
Hugh, you were in Japan yesterday I was talking ....to your neighboring country.

In America, we drink Fuiji's water. You wife got pregnant, on our new on the top line to ....a Japanese. And then....after, all that writes?!

You are not here, Thor is not here.   The next typhoon on Friday, but....this is 90 degree straight toward. We never have a typhoon without us, go and attacking....Vietnam. Sorry, Hong Kong.

Can I will my thought? Calling Thor those? I never done that when I was small growing up as much as you think that is a religion, all that?! I went to practice, something I did. I don't really know how to, you mean generate a thought. No, I don't talk in my head. It would be like a prayer? Asking.... I have never never done that anywhere in my life. I will tell you, that might be very very violating to the precepts and all that, but since we do no religion things, and no one cares about it anymore.....I personally don't have that anymore.    No, I never dialing to ask, of course not.  Correct, when I got told, or something trigger. I got too many too many too many things. Its either that Shane or Nicky calling me anyway, that is so mix up or Kian and all that.

I mean your mother....you talking to her everyday? Or your God father?  He has the unlimited guards for 1 you, and all for next by or newly land, or they joint venture together with Mably?! Your future bright day? How did you get up there so fast? Before the typhoon lands? I just saw you about yesterday. I trust the red Paddington.

Your home is that direction?

That way? That must be the taxi to 588 those road instruction is not written you the Chinese that clear. I cannot type in Japanese and I won't know anything about where you all going, to put up a good family image, and how long you all staying there with Mably or Middleton, and that is not ending up to Maryland all together on your itinerary


Its an ancient Chinese. The Art of War. Harry?! 

The Asia culture is nothing like America or Europe, especially....it might be more like NYC I don't even know. Look normal, talk normal, dress normal, and act normal. We...have those political things, and to them and to me, there is no such things you all connected. They know what made of me, and waiting the next ...to take him to the temple or anyone to spiritually endow, on the money value, or on the virtuous value. The paper works organization or the parents calling them normal, or they retrain their family, to keep everyone fed, to sound normal life to the normal degree......they live happier or quieter.

Not every afternoon is this loud America what things, or how much you all stay in to sound like the supportive cause to look like the Great Britain used to be the culture, suppose to land in America will be more meritorious or encouraged than any part of this side of all spectrum in all worlds. - to tell you the Truth. 

This is a City, we are not again Shanghai, or NYC or now Tokyo. There are the million people living in here having their own happy freedom life, just like that NYC.

We speak Chinese here, write in Chinese. I am not sure China inside can access the outside, so assuming just the immigrant south Asia some traveler or the business travelers they long ago all established. 

There is a certain value supposed to be in the Asian world, and those things kinds not yet dead, all gone. You all liberty happy world is in America, I would say that.

Westlife is the celebrity, and King is the King.

Everyone else is the minor. Pass my words to your mother will sound like once for all solved issue.

The celebrity has the company interests.

The celebrity has the investment going on and on.

The celebrity has the YEARS accumulated to none celebrity human, you all sound like oneness, starting 2 months, or 3 months ago, a wedding.

The celebrity has the wide range of the interests they are not the regular people.

The celebrity to where you don't imagine the same branding, because I am so blind. 1st week....I would hope your mother gone to hell or be here tomorrow, taken you all back 6 of you, together 1 you issue. Seriously.

You think your parents will be here tomorrow? Or already there in Japan, your dad?

Everyone shows up.  Its not the hell degree, its a warning.

Someone has 3 months patience, is not the first day told ...I am not like any other girls (says the Ella Enchanted). Your parents will be warned, per mistake, not an immediate first day remove out of my face, every 1st day, sound like what I look like or sound like.

Including that King.

Not 1 mistake....or error per water dare to touch the floor,. Or your all head skull will be on the wall til this all solving, someone all in this Asian Pacific. You care about this rim, at all. Just everyone die in the heat, I am so willing to slaughter all the humanity, to sound like you 1 personal happy marriage, those needle inside your luggage, preparation. 

