

I heard.

Weight commercial: I know 2 days ago. She got fat.

Jason Wu design Michelle Obama's dresses.


無際 he is a name

吳季剛 he designs a building and all things she wears them.

( I got told, not to tell you, the news ) 23.....sex. Nick. No, he is my height.

蛋黃酥 = fat.

Britney's height was on the bill - 5 feet 4' in cm. Yesterday online.

I think a lot of people got very fat on the food dining.

You use the online teenage girl's weight standard.

3 height = 三高

Weight 體重, height 身高, waistline 腰圍

My uncle (Irene's father) has that medication needs to take the medicine but he is very very thin. Not too much weight even. Tina's current last name = Jojo 舅舅 means your mother's older brother (in Chinese each side is a different name)

The blood pressure, BMI ....


The high pressure, the high blood sugar, the high BMI

No, I had a too low blood pressure. I keep eating every so often in my mouth. They improve something along that COVID 19. Around here....some private doctors groups, not limited to 1 doctor's office. They got this blood pressure machine. They make it easy not necessary to go to the hospital. They line up like 5 or 6 doctors photo outside.

oh no !

I think its Shane !

?! Right, not sure. I think.....I didn't really make that too priority in my life. Because....I think because its the band, him = Shane is the reason !?  I think he did a very good job, every appearance, and all that, how he runs things, and he has to distribute himself to his bandmate and that Ronan. He reminds me....other than I went to sleep years 25 years when I had to be in some of those jobs. My phone.

I tell him ....growing old parts.

What we gonna do when we get old, those parts. Like....every parts til getting old, some details. I didn't realize his real face til yesterday. I seeing a different image, more like the otters, and I believe that is whom he is. Very close.

Not the first day I understand every name, or every talk I calling them, the first 2 weeks, not even my own voice. 

Not the first day...stressful. 

But it takes a year I just tell him, if I found out, I tell him straight, including the near by. No, I don't hide it from him. I tell him.

The shower, the bathroom, the nail cut.  (other than the cleaning counter or near by everything else to clean.), that I didn't let him listen to it. The toilet lid, and the AI control panel, and those towels to wash wash wash. The hand tower, the counter where the dental floss, the sink to detergent and then scrap, and then the water rinse. This part I didn't tell him. 

Its my home to stay.....so ....those details....because there is a floor mat, inside and outside. My mother helps me those still and the hair to the bath tube. Right now I drop that in there, I used to pick up one by one in the tissue, no idea how busy I am.

Sometimes...to tell a guy that much of the reality, the money and the bathroom....the floor why I am busy and all that.

Not very polite, he is a celebrity.

I am very often inside my bathroom. Too many this Zawanna them, I can hear them. Its not polite neither. I getting more indoor, so I smell if I walk in my bathroom.

The bathroom (toilet)

Everyday !

Every surface is not every single day all together, you know that. But toilet is almost 2 or 3 days together. The hair is everyday or 2 days. I have to cut it, its very hard to dry them when they are longer.

My keyboard, my mouse, my PC 4 frames, and the battery screen buttom. My speaker phone or the hard drive. You see the dust you wipe them. No, the water. The circular round base below that 4 frame, your hand touch wipe, touch wipe...and all these inside the keyboard, the cotton bar....this is so dirty. The smaller hair inside, the cotton bar wet, and I will be staring at that keyboard the next 5 mins....you see how they open that?

It might be too much reality, I tell Shane....because I type it here, too.

He is a quiet person, I just tell him 2 years don't bother me. He has too many concert going after party or the after business with all of them, so go and busy. 

No, I know he is busy. I didn't call him....

You know Shane is the main singer, right? He is the only Westlife?!

I never say he is the only?! 

Those are his professional world. The colleague. 

I think Shane is fine....the rest dating 2 months....maybe they believe that is real. Never met the strangers. 

He talks to Westlife? Yes.

The day he and me clear things? You mean to keep him as the phone number the emergency contact? Maybe his company front desk, that will be somewhat reliable and Kian, or Nicky? He told me whom. 

I have.....a phone.

He knows I have a phone, YES.


1 Shane, Babaji talks to Ronan from the screen or someone else. Ronan he believes those?

Inside the real teaching, not the criminal justice, when Ronan meeting the upper.....sometimes that is the business, and sometimes its he sits quietly to think through things, or reading some books and contemplate on that. He hasn't meet the upper, yet....right?

Shane talks to Ronan, right.

Shane talks to Westlife.

It was in English 20 years ago to have the group meeting, or EF 25 years those time?! You know how I first learning in English? You mean join an agenda meeting? To verbalize that agenda meeting through that opinionated views? Those? I can see what they do, what they say, copy and paste them. Not ....participating to say be the friends next by each other, in the real white taller race worlds, so I left APO to CAC.

Meaning you hear in English, comprehend the correct spokeman or the president says. But you have a long table of 10 people all together, or coming in going out members. You dare to tell 10 people on the table what the biggest tallest leadership he ever says? Because the rest of them are saying.....

In English, they usually talk all out on the same table.

Maybe my brain doesn't hear them all correctly, its all the room heated discussion.

CAC girls one night they do these homeless carbo box on the back of the SA union, one back door and I just left, either by myself or with Melinda, I just drive home. Its very cold, and pretend to be the homeless in UB, but live or stay on those carbo box. On the floor, those real floor. I went home, the warm shower, and the foot soaking warm water, and I have a bed, I just left.

Do I usually say hallo goodbye those?

Now because this whole things so giant on the TV? NO!

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