
Ate? The birds say chicken.....you all 3 finding the Ramen yesterday the video.

You like those food?

For the first time, you have a family to get going on a traveling, to soon to arrive those nervous ground in Japan, what's your plan to conquer this Asia domain in 1 year 2014, those? Not American East Coastline, your father's jobs?

His mother is crying next by as the ghostly...30 years ago she is crying herself, or she is crying for his son how they used to have a happy family all room, he loves those places, ....to say Okinawa. I never seen the Queen that much, to say....when he was in his mother's good memory. Are they resolve all this yet? No one coming back those? You know what you growing up to look like or she looks like to say...this movie means to him. He still believes in....

(believes in you....or believe in THAT. )

What an ugly women turn into.

You eating something in Korea, you don't want to just eating the fruits 7-11 those? 

Japan is the feast every social occasion those dining, maybe? Their night market, the shopping circle, or every restaurant guess and get going. You can tell your staffs get to the night market, they let pick and choose your food in that night market and see? 

You didn't see what they got? Its a lot more than Taiwan. The human consumption of the food, 2 meals to 1 meals per day, you cannot die in 3 days, seriously, or 1 week. But if you plan, and you looking forward a lot more this food options, you 3 cannot talk about all-things-to-eat, hopeful to it, every single day, if you work a lot harder in Korea...one of those choice to make, its their vendor grounds to play those things?

Japan Tokyo after 1 month, they finish restoring all that, will be the international stage, if you all having someone else, having that one Mably.  He stations himself in, already? That is Hugh tirelessly flew over.

Your staffs never nag you, or your father never make your miserable grown up more misery...he himself included. They wish you plan for yourself, or you thought about it, but you are not good at it...now having a wife and 3 kids, all that Panda on the peripheral all Live show everyday. 

You write down a piece of sheet, that make you happy ! That freedom free bound life, how long? Your expense? You shrink your meal, you have 1 extra every day going night market something fun?! In Japan playing something for fun?

No, you won't die, no, you won't have ulcer. No, you get cold, right....you drink the soup in the thermal cup, another is the water thermal cup, what the staffs are for....? The warm soup, and bites here bite that diet. Meaning not the whole chicken down, you eat slow, chew slow, and eat 24 hours, in the car, on the plane. Stop talking. Sleep. But you keep your mouth chewing something, you won't get TOOOO hungry in the end of the day.

Those noodle soup is good. Lunch, not dinner, you go home and sleep.....You can nap in the car in the afternoon. You are entering Asia, you figure it out your plan in Tokyo, not dozz off every 2 hours interval? You get used to?

That is an international stage, you are seriously just Middleton lives there with the kid, you doing what?

Ko ni gi wa = good day, how are you

You know their last name? Which one?

Wa da si ...... or the ending of their saying that last name? Middletoning.....s de??! I don't know. You put her name on on the screen ~~~ all her life.

You planning to drop them off, and you knowing.....ahead. TOGETHER behind that storming weather. How are you going to cope that? The first trip to....trip it?

None of this.....you are going to Tokyo....?! The visiting sensational, between the international stage we have those saying words. Its a visit talk like you did in China, right. Someone was half on my photo yesterday....you live there will be TOGETHER with Mably, and next by Middleton a bit to grow the kids, WHEN?

Did you read the history when and WHERE the treaty sign at?

The exact things, not just you got told things?

You didn't realize.......

My jaw line is not Mark's jaw on the Red River Manga. What is the purpose this time you are here, you got told, or they wish you to observe? I am observing each you quality so well, now. 

Okay, the dinner time, sorry, bulging in ....you and your wife and the kid's time.

Maybe its Westlife - Angel's Wing...what are these birds saying in silence.

Let me see see (the Mandarin here says)

In Japan, their language....you, never watching the amine, or the TV cartoon, not the comic book, the sounding, some ending of the words? 

My face = ka wa ee......those very very very adorable, no words to describe in English those kinds. But the Chinese understand. Such a shame. 

You are seriously didn't know, why....the bad life starting...has to be in Japan, or near by Korea....3310?! Those? And Taipei map is not a map, those?

oh ~~~

Asian is not the Nordic, no.

But that should not be your words, to anyone, at all.

Things were bad, so I talked about that word, very late like this year, more often, but....it shouldn't exist in any English word, whatsoever.

In Asia, you tell them ,"The vocabulary", that is how they understand like ,"The term".

Til the days you becoming an England King, how many times you think you can rehearsal on this? Meeting and the greeting? 

You planning to which religion you going after.... in the discussion. Zen is the vegetarian at least and THEIRs especialy its the black robes and knee only TO the walls, for some reason. Very near those. I know ....

In the ending of every....never mind.

Have fun the dinner time.

Your stomach feel sick...you read some books, and talk to near by Riley or someone. Everyone does what your doing, always the stomach rambling. 

Keating is like your brother! I understand now. Cinderella !!

When Shane comes near....?! I have no idea when that will be, I will never be your back-up I can guarantee you that. Taipei is not too much things going on, because its a lot more paper thin. You mean your height those...kinds.

Paper thin means only think inside the head, no one knows, those, okay. 

And normally I never think. 

This TV will never make me to be that useful...so you have any back-up the DAY you become !

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