
⭐️⭐️⭐️ You're all food = Tina called, my mother got all these instant noodles down ...⭐️⭐️⭐️

The dollar store those Roman noodles = the instant noodles, and your Asian instant noodles is the spicy? That would be the Korean instant noodles.

Olympia on the TV.

Target has this slow cooker, and the hot plate

Your lentil and the Indian masala spice

Or your chickpea with just ....the salt, becoming a hummus?

I cannot talk. 

oh ~ you have to make a cake in America? Pastry, the bread.....these can talk about.

You need to make the vegan meal !!!

Legally Blonde.....this is about Babaji those. - the Japanese cartoon.



You all live by yourself in Maryland alone, for the rest of your life?

Every president moves and just vanish like that? Its  ..... called the neighborhood watch.

Next - the princess theory?

Thor says didn't go through, so ....Hugh did you eat yet? The cake still this month?

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