There are 5 people behind you, the scammer's group.

You have you hired the hiding place in Dubai, that direction? You ready your life plan to adopt an Asian Melinda looking girl, not the toddler, so this Olivia is pregnant on the newspaper. Its not real, but you 2 must live inside Taipei some apartment....Its you Eben adopting style....for the psychological reason, she must walk, or I must stay awake, you all going back, you love your desk jobs 24 hours she stays indoor finally rest...all that. Until that typhoon hits, so I can be restful. Anything else so many of this never end. None of this will be Westlife told me they let you doing that, right? They are from Ireland, not England.

You don't join the conversation pretending....

I = that King, I am ziliion above that King above this world. You kneel to talk, you bow your head, you cut your 2 legs to talk.....sound like the correct attitude, with your tongue included that is 7 family member in blinds sight as the offering eternity.


Not the conversation me and Westlife, or Westlife and Brian Backstreet Boy, not all of them SA any side, you don't have a place in England, not even those prince drugs or psycho included. Never that Middleton. But I heard...she acquires a HUGH HUGH fan clubs in Europe, so you pretend to touch the England future Queen all that sorts of stuffs. She just not known very well here, yet.

Tina has a kid name George, you know why? Its Atlanta, Georgia, Tamang hiding somewhere, near that FL to say political, from NYC, that is very cold to very hot.....you know all these in details, someone will learn right.

Your heart dead....on the newspaper.

To be honest, if you would be like my brother would be 40 years useless human following your mother until the day she dies....no friends, no phone, no chat, nothing, but helping her in the house, or sleeping resting, talk to the doctors, sorting you all 3 perfect sister any life they wanted, just be that useless Pang would have too tall to stay in that phobia's room like her mother, for the rest of his life.

No bar, no friends, no one, no talking.

It would be for everyone's heaven. In 40 years, in sound that evolutionary, you feel like you getting somewhere....

He scared no jobs, we cannot let him watching as the 3rd person on that door, because the stair bar walking down, its too low at this long leg waistline. We are the attic almost....but its fine with my mother or me. How they built this stair, or ANY public utility here, only the 101 does those YOUR ALL height leverage escalator....

He can take the trash, he can learn the bill, he can sleep, no talking, just eat the home food, my mother made. Not those oily, not those social, not those drinking bar, every K1-K6 friends, because he needs he needs he needs his faces....whatever this all world spinning around how great he looks.

Me =1 human only exists in this entire Universe, not even this Ronan.

How far, we keep this....my mouth has a tongue, I ever talk about it.

My Family?

You mean everyone's family is a junk, other than your family? Do you mean the King?

That England King?! How does his wife dead?!

I am from America, to your age, you wasn't a teens. Too many years to have all those junky left behind, I was told their attendance records in class to make me believe, if they EF make up something to lie about, or they naturally suppose to go to the class and not drop out. I heard it more than once, 6 years ago, and yesterday.

Twice, again

In Asia, was my home. The capital city means just like Swallow those life, no one knows. King's financee pretending a point, called Blend. Some people is freedom other than the needles, not because I need to seize that power, with or without my father. Maybe his father is coming back 1911 those years, just below that General WWII, how make me and this King has one thing in common, to be honest.....how I used to be born, to start complaining...any time I look at that TV with his face, I will always be remembered.

Two strangers never met in life, how much in common.

Does your mother seen my painting? The Sailor Moon's Scepter, how these 2 typhoon are drawn and in common? She knows which one? My brother used to love Sailor Moon. It wasn't say.....he was a toddler, not the 3rd grades, something else. Your mother remembered?  I grew my brother sometimes when he was the toddler, not later. It hurts me anything else just like that Nick says what's his mail box inside his head received.  Amazing, a lot of them has the ability or the dreaming faculty. It would be like 60 years ago, he done that with his younger sister. So the day I met this Mia looking like Alyssa...he told me...about the young kids like them. Not WE both have to suffered every single time, finally he left by himself to deal with his own pain. 

