory facebook and the family community means to all of them. 

But you say the China TV doesn't need to be real, or they hurting you and all that?

No, if I didn't get a career going, that will not be the jobs, because that job has no paid, ...right.

They take an advantage of you?

I don't have time for this, behind other people sort, right.

So all of them go to read Biden's memory to all the textbook in their medical school? Is that absurd? They believe you? They just email the president, they are on the election, and during these several months ends, they audio or never gonna be the video tape, to read one textbook reading to the president? That is what you telling them, right?


That is the correct way, or that is for them to get fired?

Right. I don't like any of this movie, too violent, so long I didn't watch the movies for 1 months, just Hugh and Olivia run about. I get used to never watching the movies. These are all very brutal, or violence to me. 

Do you like Shane, you telling him all these stuffs?

Liking.....not sure. No, I tell the whole worlds those are the boys with the tears inside their eyes, they like somebody else, and they are late for the class.

Is that matter late for the class?

Yes. Dean is late for the Vita review too. He used to ....say he hates people like that. One day I saw Vartan, I have no idea whom is whom, correct.

So he changed?

No, I just stay away from Dean, he was an RA his dormitory friends or Silas their friends be buddy, 5 people to 9, they finding their true love next by. I thought about it. 

You mean they care about it?

I am guessing, they rather suffered, but they cared about it.

What is your friends say?

We never talk about it.  You know whom these taller race classmate like you all have, you be happier wishing them well on the facebook and all that.

Zawanna they by pass how to start a car, how to take a car for the inspection, change the oil, the schedule for the cottage house, the fridge magnet, the wife does all the writing and the organization box, or the food to pack out of the main home, for a boat or the bike tie on the van or the car, for the family picnic outing.

Those are the man's jobs, they have too many accidents, so I stay away those langauge from America. Tie up a bolt hedge from a SUV van to an open trailer, not Adam's father, those U-haul trailer, those giant family image all of them. They are a religious world, those are all legal still. 

And this is the Flower Thousand Bones?

No, it is Babaji's refugee packs....

Are you joking to put him low, or put us higher end, or?

Right, can say or cannot say, okay.

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