No one ever drawn a map on Japan?! The typhoon trajectory pathway !!! OR my painting, if not with Westlife??! The million people ages drawing that, you wonder why you should be dead each and every single time, Hugh.

I lived in the City. Its a capital city. I already told everyone, my family per image, to per name, to per TV inside. EXCEPT the real interaction between each other, or something about life. I got no life. The actual conversation like introducing each other's family members.......you mean how these TV make the castle human sounds like animated story.

You mean everyone told you about the family members in the Party, that is.....Your country national pride doing that. We are the city life in the capital. There are the million people to say introduction, we never end all those people we knew or talked to just on the road, someone can make an acquaintance culture other than those motorcycle's life. 

Its known ~~~ (color marking)

I am so blind.

The movie is a story for the phone ! So that is not your mother.....its ME.

I didn't have the time to think. There is my headache, everything is painful to me. The standing up time, or laying it down, my head, my left side half body, my pelvic, the women's worse behind, the hip all bone, cannot turn, cannot bend.

A phone story....to a stranger, like you make an acquaintance of the city, the capital sleek life, in Asia, here? Me? Disney 1928 the Micky Mouse will be celebrating that 100 years old birthday.

... recently I learn there is a new way calling Westlife since we are apart two very different worlds, I have a new revelation what I should do to them, the guys. 20 years I was not in the modern sleek, never say 25 years away from Taipei (going out included).

To use a phone !  (Taipei inline phone has this loud sound beep or American, they used to) 

Social for the movie to make the vola of my personal statue to crown my head in Heaven. Sorry, that should be Babaji and his....all that

scene...  / scenery. 

You like the song in Ella Enchanted ?! That same one song.

Everyone girl has that special moment, like Laura if she finds out, or Kelly, too. What it means to them to their entire family or the entire neighborhood all community. They wish only, the only wish they ever got in their whole life time....like that Ola :  Its that Mat at the door her arm lean on, to sound like one scene to their parents, make that much worth in this tarted cloth human, called the white trash, or the red neck trailer's life, or the rural Western New York, Dean is from Hamburg. That is how much the worth of all these movie combine in value, not they themselves have a value since 20 years ago...

It was 25 years go +2 years. At least someone could have wake me up!

A seat belt front row, the father pulling like that W Two worlds, to your mother? Will sound sweet to me...really. To the best friend home to say the High school party, because, the only value that would be the entry door of that moment, for 1 years, they finally lift up their spirits, to say staying home, not by pass all that Past of all Past, to landing every new worlds, and orcs doing that...on the side.

Its me, without all stories to end up today.

There wasn't a discussion points, all they ever need if their community seeing those story, was a comfort zone of every phone calls, every text, every word, every line routes phone company on In-Time wall.....the calling of the family line mins in the US is ALL free, T-Mobile, she used to be the model of my phone company.

In Time.

Its was a package after 5 or the total combine mins through T-mobile.

Because I didn't have a family to share the phone line, I remember, it was $ 39.99. Tina used all the mins from my mother's phone, that's why. They were in.....2 next by with a name city on the tax form. I still remembered it. I file it for her.

I could vent to the whole world, will never be on my Line App family better statue, where is your kids at? All over the TV monitor walls. I care about them that much...at all.

But for the low intelligent and the weak human like the white beard race....the family and the national pride is all their patriot, to that TV news when the ending of those electric voter's....registration was nothing but the whimp decision to end up the 50 states, so they will have a glorious name on that president just like that England dash vertical 3 lines....down. Where they belongs....to one of those days.

Anything Disney, at least.... "You make me enchanted felt, to sound like, I did nothing else to spend my one text line on....comfort zone, wordy, you think?"

"That's all you ever reporting....brief. Anything else?"

(So ..)

The birds no sound, they didn't wake me up. 

Not about so ....still in Korea.

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